Posts Tagged ‘structure’

Who is really pulling the strings at the very top of the global power structure?

KHAZARIAN CABAL: Their Rothschild Frontman, Super Stealthy MO & Greatest Challenge Ever Submitted by Revisionist Historians for World Peace SOTN Exclusive $64,000 question: Who is operating at the peak of the pinnacle of the world power pyramid today? In the wake of the 10/7 false flag terrorist operation staged by the Zionist State of Israel, […]

Race – A Pillar in the Structure of National Socialism

The present racial situation in this country, as well as all of the countries inhabited by the White race, is leading the earth into a dark age of lawlessness, degeneracy, disease, slavery, and possibly the extinction of the White race. Each day that goes by proves more and more that Adolf Hitler, and all others […]

World’s Oldest Wooden Structure Found in Zambia – It’s Half a Million Years Old!

At the Kalambo Falls archaeological site in northeastern Zambia, archaeologists recovered specimens of ancient wood in the form of logs that had been preserved in waterlogged sand next to the Kalambo River for nearly a half-a-million years—or for 476,000 years, to be more exact.  Read more Section:  News History & Archaeology Read Later  Source

How The ‘Great Society’ Destroyed The Nuclear Family Structure In One Chart

How The ‘Great Society’ Destroyed The Nuclear Family Structure In One Chart by Tyler Durden Sunday, Jul 16, 2023 Who destroyed the American family? The argument can be made that the Great Society programs initiated the destruction of the nuclear family structure. The blame starts with President Lyndon B. Johnson’s set of domestic programs in […]


…AND KHAZARIAN OVERLORDS WHO RULE THE REALM INTRODUCTION If ever there was a time to correctly understand how the world is really run, that time is now. Since the fate of humanity and future of planet Earth now lies in the very delicate balance, these revelations are more important than ever. For only a truly […]

Lost Roman Map has ATLANTIS at Eye of Sahara Africa! (Richat Structure)

Astonishing NEW details have been uncovered involving the Lost Ancient City of Atlantis, and the Eye of The Sahara. These details are so significant that the Richat Structure should without a doubt, be considered the most likely location of the lost capital city of Atlantis. THANKS TO: Source


Ever hear of Yodlee? Neither had I, until I discovered it was aggregating my data in my bank account, and likely selling it to third parties. This quickly became a personal dig, until I found staggering connections that I realized the public needs to be made aware of. Before you determine this has nothing to […]

What Do Astronauts, Atlantis, and Africa Share? The Richat Structure!

Tucked away in Mauritania, surrounded by the imposing, shifting dunes of the Sahara Desert, lies the Richat Structure. Read more Section:  News Ancient Places Africa Unexplained Phenomena Read Later 

The Great British Archaeoastronomical Megalithic Structure Myth

In 1637 AD, John Greaves, the English mathematician, astronomer, antiquarian and professor of geometry at Gresham College in London, England, measured and studied famous ancient monuments in Italy and Egypt including the Great Pyramid. This pre-archaeological investigation project sparked great interest in ancient metrology and the alignments and orientations of ancient cultures, and this new […]

The scale, diversity and structure of the anti-mandate/pro-freedom occupation at the NZ Parliament

Hornets❜ Nest Surrounded: Liberty Occupation, New Zealand Parliament Wellington Dispatch No. 002By Steve ‘Snoopman’ Edwards The occupation of New Zealand’s Parliament Grounds in the capital city of Wellington and surrounding streets —which began at lunchtime on February 8th 2022 — appears to be growing into a bona-fide grass-roots peaceful uprising. By Thursday 17 February, it […]

Cosmic Rays Could Finally Reveal Structure of Mysterious Tomb of China’s First Emperor

For over two millennia, the tomb of China’s first emperor, Qin Shi Huang have been locked away, with scientists and historians the world over desperate to catch a glimpse of what really lies within. The mausoleum, now a UNESCO World Heritage Site located in the Xi’an Lintong District, was accidentally unearthed by a group of […]

The global power structure

November 27th, 2021 Iain Davis is an author and investigative journalist. He discusses the global partnerships between corporations, NGOs, and governments; how one-world governance is being achieved through policymaking and policy distribution; why voting doesn’t matter; who is pulling the public strings; and what we can do to protect ourselves from globalist tyranny. Video: […]

On The Structure Of Kellogg’s Corporate Control

Above Photo: [13 On Your Side / Youtube) Workers at Kellogg’s went on strike early October for the first time since 1972. It’s now mid-November, snow is falling, and it’s starting to get really cold outside. At the request of the company, workers briefly returned to the negotiating table in what turned out to be […]

Love, Romance, Intimacy, Eroticism, Nudity and Sex Under Power Structure

When I was young, Helen was supposed to be a sex bomb in Hindi films. She played the role of vamp. But then, there were also others for the vamp roles. So, she stuck to her dancing roles. She was a good dancer. I still cannot understand why she was considered as a sex bomb. […]

Gratitude Can Literally Change Your Heart & The Molecular Structure Of Your Brain

Gratitude is a funny thing. In some parts of the world, somebody who gets a clean drink of water, some food, or a worn out pair of shoes can be extremely grateful. Meanwhile, somebody else who has all the necessities they need to live can be found complaining about something. What we have today is […]

Buildings and Structure: Epoch Word Search

Buildings and Structure: Epoch Word Search Recommended Puzzles Sunday, August 29, 2021: Epoch Sudoku Medium Some benefits of playing Sudoku may include reducing anxiety and stress, and improving concentration, problem-solving skills, logical thinking, and … August 28, 2021 Sunday, August 29, 2021: Epoch Crossword ‘Ancient metal collar’, ‘Restaurant calculation’, ‘Chowhound’, ‘Bridal collection’, and ‘Look of […]

Structure, probably dug by ancient troglodytes, discovered in northern Iran

TEHRAN – Remnants of a rocky structure, which is thought to probably be carved by ancient troglodytes, have been discovered in northern Iran. The structure was accidentally unearthed during a grading and site preparation in Rudbar county of Gilan province, deputy provincial tourism chief Vali Jahani announced on Wednesday, CHTN reported. “The finding, according to […]

Covid rocks India’s federal structure, amidst calls for reform

On 2 June 2021, Odisha Chief Minister Navin Patnaik wrote a letter to all chief ministers urging them to “unite and form a consensus that the Centre should procure Covid vaccines and distribute them free to the States.” With this rallying call, Navin Patnaik, waded into the controversy between the central and state governments over […]

The Global Power Structure Behind OPERATION COVID-19 & COVID KILL SHOT Exposes Itself

Multiple Crime Waves of COVID-19 Bioterrorism,the Covid Super Vaccination Agenda andCOVID-1984 Implementation PlanCould Only Be Executed WorldwideVia a Highly Organized and ComplexGlobal Criminal Conspiracy Supported by Every Major Government, NGO,Scientific Research Institution,Fortune 1000 Company,College & University,and Secret Societyon the Planet Really, is there any NWO globalist entity not participating in CORONAhoax?! Above the peak of the pinnacle of the world, […]

Ukrainian Burial Mound Dig Reveals 5,500-Year-Old Stonehenge-like Structure

Scythians and other warring cultures and the archaeological remnants of their history are under attack by developers in Ukraine looking to construct new luxury country homes. There are two roadblocks in their quest for unrestricted profiteering. The first comes in the form of 4,000-5,500-year-old burial mounds, almost 100,000 in number and scattered across the countryside, […]

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