Posts Tagged ‘bannon’

Steve Bannon is the MAGA Movement’s Rabid Spirit Animal

MAGA political operative and former Donald Trump aide Steve Bannon was given the last word at CPAC. “Onward to victory! Onward to victory! Onward to victory!” he shouted when he came onstage. Bannon aggressively promoted Trump’s lies about the 2020 election, called for President Biden and other officials to be locked up, and declared that […]

New Arizona GOP Chair Gina Swoboda Tells Bannon God Put Her In Position For 2024

Right Wing Watch reported Monday on MAGA activist Gina Swoboda’s selection as state chair of the Arizona GOP. One of her first acts as chair was to talk with MAGA operative and former Trump aide Steve Bannon about Republican efforts to change voting rules in Arizona. “We have to win the presidency in Arizona and […]

The Real Steve Bannon is an Agent of the British Sent to Derail Any Real Change Who Only Cares About Lining His Own Pockets

Steve Bannon: Agent of Anglo Oligarchy and Its Monarchist European Friends ( Chatham House Mulls How To Cut India ‘Down To Size’ Sept. 8, 2023, 2022 (EIRNS)—Never imagine, that just because the British are eager to turn India against China, they are not working simultaneously, and just as eagerly, to keep India down (and preferably […]

Steve Bannon says Trump will declassify assassination documents on JFK, RFK, Malcolm X, and MLK Jr.

(NaturalNews) Should he be elected president again and actually make it into the White House, Donald Trump plans to declassify all assassination documents… Source

Steve Bannon: ‘Elon Musk Is a WEF Stooge Working on Behalf of China’

Steve Bannon has warned that Elon Musk is a wolf in sheep’s clothing who is secretly working on behalf of the globalist elites to help implement their Great Reset agenda for humanity. In an interview with Mike Adams, Bannon was asked if he agrees that America is on the brink of collapse: “I don’t think […]

Robert Califf’s FDA with Maddie Bannon

In this episode, Whitney is joined by Maddie Bannon to discuss FDA Commissioner Robert Califf and his role in removing regulatory obstacles for the “healthcare” related wearable, implantable devices and other emerging technologies seen as crucial to the advance of the 4th industrial revolution. Show notes Follow Maddie: TLAVagabond Substack, Manufacturing Reality, @llspacejellyllOriginally published 04/03/23. Get early […]

Steve Bannon rips into Fox News in fiery CPAC speech

Steve Bannon rips into Fox News in fiery CPAC speech lead image Source

Why Do George Soros and Steve Bannon Agree that the CPC Must be Destroyed? (A New Documentary)

Modern Americans have become much more malleable than many would like to admit. Despite those powerful founding documents that enshrine freedom, inalienable rights and the general welfare as driving moral principles of law, economics and politics, very few living Americans fully seem to have a living connection to that powerful tradition which saw eight presidents […]

Steve Bannon and China’s Deep State

“I consider Xi Jinping the most dangerous enemy of open societies in the world. –George Soros, 2021 “China has emerged as the greatest economic and national security threat the United States has ever faced” –Steve Bannon, 2019   How to Overthrow the Communist Party of China On June 4, 2020, purged billionaire deep state operative […]

Steve Bannon Says That John Fetterman’s Use of Closed Captioning Makes Him ‘A Cyborg’

Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. John Fetterman, the Democratic nominee for the U.S. Senate, suffered a stroke earlier this year. While doctors say that Fetterman is recovering well and has “no work restrictions and can work full duty in public office,” the Senate hopeful still struggles with auditory processing, especially when it comes to interpreting spoken words, […]

‘My Son Hunter’ Star Laurence Fox on Bannon’s ‘War Room’: The Bidens Are ‘Getting Off Scot-Free’ While Left ‘Spent 4 Years Trying to Impeach a Legitimately Elected President’

My Son Hunter star Laurence Fox slammed the Biden family in a recent interview on Steve Bannon’s popular “War Room” podcast, saying officials have so far failed to hold the first family accountable over Hunter Biden’s foreign influence peddling, which includes deals involving the Chinese Communist Party. Fox, who plays Hunter Biden in the recently […]

