Posts Tagged ‘socialism’

Race – A Pillar in the Structure of National Socialism

The present racial situation in this country, as well as all of the countries inhabited by the White race, is leading the earth into a dark age of lawlessness, degeneracy, disease, slavery, and possibly the extinction of the White race. Each day that goes by proves more and more that Adolf Hitler, and all others […]

It NEVER Benefits the People: The Dark History of Socialism and Communism in Romania

Renegade Editor’s Note: She concludes by saying that Communism and socialism will never work, but National Socialism was working rather well until the world powers ganged up on Germany. By Daisy Luther As those of you who are newsletter or Patreon subscribers know, I spent a month in Romania learning more about the history of this fascinating country. One thing […]

It’s Worse Than Socialism—It’s Schwabism

Commentary It’s now 50 years since Klaus Martin Schwab, a mechanical engineer and founder of the World Economic Forum (WEF), launched the first-ever Davos Manifesto, a call to leaders to imagine a better world, one where all humans, the rich and the poor, lived in complete and utter harmony. However, as many readers are all […]

National Socialism’s Racial Thinking

Since we have learned to recognize and respect the physical and intellectual characteristics of the earth’s various races, we are free of the sick desire that sees no differences, or seeks to make everything the same in the political, cultural, and religious realms. We are conscious once again of our characteristics and want to care […]

Agenda 2030 – the practically undisguised roadmap to global socialism and corporatism/fascism

Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch Folk need to see right through the Agenda 2030 spin they’ve been spinning since they first introduced this idea in the early ’90s. Since that time have we ever seen any so called ‘sustainable’ practices? Pollution’s at an all time high. People are sicker than ever. Poverty abounds. All countries virtually […]

Home Depot Cofounder Bernie Marcus Blames Socialism for ‘Lazy,’ ‘Fat,’ ‘Stupid’ Labor Force

Home Depot cofounder Bernie Marcus blamed socialism for generating an entitled labor force that is ‘lazy,’ ‘fat,’ and ‘stupid.’ Source

Spanish Lady Explains Why She Embraces National Socialism

This Spanish lady is not afraid of speaking the truth about National Socialism and its goals. Share now! Source

America’s Marxist-Left has disturbing Nazi socialism parallels: Cultural tyranny and media-induced mass formation psychosis

(Natural News) The mass authoritarianism “delusion” of the Left is well underway in America, and nearly every person who voted for nearly any Democrat cannot see it. They are under the spell. From the fixed election to the scamdemic, the Democrats are brainwashed under a liberal umbrella that just keeps sinking them deeper into what […]

America’s Marxist-Left has disturbing Nazi socialism parallels: Cultural tyranny and media-induced mass formation psychosis

(Natural News) The mass authoritarianism “delusion” of the Left is well underway in America, and nearly every person who voted for nearly any Democrat cannot see it. They are under the spell. From the fixed election to the scamdemic, the Democrats are brainwashed under a liberal umbrella that just keeps sinking them deeper into what […]

Capitalism Created the Climate Catastrophe; Socialism Can Avert Disaster

In November 2022, most member states of the United Nations (UN) will gather in the Egyptian resort city of Sharm El Sheikh for the annual UN Climate Change Conference. This is the 27th conference of the parties to assess the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, commonly referred to as COP 27. The international environmental treaty […]

Our Movement Is the Cure: Fighting for Healthcare Means Fighting for Socialism

On July 30 activists marched and rallied in Washington, DC, calling for a more humane healthcare system. Physician and Left Voice member Mike Pappas spoke at the rally about how capitalism and health aren’t compatible. Below is the text from his speech. Hi, everyone. My name is Mike, and I’m a healthcare worker in New […]

Cuba’s Nonalignment: A Foreign Policy of Peace and Socialism

Though Bandung in Indonesia and Havana in Cuba couldn’t be farther apart geographically—with each city located on two distant islands in their respective countries and separated by more than 17,000 km—they have been ideologically close in the imaginations of many people across the Global South. The Third World Project, born out of the continuous collaboration between […]

National Socialism Fundamentals (Simplified)

Note: Free PDF on “National Socialism – The Fundamentals” is linked here: These “fundamentals” SIMPLIFIED come, for the most part, directly from Hitler’s book, “Mein Kampf”, which was written in 1925, and other sources.  Mein Kampf was Hitler’s autobiography. These “fundamentals” SIMPLIFIED are for the purpose of a quick introduction to National Socialism.  By no […]

BEWARE: Biden’s ‘Build Back Better’ Socialism Bill Is The ‘Great Reset’

The mission of “Build Back Better” is to grow government and to dismantle “capitalism” – and is directly related to the “Great Reset.” With the help of corrupt republicans, the radical left has managed to pass horrific spending legislation under the guise of “infrastructure.” But despite the major win for socialism and inflation, progressives are […]

Noam Chomsky Goes Off The Deep End – Proving That All Socialism Leads To Tyranny

I was recently watching a new interview with 92-year-old Noam Chomsky, a figure of general worship among leftist academics, and I began reminiscing about the first time I read the book ‘Manufacturing Consent’. Though I have never agreed with Chomsky’s politics I have always appreciated his analysis on the methods the establishment uses to control […]

The Glasgow summit, climate change, and the case for socialism

Heads of state, government ministers and thousands of other delegates from all corners of the globe are converging on Glasgow, Scotland for two weeks of climate change talks beginning this weekend. This year marks the 26th round of negotiations following the ratification by more than 190 countries of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate […]

Sinha’s Writing:  An Alternative Vision of Socialism

The aim of consumerism, which the rulers of these [socialist] economies had promoted, when they aspired to surpass the United States in the standard of life, conceived in terms of capitalist West, forced them to abandon their socialist objective. The consumerist standards of the Western world could be achieved only by providing very high incomes […]

Soviets use doped athletes to trick world into believing socialism trumps capitalism

A statue of Soviet leader Vladimir Lenin stands in front of the Luzhniki stadium in Moscow on December 6, 2019. – The executive committee of the World Anti-Doping Agency will meet in Lausanne on December 9 to consider a recommendation for the ban, which would exclude Russians from major sports events including the 2020 Tokyo […]

Defend The Cuba Revolution And Struggle For More Socialism

Millions have turned away from the illusions and corruption of capitalism toward the possibility of organizing a society informed by the values of cooperation, equality, community, peace, and life. “Capitalism transforms water into a commodity, food into a luxury, education into an impossibility and basic healthcare into a distant dream.’ Hundreds of thousands of unnecessary […]

‘You Just Don’t Understand Socialism Like I Do,’ Says College Freshman To Man Who Escaped Socialism On A Raft

‘You Just Don’t Understand Socialism Like I Do,’ Says College Freshman To Man Who Escaped Socialism On A Raft MIAMI, FL—While on his way to a summer sociology course at the University of Miami, local college freshman Eddard Pollyton noticed a Cuban American man sitting on a bench. He took the time to lecture the man, who […]

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