Posts Tagged ‘takeaways’

Hope Hicks offers dramatic testimony in Trump trial: 5 takeaways

Former President Trump’s trial closed out the week in dramatic style as former aide Hope Hicks took the stand. Hicks, who served as press secretary in the early, ramshackle days of Trump’s first campaign for the presidency, went on to become his White House communications director. It appears the two have been estranged since it… […]

Five takeaways from the South Carolina GOP primary

CHARLESTON, S.C. — Former President Trump won an emphatic victory in the South Carolina primary Saturday, vanquishing rival Nikki Haley in her home state. The race was called for Trump within moments of polls closing at 7 p.m. EST. With 83 percent of returns in just before 10 p.m., the GOP front-runner’s margin of victory… […]

Tucker Carlson’s 5 Key Takeaways from the Putin Interview

I’m not exactly sure what I thought of the interview,” remarked American journalist Tucker Carlson shortly after his two-hour conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin. “It’s probably going to take me a year to decide what that was.” Carlson said that “there’s no question” that Putin is smart. However, he expressed that the Russian President […]

Trump ordered to pay $83M: Five takeaways


Five takeaways from the DeSantis-Haley debate in Iowa

DES MOINES, Iowa—Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) and former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley took to the debate stage here less than a week before Iowa caucus-goers will select their chosen candidate in the GOP primary.   The debate’s tone was immediately negative, with Haley and DeSantis lobbing attacks at each other from the start. DeSantis sought to paint… […]

Five takeaways from the GOP debate in Miami

Five Republican White House candidates faced off in Miami on Wednesday in the third GOP presidential debate, a day after the party suffered key losses in states like Kentucky, Ohio and Virginia. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R), former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley, entrepreneur Vivek Ramasamy, former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) and South… […]

Five takeaways from a winning election night for Democrats

Democrats saw a successful Election Night on Tuesday, scoring wins in a number of competitive contests.  In deep-red Kentucky, Democratic Gov. Andy Beshear sailed to reelection, while in Virginia Democrats flipped control of the House of Delegates and maintained control of the state Senate.  Abortion rights advocates also saw a number of wins, most notably… […]

Five takeaways from Biden’s Oval Office address 

President Biden addressed the nation from the Oval Office Thursday evening.  The main topics of the 15-minute speech were the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians, and the war in Ukraine.  The Middle East has entered a horrific new phase since Hamas killed about 1,400 Israelis in a surprise attack on Oct. 7. Israeli reprisals… […]

6 Takeaways From AfD’s Massive Gains In Bavaria And Hesse Regional Elections

6 Takeaways From AfD’s Massive Gains In Bavaria And Hesse Regional Elections Authored by John Cody via Remix News, While the Christian Democrats (CDU) and the Christian Socialists (CSU) received the most votes in the regional elections of Hesse and Bavaria, the headline news story across Germany is the Alternative for Germany’s (AFD) overperformance in […]

The Top Ten Takeaways From Hamas’ Sneak Attack On Israel

OCT 8, 2023 SourceANDREW KORYBKO Hamas launched an unprecedented sneak attack on Israel over the weekend that completely caught the self-professed Jewish State by surprise after all its security systems unexpectedly failed at the same time. The border wall was breached, some military bases were captured, and dozens of hostages were taken back to Gaza. Israel responded by launching […]

Five takeaways from the first GOP presidential debate

Eight Republican presidential candidates took the stage in Milwaukee on Wednesday night for the party’s first primary debate of the 2024 cycle.  Fox News hosts Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum moderated a raucous debate, struggling at times to rein the candidates in and keep them to time limits as they sparred over topics like Ukraine… […]

Who’s Running the World? 8 Takeaways From This Week’s WEF Meeting

01/20/23 As the World Economic Forum today wrapped up its weeklong annual meeting of nearly 3,000 political, business, media and academic elites, The Defender identified eight key takeaways based on news reports and comments by participants and attendees. By  Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D. Miss a day, miss a lot. Subscribe to The Defender’s Top News of the […]

Five takeaways as Champions League makes a return

1. Ukraine exiles Shakhtar Donetsk beats Leipzig Ukrainian team Shakhtar Donetsk, exiled from their war-hit country, began their Champions League campaign with a stunning 4-1 win at Leipzig on Tuesday. Donetsk arrived for the game with a weakened squad that had played just three domestic league games this season. They had previously not seen competitive action for more than […]

5 takeaways from Steve Bannon’s trial

Jurors made short work Friday of former Trump White House adviser Steve Bannon’s defense on contempt of Congress charges, returning two guilty verdicts against him after less than three hours of deliberation, including a lunch break. The pair of guilty verdicts from a D.C. jury for Bannon over his defiance of a subpoena from the […]

KeyBanc Endorses Pinterest, Disney’s CEO Transition: Key Takeaways

KeyBanc hailed the CEO successions in two significant companies citing different reasons. Pinterest, Inc announced that Co-founder and CEO Ben Silbermann would transition from his current role to the newly created Executive Chair position. Incoming CEO Bill Ready served as President of Commerce, Payments, and Next Billion Users at Alphabet Inc Google. Previously, Ready served as COO at PayPal Holdings, Inc. […]

Key Takeaways From BRICS Summit

Last week the 14th BRICS Summit took place virtually, chaired by Chinese President Xi Jinping. The BRICS bloc (Brasil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) represents a key political, economic, and scientific force in the international arena. These nations represent half of the world’s population and their collective GDP is greater that $20 trillion. In […]

Top 12 Takeaways From the Joe Rogan and Dr. Robert Malone Interview

One of the most insightful dialogues of 2021 was Joe Rogan’s interview of Dr. Robert Malone. Dr. Malone invented the mRNA technology that is being used in the experimental covid injections. Dr. Malone has developed medical products, drugs and clinical trials. He has worked directly with Dr. Anthony Fauci and scientists at the Centers for […]

COP26 takeaways: ‘Some progress’ in climate pact but much more needed

While some hailed a pact that kept negotiators in Glasgow for an extra day, many activists and international leaders said that despite “some progress”, there’s still a long way to go. Nearly 200 parties to the United Nations’ most recent climate conference agreed on the Glasgow Climate Pact on Saturday, after some last-minute wrangling over […]

Pinkerton: Trouble in Bidenville – 6 Takeaways on Biden’s Infrastructure Bill

The passage of Joe Biden’s $550 billion Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework (BIF) is a game-changer—although it might not change the game in the way that Democrats want. Here are six takeaways on BIF:  1. The bill is a poisoned chalice—because Democrats poisoned it.   On November 6, the morning after BIF passed the U.S. House, the lead […]

Wages up as Americans are encouraged back to work and into the office—3 takeaways from the latest jobs report

After a lackluster jobs report in September 2021, the latest news on employment gives Americans plenty of cheer about ahead of the holiday season. In total, 531,000 jobs were added in October—outstripping the already optimistic predictions of economists. This caused the unemployment rate to fall 0.2 percentage points to 4.6%. Even with those gains, the […]

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