Posts Tagged ‘debate’

DEMOCRAT PARTY IN FREE-FALL COLLAPSE AFTER BIDEN DEBATE DISASTER: But who’s really behind the perfectly controlled demolition?

State of the Nation No one anywhere in the American political commentariat has even come close to understanding or describing just how highly consequential the first 2024 POTUS election debate really is. First of all, nothing like that “Daffy Debate Debacle” has ever occurred before in U.S. political history—ANYWHERE IN THE 50 STATES.  This totally […]

Here’s the DNC’s New Plan to Quiet Calls For Biden Replacement After Disastrous Debate

Here’s the DNC’s New Plan to Quiet Calls For Biden Replacement After Disastrous Debate Source

Hold the panic – two positive Dem scenarios emerge from the Biden debate debacle 

Either Biden reassures voters that exposed defects won’t impair four more years in power – or approval numbers plunge and he withdraws, thus opening the field. Source

TLAV Locked Out Of Website, Bolivia Coup Attempt, Debate Theater & The World’s Fight Against Zionism

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (6/28/24). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Tucker Reacts to Trump vs. Biden Debate During Sydney, Australia Speech

Tucker Carlson speaks Down Under from Sydney, Australia, and reacts to the recent US presidential debate. Source

Trump says Biden has ‘become like a Palestinian’ in debate exchange

In a presidential debate marked by incoherence and lies, Donald Trump attacked Joe Biden, saying “he’s become like a Palestinian” for supposedly withholding total support for Israel’s genocidal assault on Gaza. Source

Race, guns and Israel: Bowman and Latimer’s heated debate moments

Race, guns and Israel: Bowman and Latimer’s heated debate moments lead image Source

Debate over political response to Gaza genocide marks pivotal moment for Muslim Americans

This Ramadan, the Muslim American community faced significant debate and introspection regarding effective political engagement in light of the atrocities in Gaza. Young activists, disillusioned with the status quo, are driving a significant shift in perspective within the broader Muslim community, widening a generational gap in how our community engages in politics in America. They […]

WHO the HELL do they think they are? Matt Ridley joins debate. By Matt Ridley The World Health Organisation is gearing up to persuade the world’s governments to sign a new pandemic treaty in May. Though called an ‘accord’ so as not to frighten democrats who still like that old-fashioned thing called accountability, it is a significant power grab by an unelected body that seems determined now to set down rules for […]

New lines, old debate

With help from Shawn Ness For the seventh time in the past few years, New York mapmakers have released an official set of maps for the state’s 26 congressional districts. And this one, which appears likely to receive a vote on Wednesday, just might wind up being the one that actually sticks: A GOP-backed lawsuit […]

Haley makes new pitch for Trump to debate as she casts vote in South Carolina

GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley pressed former President Trump once again to agree to a debate, as she cast her ballot in her home state’s primary. “I think it’s great for the Republican Party to have this competition,” she said in an interview clip in South Carolina, highlighted by Mediaite. “The only thing that’s lacking… […]

Florida Surgeon General’s Call to Halt Use of the Vaccines Sparks Debate

On January 3, 2024, Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo called for a halt in the use of the mRNA Covid-19 vaccines after US health agencies failed to adequately address his concerns about DNA contamination in the products. In a statement on X, Ladapo accused the FDA and CDC of always playing it “fast and loose” […]

Liz Gunn with UK MP Andrew Bridgen (who was invited to Davos same day as his Parliamentary debate on excess deaths!)

Andrew declined the invitation of course! Hear him speak about the sabotage he has experienced by those who would silence him…Andrew has blown the whistle in the UK Parliament about excess deaths and other matters of corruption for a long time (10+ yrs) and currently now has 16 other MPs on board with the excess […]

5 memorable moments from the DeSantis-Haley debate

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley traded attacks in a heated debate Wednesday night ahead of the Iowa caucuses next week. DeSantis and Haley were the only candidates on the CNN debate stage in Des Moines, Iowa. Former President Trump, who was the only other candidate to qualify for the debate,… […]

Winners and losers of the final GOP debate before Iowa

DES MOINES, Iowa — Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis met one-on-one on the debate stage for the first time here on Wednesday night, just five days before the Iowa caucuses. It was a critical encounter for the former United Nations ambassador and the Florida governor, as polls indicate they are locked in a tight battle… […]

Haley plugs DeSantis ‘lies’ website 16 times during debate 

Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley plugged her website on rival Ron DeSantis’s “lies” 16 times during CNN’s GOP presidential debate on Wednesday.   The effort by Haley was intended to call attention to mistruths by the Florida governor, but it was a tactic that also garnered criticism from pundits and online as the mentions of… […]

DeSantis on Haley’s debate performance: ‘She lost her cool’

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said during a post-debate interview that former U.N. ambassador Nikki Haley “lost her cool” while on stage Wednesday night. “I think part of the fallout from the debate tonight is … I think she lost her cool,” DeSantis told CNN’s Anderson Cooper after the fifth GOP debate, referring to Haley. “She’s… […]

Five takeaways from the DeSantis-Haley debate in Iowa

DES MOINES, Iowa—Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) and former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley took to the debate stage here less than a week before Iowa caucus-goers will select their chosen candidate in the GOP primary.   The debate’s tone was immediately negative, with Haley and DeSantis lobbing attacks at each other from the start. DeSantis sought to paint… […]

DeSantis, Haley spar in heated CNN debate, as Trump fields Iowa town hall: Recap

Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis came out sniping at one another in their first one-on-one match-up on CNN’s debate stage in Des Moines, Iowa, while former President Trump counterprogrammed with a Fox News town hall in the same city. Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie suspended his GOP presidential campaign just hours before the dueling… […]

The Ages Old Debate, are THE With PIGS FORNICATING SHEEP MONKEYS Really That Stupid, Or Just Ball-less Cowards

Chemtrails, what Chemtrials, I don’t see nothing, you must be a tin foil hatter nut case! Everyone knows stone aged Arabs who could not fly single engine planes flew jumbo jets into the World Towers and Kerosene fire which burn around 1800 Degrees F. melted huge steel beans which only began to melt at 2400 […]

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