Posts Tagged ‘pulling’

‘It felt like pulling my heart out of the earth:’ testimonies from the mass grave at Nasser Hospital

As Civil Defense teams continue to unearth hundreds of bodies from the mass graves discovered at Nasser Hospital, Palestinians are flocking to the medical complex in search of their missing loved ones. Source

Who is really pulling the strings at the very top of the global power structure?

KHAZARIAN CABAL: Their Rothschild Frontman, Super Stealthy MO & Greatest Challenge Ever Submitted by Revisionist Historians for World Peace SOTN Exclusive $64,000 question: Who is operating at the peak of the pinnacle of the world power pyramid today? In the wake of the 10/7 false flag terrorist operation staged by the Zionist State of Israel, […]

Dr. David Martin Reveals Who Is Pulling the Strings Behind the World Health Organization

Who are “THEY”? “We have to name the names” in the worst miscarriage of medical science in history. Is it the World Health Organization? Dr. David Martin says Tedros is just a puppet with a “giant stick up his ass, which is what’s making his mouth move.” “But who’s moving the stick for the puppet?” […]

Israel Pulling Thousands Of Troops From Gaza, Military Says

The troop movement could signal that fighting is being scaled back in some areas of Gaza, particularly in the northern half where the military has said it is close to assuming operational control. Source

Khanna: ‘Republican Chaos’ Is Worse than Bowman, He ‘Owned up to’ Pulling Alarm

On Monday’s broadcast of CNN’s “OutFront,” Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA) reacted to Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) pulling a fire alarm and Bowman’s office suggesting talking points calling some Republican members of the House “Nazi members” by stating that there’s “no Source

Russia Offers To Negotiate Pulling Nukes From Belarus – Names Key Condition

Russia Offers To Negotiate Pulling Nukes From Belarus – Names Key Condition Moscow has offered to negotiate a nuclear drawdown on the European continent with the United States, with a Kremlin official identifying the conditions for Russia withdrawing its tactical nuclear weapons from Belarus. But based on the main condition, it is without doubt going […]

Robert Kennedy Jr.’s Bombshell: Who Was REALLY Pulling the Strings Behind JFK’s Assassination? (Video)


YouTube Is Pulling ‘Sound Of Freedom’ Interviews, Reviews

YouTube appears to be removing content featuring or even merely reviewing the movie ‘Sound Of Freedom’ for ‘violating community guidelines’ as censorship of the anti-child trafficking movie continues. Former Navy SEAL and CIA Contractor Shawn Ryan posted screenshots of the backend of his YouTube account, showing that a 2 and a half minute preview video of […]

The US is pulling loyal allies into Asia

Against the backdrop of failed attempts to draw Asian countries into its orbit, Washington decided to enlist the support of old European friends. The French Navy frigate Prairial paid a courtesy visit to Japan from April 20 to April 27. The ship took part in a joint drill to repress unlawful activity at sea before […]

Fast-food chains are pulling a fast one on customers, selling chicken products that are only about 60% real meat

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) Real, organic meat is getting harder and harder to come by. A closer look at 13 popular fast-food chains finds that most of these restaurants sell chicken products that are only about 60 percent real meat.These corporations are selling “premium” and “all-white meat” products that are just watered down, fake food patties […]

’60 Minutes’ Editor Exhausted After Pulling All-Nighter Removing Racial Slurs From Biden’s Interview

U.S. — President Joe Biden sat down for an interview last week with Scott Pelley of 60 Minutes, prompting an all-nighter by the show’s editor who was forced to sift through hours of the president’s racial epithets to produce a 25-minute segment for the long-running CBS show. “Look, Jack, if you feel me,” said Biden […]

Twitter sues Elon Musk for pulling out of $44B deal to buy company

Making it official, Twitter sued Elon Musk on Tuesday for pulling out of the $44 billion dollar deal to buy the social media platform. The lawsuit, filed in the Delaware Court of Chancery, will likely set the stage for a drawn-out legal battle as the company seeks to have Musk follow through on the acquisition, […]

Masterclass in Hypocrisy: Yes to pulling Russian liquor, NO to deshelving Israeli apartheid wines

Editor’s Note: The following statement was issued by the Canada Palestine Association. Mondoweiss occasionally publishes press releases and statements from organizations in an effort to draw attention to overlooked issues. We have been campaigning for years to have illegal Israeli settlement wines pulled off the shelves of publicly owned liquor stores in British Columbia. Successive governments, […]

Former Pennsylvania cop charged with assault after pulling gun on innocent man

Accused of pulling a gun at a man mowing his lawn and firing two shots near him, a retired Pennsylvania police officer was recently charged with carrying a firearm without a permit, discharging a firearm, simple assault, and reckless endangerment of another person. According to arrest records, former Plum Borough police officer Dennis Daugherty returned […]

No More Pulling Down Your Mask to Have a Drink in Australia

Australians have been trying to skirt the rules by having pop up beer gardens on bike paths, but their naughty behaviors haven’t gone unnoticed. Link Share now! Source

Which countries in Europe are pulling embassy staff out of Kabul?

The speed and ferocity of the Taliban’s advance through Afghanistan had caught world leaders off guard, with many countries still scrambling to prepare an official response to the onslaught. With four key cities in the south overrun in the past 24 hours, the Islamist militant group now controls territories that encircle the Afghan capital, Kabul. […]

Joe Biden Admits He Isn’t Pulling Out Of Afghanistan

As the Taliban advance, seizing more provincial capitals in Afghanistan, the US Biden Administration is making it more and more clear that the American government’s ‘forever war’ is not ending anytime soon. Despite the stated large withdrawal of US personnel from Afghanistan, said to be completed by September 11 later this year, the United States […]

MLB, Players Union Face Lawsuit for Pulling All-Star Game from Atlanta

Major League Baseball (MLB) has said they are pulling this year’s All-Star Game from Atlanta. However, they won’t be going anywhere without a legal fight. The Job Creators Network (JCN), a conservative group representing small businesses, plans to file a lawsuit against MLB and their Players Union in hopes of forcing the league to return the […]

Rihanna accused of pulling an ‘ALL LIVES MATTER’ after saying both ‘innocent Israeli and Palestinian children’ suffer

Rihanna has added her name to the list of celebrities who have found themselves in hot water after voicing opinions on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Her neutral “I stand with humanity” stance caused backlash on social media. On her Instagram account, which has over 95.4 million followers, the pop singer and actress wrote that her “heart […]

“His Face Was Radiant”: Pulling Back The Veil On The Mystery Of Moses’ Shining Face

One of the Bible’s most enduring exegetical enigmas has to be the strangely shining semblance of Moses. The Book of Exodus relates how after the great Hebrew lawgiver receives the Ten Commandments from the Lord, he descends Mount Sinai, upon which everyone notices his face has become newly ‘radiant’. Fearful, they withdraw from Moses, and […]

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