Posts Tagged ‘bidens’

Comer: Bidens ‘played’ by Hunter surprise visit

House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-Ky.) defended himself Wednesday, claiming it was actually the Biden family who “got played” when Hunter Biden unexpectedly showed up to the committee’s contempt hearing. Hunter Biden took limited questions from Rep. Jared Moskowitz (D-Fla.) before abruptly leaving the hearing, creating a stir among GOP members.  The committee voted… […]

The grifter defense: The Bidens move to embrace influence peddling with a twist

It is a curious defense that we are not corrupt because we just ripped off dupes who were corrupt people. Source

Rep. James Comer Says The Bidens Will Be Subpoenaed In A Matter Of Days

Chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability, Rep, James Comer has made an regarding the investigation into Joe Biden’s shady financial dealings. During a recemt interview with Lou Dobbs on The Great America […] The post Rep. James Comer Says The Bidens Will Be Subpoenaed In A Matter Of Days appeared first on […]

Bidens speak with family of Palestinian-American boy killed in hate crime

President Biden and First Lady Jill Biden have spoken with the family of a Palestinian-American boy killed in a hate crime outside of Chicago this week, the White House said, amid rising anti-Muslim tensions due to U.S. support for Israel’s war against Hamas in Gaza. Six-year-old Wadea Alfayoumi was stabbed to death Sunday when his… […]

Morris: Ten Questions the Bidens Should Be Asked by Congress

House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) subpoenaed Hunter and James Biden on Thursday, as Congress looks to discern to what extent President Joe Biden is tied up in his family’s overseas business deals. Source

Missing Whistleblower Dr. Gal Luft Accuses Bidens of Using FBI Mole Named “One-Eye” to Leak Sealed SDNY Indictments to CEFC China Energy Partners, On the Same Day Hunter Biden Demanded Millions in WhatsApp Message, Citing Joe Biden’s Presence

Missing Whistleblower Dr. Gal Luft Accuses Bidens of Using FBI Mole Named “One-Eye” to Leak Sealed SDNY Indictments to CEFC China Energy Partners, On the Same Day Hunter Biden Demanded Millions in WhatsApp Message, Citing Joe Biden’s Presence Source

James Comer: Bidens Owned over 20 Shell Companies to Hide Payments, Launder Money

The Biden family opened more than 20 shell companies to hide payments and launder money, House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) said Sunday. Source

Comer: Bidens received money from China and other foreign nationals, bank records reveal

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) Rep. James Comer (R-KY), chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability, revealed that different members of the Biden family received money from various individuals in a “massive and complicated money laundering scheme.”During a press conference where he was flanked by Republican committee members, Comer … [Read More…] Source

James Comer: 9 Bidens May Have Profited from Family Business

House Committee on Oversight Chairman James Comer (R-KY) announced Monday that a total of nine Biden family members may have profited from the family’s international business schemes. Source

‘My Son Hunter’ Star Laurence Fox on Bannon’s ‘War Room’: The Bidens Are ‘Getting Off Scot-Free’ While Left ‘Spent 4 Years Trying to Impeach a Legitimately Elected President’

My Son Hunter star Laurence Fox slammed the Biden family in a recent interview on Steve Bannon’s popular “War Room” podcast, saying officials have so far failed to hold the first family accountable over Hunter Biden’s foreign influence peddling, which includes deals involving the Chinese Communist Party. Fox, who plays Hunter Biden in the recently […]

Ashley Bidens Diary Should Be Used as Evidence in Criminal Trial

Ashley Biden Was Molested by Joe Biden: Diary Should Be Used as Evidence in Criminal Trial Stew Peters wants to know how Ashley Biden’s diary is being used by the FBI to harass the woman who found it after Ashley left it behind at a halfway house for drug addicts, rather than to prosecute Joe […]

The Bidens Funded the Activities of Secret US Biolabs

A growing number of independent media and civil society organizations are joining the investigation of hundreds of secret US biological laboratories around the world, including around Russia and China, rightfully suspected of developing and testing internationally banned biological weapons, to prevent Washington from launching a new, this time biological war in the world. The New Eastern […]

Charles Hurt: The Millionaire Bidens’ Incredible White Privilege

Poor Joe Biden. For nearly five decades, Mr. Biden has been getting everything wrong in Washington. He has always been a low-watt thinker with verbal dysentery. But harmless. Which is why he wound up as vice president in the first place — White Privilege Joe. Poor guy, he is so slow he was the last person to realize that nobody […]

Video: Bidens Appear On Jumbo Tele-Screen At Super Bowl, Demand Distancing, Masks, Vaccinations

While those allowed to be in attendance wanted to watch some football and drink some beer, Big Brother Joe Biden’s mumbling voice of doom boomed out around the stadium prior to the Kansas City Chiefs v. Tampa Bay Buccaneers game. “Let’s remember, we all can do our part to save lives,” Biden warned, adding “Wear masks. Stay […]

WATCH: CNN’s Christiane Amanpour Said There Was ‘Never’ Corruption with Bidens

Video of CNN’s Christiane Amanpour refusing to research the Hunter Biden laptop story resurfaced on Thursday, as critics urged the media to face the fact that a story they censored in October turned out to be substantially true, after all. When the New York Post reported that emails on Hunter Biden’s laptop pointed to shady foreign […]

Biden’s EX-Partner Reveals Character of Bidens-TOTALLY CORRUPT!!! Bidens Represent Chinese Communists!

Hunter Biden’s ex-business partner Tony Bobulinski: “I remember looking at Jim Biden and saying how are you guys getting away with this? Aren’t you concerned? He looked at me, and he laughed a little bit, and said ‘PLAUSIBLE DENIABILITY.’” — Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) October 28, 2020 October 29, 2020 | Categories: Guest Contributions | Tags: | Print This Article Hunter Biden […]

Donald Trump in Georgia: ‘Lock Up the Bidens’

President Donald Trump told a rally crowd in Macon, Georgia, on Friday: “Lock up the Bidens.” Trump was referring to reports that then-Vice President Joe Biden, his Democratic opponent, met with Chinese and Ukrainian business figures allegedly paying his son, Hunter Biden, to facilitate introductions to senior U.S. officials. Trump appeared to be joking: Trump: But […]

“The Bidens Got Rich While Americans Got Robbed” Says President Trump

President Trump has reacted to new evidence showing that Joe Biden met with foreign interests represented by his son Hunter Biden. “The Bidens got rich while Americans got robbed” Trump said during a campaign rally in Des Moines, Iowa on Wednesday. Breitbart reports: The president cited the bombshell New York Post story uncovering emails sent […]

Donald Trump: ‘The Bidens Got Rich While Americans Got Robbed’

President Donald Trump reacted Wednesday at a campaign rally in Des Moines, Iowa, to new evidence showing that former Vice President Joe Biden met with foreign interests represented by his son Hunter Biden. “The Bidens got rich while Americans got robbed,” Trump said at a campaign rally in Des Moines, Iowa. The president cited the […]

The Bidens tell Jewish supporters the new Jewish year will be happier with Trump out

The Bidens tell Jewish supporters the new Jewish year will be happier with Trump out – Jewish Telegraphic Agency Skip to content Advertisement Advertisement

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