Steve Bannon on ‘War Room’: ‘My Son Hunter’ Is ‘Absolute Brilliant Film, Everybody’s Got to Watch This’

Steve Bannon, former Trump White House chief strategist and host of the popular “War Room” podcast, has seen My Son Hunter and his verdict is an unqualified rave, calling it an “absolute brilliant film” that “everybody’s got to watch.” “Absolutely brilliant film. Everybody’s got to watch this,” Bannon said during an interview Friday on his “War Room” podcast […]

‘They are trying to assassinate’: Bannon accuses Biden of stirring anti-right hatred after home ‘swatted’ again

(Natural News) Former White House adviser Steve Bannon has accused President Joe Biden of stoking hatred after police descended on Bannon’s Washington home over a fake report of a gunman on the loose. The incident occurred shortly before Biden’s Thursday speech attacking MAGA Republicans. (Article by Eva Fu republished from Firefighters and police officers were […]

‘They are trying to assassinate’: Bannon accuses Biden of stirring anti-right hatred after home ‘swatted’ again

(Natural News) Former White House adviser Steve Bannon has accused President Joe Biden of stoking hatred after police descended on Bannon’s Washington home over a fake report of a gunman on the loose. The incident occurred shortly before Biden’s Thursday speech attacking MAGA Republicans. (Article by Eva Fu republished from Firefighters and police officers were […]

‘They are trying to assassinate’: Bannon accuses Biden of stirring anti-right hatred after home ‘swatted’ again

(Natural News) Former White House adviser Steve Bannon has accused President Joe Biden of stoking hatred after police descended on Bannon’s Washington home over a fake report of a gunman on the loose. The incident occurred shortly before Biden’s Thursday speech attacking MAGA Republicans. (Article by Eva Fu republished from Firefighters and police officers were […]

‘They are trying to assassinate’: Bannon accuses Biden of stirring anti-right hatred after home ‘swatted’ again

(Natural News) Former White House adviser Steve Bannon has accused President Joe Biden of stoking hatred after police descended on Bannon’s Washington home over a fake report of a gunman on the loose. The incident occurred shortly before Biden’s Thursday speech attacking MAGA Republicans. (Article by Eva Fu republished from Firefighters and police officers were […]

‘They are trying to assassinate’: Bannon accuses Biden of stirring anti-right hatred after home ‘swatted’ again

(Natural News) Former White House adviser Steve Bannon has accused President Joe Biden of stoking hatred after police descended on Bannon’s Washington home over a fake report of a gunman on the loose. The incident occurred shortly before Biden’s Thursday speech attacking MAGA Republicans. (Article by Eva Fu republished from Firefighters and police officers were […]

‘They are trying to assassinate’: Bannon accuses Biden of stirring anti-right hatred after home ‘swatted’ again

(Natural News) Former White House adviser Steve Bannon has accused President Joe Biden of stoking hatred after police descended on Bannon’s Washington home over a fake report of a gunman on the loose. The incident occurred shortly before Biden’s Thursday speech attacking MAGA Republicans. (Article by Eva Fu republished from Firefighters and police officers were […]

Steve Bannon, SWATTED Three Times, Speaks from Courthouse of “Desperate” Measures From “Dying Regime,” Urges Legal Activism Against Election Fraud

A journalist podcaster exploding in popularity who was President Trump’s chief-of-staff for a short time has been charged again, this time regarding funds raised for a Build the Wall initiative. Steve Bannon denies all charges.  Bannon has been previously SWATTED three times, SWATTING is the calling in of a false emergency report, such as a […]

Aftermath of Queen’s Death; Bannon Pleads Not Guilty in New York State Indictment | NTD Good Morning

Queen Elizabeth II passed away at the age of 96. Her son Charles will succeed her on the throne. We look back at the Queen’s reign, and what the future holds for the British monarchy. Former Trump Adviser Steve Bannon pleaded not guilty to new State charges on Sept. 8. He says the indictment is […]

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