Posts Tagged ‘escaped’

WATCH! Escaped circus lion roams around Italian town before capture


Spanish Right-Wing Politician Shot In Face In Madrid, Shooter Escaped On Motorbike

Police said he was shot around 1:30 p.m. local time and was conscious when taken to a hospital. Source

Escaped killer caught on camera in Pennsylvania, with new look: police

Danelo Cavalcante, a convicted murderer who escaped jail a week and a half ago, was spotted Saturday night donning a new appearance, state police said Sunday morning.  Pennsylvania State Police released new photos of Cavalcante, 34, taken Saturday night near Phoenixville in northern Chester County, and they described his new appearance as clean shaven, wearing a “yellow… […]

ME FIRST!!! Ted Cruz Who Escaped to Sunny Cancun While Texican Children Froze to Death, Who’s Wife Is Pro Over Run Western World With 3ed World Illegal Invasion Terrorist, Blasts Fellow Political Whore Biden For Bailouts Of Corrupt Banks

ME FIRST ted Cruz who ran to sunny Cancun like the coward he is from the Killer Freeze in Texas a couple of years back AS THE Occupied Republic of Texas ship the TEXAS GOES DOWN, SCALAWAG SHIP’S OFFICER CRUZ TAKES THE FIRST LIFEBOAT FOR HIMSELF,HIS LUGGAGE AND PLENTY OF BLANKETS TO KEEP HIS CHAMPAGNE […]

Tempi train collision: “I’m ashamed to be alive,” says 19-year-old who escaped the dining carriage

A 19-year-old physiotherapy student who was traveling with her boyfriend on Intercity 62, the passenger train involved in the Tempi train collision, is evidently suffering. In an interview, she said, among other things, “I’m ashamed to be alive” and “I’m sorry I survived.” Vasiliki was in the restaurant carriage, the second carriage of the train… […]

The First Recorded Incident of an Escaped Slave

Today, slavery is seen as one of the worst atrocities mankind has ever committed, but once slavery was seen as just another part of everyday life. The Hellenistic world of ancient Greece was no stranger to slavery. Read more Section:  News Ancient Places Africa History Famous People Read Later  Source

Lessons learned from the escaped Palestinian political prisoners

What are the lessons we, Palestinians, have learned from the successful prison break carried out by six political prisoners earlier this month? This prison break brought Israel’s “mythical” security system to its knees. All Palestinians, whether those living in the 1967 occupied areas, or Israel’s third-class citizens, or refugees living in miserable refugee camps and […]

Israeli forces capture last 2 escaped Palestinian prisoners in Jenin

Israeli forces have recaptured the last two escaped Palestinian prisoners following last week’s jailbreak from a high-security prison, Israeli police said on Saturday, reports Anadolu Agency. In a statement, the police said that the two Palestinians Iham Kamamji and Monadel Infiat were captured in the city of Jenin. Israel’s inevitable failure: how a old rusty […]

Unbelievable Photo Shows Hundreds Of Afghans Escaped Taliban Aboard U.S. C-17s

In the wake of Joe Biden being awoken from his slumber and forced to defend the complete lack of any plan to withdraw Americans from Afghanistan, one former CIA veteran says he was appalled by the lies that came out of Biden’s mouth, adding that “plan after plan” was sent to the government but “no […]

Who Said It: Joe Biden Or This Crazy Escaped Asylum Patient We Met Behind A 7-Eleven?

Who Said It: Joe Biden Or This Crazy Escaped Asylum Patient We Met Behind A 7-Eleven? Sometimes, it can be hard to tell a quote from the person who said it! This is especially true of Joe Biden, the most popular president of all time, whose presidential quotes are often mistaken for the ramblings of […]

‘You Just Don’t Understand Socialism Like I Do,’ Says College Freshman To Man Who Escaped Socialism On A Raft

‘You Just Don’t Understand Socialism Like I Do,’ Says College Freshman To Man Who Escaped Socialism On A Raft MIAMI, FL—While on his way to a summer sociology course at the University of Miami, local college freshman Eddard Pollyton noticed a Cuban American man sitting on a bench. He took the time to lecture the man, who […]

Man Bitten By Neighbor’s Escaped Python In Toilet In Austria

BERLIN (AP) — A man in Austria was bitten by a 1.6-meter (5 1/4-foot) python during an early-morning visit to the toilet at his home on Monday, police said. The reptile, which apparently escaped from a neighbor’s apartment and may have slithered through the drains, was cleaned and handed back to its owner. The 65-year-old […]

3 Leopards Escaped A Chinese Zoo. The Zoo Didn’t Tell Anyone For Weeks.

Officials at a safari park in the eastern Chinese city of Hangzhou have apologized after three leopards escaped late last month and no one notified the public. According to a statement by Hangzhou’s vice mayor, translated to English by NBC News, the leopards escaped on April 19. The zoo kept news of their disappearance quiet, […]

Former CDC Director Tells CNN Coronavirus Likely Escaped From Wuhan Lab

More than 2 weeks after the media predicted catastrophe due to Texas lifting its mask mandate and Joe Biden labeled the move “neanderthal thinking,” COVID cases in Texas have dropped to a record low while hospitalizations are at their lowest since October. Oh. Earlier this month, Texas governor Greg Abbott announced an end to mask […]

WHO Dismisses Theory That Virus Escaped From Lab As ‘Extremely Unlikely’

A group of World Health Organization researchers called the theory that the coronavirus pandemic is the result of a Chinese lab accident “extremely unlikely” following two weeks of fieldwork looking into the pandemic’s origins. That determination was made after “long, frank, open discussions with researchers and management” at the Wuhan Institute of Virology ― the lab […]

‘Very risky behavior’: Indonesian seaman who escaped South Korean quarantine through hole under fence gets suspended sentence

An Indonesian seaman who escaped from a South Korean Covid-19 quarantine center by digging a hole under a fence has received a suspended sentence after the judge said his behavior undermined the country’s coronavirus response. The unnamed 24-year-old man, who escaped from the center through a hole under a fence on his last day of […]

The Chess Master portraits that escaped the Holocaust

 The Netflix miniseries “Queen’s Gambit” inspired recollections of world-famous chess master portraits created roughly a century ago by my father, David Friedmann. It was exciting to hear some of the names he portrayed, including Capablanca, Bogoljubov, Grunfeld, Alekhine, and Réti. Chess, Art, Celebrity My father was a violinist and chess enthusiast. As a professional artist, […]

Report: North Korean Gymnast Escaped Country by Leaping over 10-Foot Fence

The South Korean newspaper JoongAng Ilbo reported on Tuesday that, according to a government source, the latest man to escape from North Korea was a professional gymnast and only managed to cross the highly guarded Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) by leaping over a ten-foot fence. North Korean refugees, typically referred to as “defectors” as the word more […]

Afro-Girl Shown Footage of Escaped Circus Monkeys

Racist nibba child gets called out. Sub my bitchute. Sub my Telegram. Help me out with some shekels.

Philly: Wild Escaped Sheboon Attacks White Woman in Church

Around sheboons, never relax, not even in church. These black animals continue to prove themselves to be the untermensch of the human race. This was completely random and unprovoked, anti-white racial aggression from a primitive black ape. The jew media has incited and normalized this kind of anti-white violence, and you’ll only see it get […]

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