Posts Tagged ‘bowman’

Race, guns and Israel: Bowman and Latimer’s heated debate moments

Race, guns and Israel: Bowman and Latimer’s heated debate moments lead image Source

Bowman’s anti-AIPAC fundraising bump

With help from Shawn Ness BOO$T FOR BOWMAN: AIPAC’s attack ads seem to have been a boon for Rep. Jamaal Bowman — at least when it comes to fundraising, Playbook has learned. The endangered progressive’s May haul was more than $1 million — triple what he raised in April — with $770,000 of the contributions […]

Surveillance Footage Confirms Jamaal Bowman Removed Emergency Signs Before Pulling Fire Alarm

Newly released footage confirms Jamaal Bowman threw emergency warning signs to the ground before pulling a House office building fire alarm. Source

Democrat Rep. Jamaal Bowman: U.S. Should ‘Welcome’ Palestinian Refugees

Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) has called on the U.S. to “welcome” Palestinian refugees as experts predict that one million people fleeing Gaza will need new homes.  Source

Khanna: ‘Republican Chaos’ Is Worse than Bowman, He ‘Owned up to’ Pulling Alarm

On Monday’s broadcast of CNN’s “OutFront,” Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA) reacted to Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) pulling a fire alarm and Bowman’s office suggesting talking points calling some Republican members of the House “Nazi members” by stating that there’s “no Source

Rep. Jamaal Bowman Throws Staffer Under the Bus for ‘Nazi’ Controversy in Bizarre Non-Apology

Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) issued a defiant statement Monday blaming a staff member for referencing “Nazi” Republicans in a talking points memo sent by his office to every Democrat House member. Source

Bowman, Sanders and 12 reps demand Biden ‘shift policy’ over Israel’s ‘systemic violence against Palestinians’

Historic Congressional letter demanding cutoff in aid to Israel over human rights violations won broad support from progressive groups and even some liberal Zionists — and an attack by AIPAC. Source

Dem Rep. Bowman: We Need to Ban Assault Rifles, Not Have More Officers, More Cops in Schools Hurts Non-White Kids

On Thursday’s broadcast of “MSNBC Prime,” Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) argued that “when there are more police in schools, because of the explicit and implicit racism that still exists within law enforcement that we don’t deal with consistently, black and

Dem Rep. Bowman Refuses to Walk Back Prior Calls for Police Reductions, Says ‘There Are Other Ways to Respond’ to Issues

On Wednesday’s “CNN Newsroom,” Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) refused to walk back his previous calls for cutting down on police and said that “there are other approaches to respond to mental health crises so someone doesn’t end up dead when

DSA won’t expel Bowman over Israel, but they may withhold endorsement in 2022

The National Political Committee (NPC) of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) have announced that they won’t expel Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) over his vote for additional Iron Dome funding and a recent J Street trip to Israel. However, they say they will revaluate their endorsement process and might refrain from backing the congressman again […]

Bowman, The DSA, and Palestine

The Bowman Saga Continues A couple newsletters ago I wrote about the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) chapters that are calling for Rep. Jamaal Bowman to be expelled from the organization. Bowman’s been a DSA member since 2019 and was backed by the organization during his congressional run in New York’s 16th district. He unseated […]

DSA Palestine activists call for Jamaal Bowman to be expelled from the organization

The Democratic Socialists of America’s (DSA) BDS and Palestine Solidarity Working Group is calling for Rep. Jamaal Bowman (NY-D) to be expelled from the organization. Bowman’s recent trip to Israel and his vote for additional Iron Dome funding have prompted dozens of DSA chapters to make similar calls in recent weeks. “Despite insisting that he […]

DSA chapters call for action against Jamaal Bowman over J Street Israel trip, Iron Dome vote

A growing number of Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) chapters are calling on the national organization to take action against Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY). DSA endorsed Bowman (who is a member of the organization) in his primary run against longtime congressman Eliot Engel, but many members feel that Bowman has violated the group’s political platform with respect […]

Bowman Blowback

A photo tweeted by Israeli President Isaac Herzog on Nov. 11, 2021 showing him and with a Democratic Congressional delegation including Rosa DeLauro, Barbara Lee, Mark Pocan, Mondaire Jones, and Jamaal Bowman. Palestine, Bowman, and The DSA A growing number of Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) chapters are calling on the national organization to take […]

Bowman tries to explain his Iron Dome vote

Bowman and Iron Dome Last year Jamaal Bowman stunned many political pundits by ousting longtime House member Eliot Engel in New York’s 16th district. Engel had fought harder for Israel than just about any Democrat in congress for more than three decades, and for six years he was the ranking member and chair of the […]

Bowman says voting for extra Iron Dome funding won’t stop him from fighting for Palestine

In a recent interview, Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) insisted that his Iron Dome vote doesn’t mean he will stop speaking out about Palestine. Bowman was a guest on The Mehdi Hasan Show, where the MSNBC host asked him about last month’s vote to give Israel an extra $1 billion to fund its missile defense system. […]

Far-Left Jamaal Bowman Will Introduce $1.43 Trillion ‘Green New Deal for Public Schools’

The so-called “squad” member Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) is set to introduce a “Green New Deal for Public Schools” in the House on Friday, which would cost $1.43 trillion over ten years. The far-left Democrat’s proposal would spend $446 billion on Climate Capital Facilities Grants toward retrofitting the nation’s public school buildings. It would also give major investments in expanding social […]

Hypocrite Jamaal Bowman Demanded ‘Police Protection’ While Championing Defunding Police

Democratic Rep. Jamaal Bowman demanded additional police protection at his New York home in January while calling for the defunding of police departments across America. “About a week after the January 6 incident at the Capitol, we received a request from the Congressman’s office for increased police presence at his residence,” Yonkers Police Department Detective […]

Rep. Bowman Criticized for Saying Israel is Excluding Palestinians from Vaccinations

Representative Jamaal Bowman (D-N.Y.) is being criticized by some pro-Israel Twitter users for accusing Israel of excluding Palestinians from the COVID-19 vaccine rollout. Bowman posted a letter to Twitter on February 2 to Israeli Acting Consulate General in New York Israel Nitzan, stating that while he was “heartened” that the Israeli government is providing 5,000 […]

Jamaal Bowman removes tweet criticizing Israel’s vaccine policy

WASHINGTON  — Freshman Democrat Jamaal Bowman removed a tweet that criticized Israel’s vaccine policy. The removal, first noted Thursday by Jewish Insider, urged Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to ensure that Palestinians receive coronavirus vaccinations and added that “this cruelty is another reminder of why the occupation must end.” Israel, which is operating one of […]

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