Posts Tagged ‘sealed’

After Khazarian Satanist Benjamin Netanyahu Sealed Israel’s Fate By Planning And Perpetrating The Gaza Genocide…

…This Arab League Representative Totally Demolishes All False Claims Made By Israel About Its National Status, As He Utterly Humiliates The Illegitimate Zionist State For Committing Genocide, Before The UN’s International Court Of Justice What the viewer just heard was categorical LEGAL PROOF that the Zionist State of Israel is a patently illegitimate entity, rogue […]

Central Bank Fraud Sealed Mankind’s Fate

  The “key” to understanding the world today bears repetition. The medium of exchange (money, currency, credit) is created out of thin air as a “debt” to a cartel of Masonic ( Cabalist, Satanist) Jewish bankers. This is something government could do itself interest-and-debt-free. Your “money” is really government IOU’s to these central bankers. No matter […]

Palestinians Scramble For Safety As Israel Pounds Sealed-Off Gaza Strip To Punish Hamas

Aid organizations pleaded for the creation of humanitarian corridors to get aid into Gaza, warning that hospitals overwhelmed with wounded were running out of supplies. Source

Missing Whistleblower Dr. Gal Luft Accuses Bidens of Using FBI Mole Named “One-Eye” to Leak Sealed SDNY Indictments to CEFC China Energy Partners, On the Same Day Hunter Biden Demanded Millions in WhatsApp Message, Citing Joe Biden’s Presence

Missing Whistleblower Dr. Gal Luft Accuses Bidens of Using FBI Mole Named “One-Eye” to Leak Sealed SDNY Indictments to CEFC China Energy Partners, On the Same Day Hunter Biden Demanded Millions in WhatsApp Message, Citing Joe Biden’s Presence Source

INCORRIGIBLY CORRUPT! Jan 6 Committee Sealed All Important Videos and Documents for 50 Years – So They Can Continue to Lie About J-6 Protests and Fed Involvement

WHAT ARE THEY HIDING? Jan 6 Committee Sealed All Important VIDEOS and Documents for 50 Years – So They Can Continue to Lie About J-6 Protests and Fed Involvement Source

Ukraine’s fate has been sealed. A. FAILED. STATE. BY. KHAZARIAN. DESIGN.

READ HERE: MAJOR ATTACKS IN UKRAINE: Nine Russian Bombers in the air; Electric Grid hit again – BIG   Source

1,700-Year-Old Wine in Sealed Bottle is Still Drinkable!

The Speyer wine bottle is the oldest known wine bottle in the world. Dated to 325 – 359 AD, the ancient wine has remained sealed in its bottle for nearly 1,700 years. Despite the fact that it would no longer be alcoholic and it is unlikely to be very palatable, researchers say it is still […]

DOJ Urges Judge To Keep Trump Raid Affidavit Sealed From Public

DOJ Urges Judge To Keep Trump Raid Affidavit Sealed From Public (Photo by ROBYN BECK/AFP via Getty Images) Kyle Cheney Aug 15, 2022 @kyledcheney · Follow Replying to @kyledcheney DOJ *opposes* the release of the underlying FBI affidavit because “it would serve as a roadmap to the government’s ongoing investigation, providing specific details about its […]

People Are Still Being SEALED Inside Their Own Homes in China

The British government used “propagandistic” fear tactics to scare the public into mass compliance during the first COVID lockdown, according to a behavioral scientist who worked inside Downing Street. Simon Ruda co-founded Number 10’s ‘Nudge Unit’, which was initially set up to encourage positive behavioral changes in the British public without the need for coercion […]

Ghislaine Maxwell’s Trial With Records Sealed

by Admin · January 9, 2022 Liz Crokin discusses Ghislaine’s trial Looks Like the FIX Is In and This is How They Did It: Source

Letter Sealed Inside a Bottle Nearly 30 Years Ago Resurfaces in a Lake in Canada

A letter that was written almost three decades ago and put in a bottle was recently found in a lake in Canada. Michelle Schwengler, who was participating in a community cleanup exercise at Telford Lake in Leduc, Alberta, in late April, found the letter safely secured inside a floating bottle, reported the Global News. “It was […]

234,000+ indictments are sealed as of the end of February | Explanation of exactly what a sealed indictment | Usually there is about 1000 per year | This shows a big takedown is happening

MJ Truth | March 29 2021 Someone asked about sealed indictments and what it means, so I thought I’d provide everyone with more information so you can understand… Everyone has heard that there are sealed indictments… It is by far the most undervalued piece of information we have out there that shows that there is […]

Sealed Letter Virtually Unfolded to Reveal Forgotten Renaissance Story

For the first time ever, researchers have virtually unfolded a sealed letter from Renaissance Europe. It has remained unopened for 300 years, and thanks to their innovative computational approach, they didn’t need to break any seals or damage the artifact in any way to unlock the personal story of a real person who wrote it […]

The gamble that paid off: How Israel sealed Moderna COVID vaccine deal early in the game

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The Mysterious Sealed Temple Door No One Can Open

The Padmanabhaswamy Temple is one of India’s most popular and most sacred temples. Located in Thiruvanathapuram in Kerala, India, it is one of the most visited temples in the country. However, inside its heavily-guarded gates is a locked room with supposedly hidden treasures and for sure a deadly legend. And in order to understand the […]

[WATCH] Lawyers Agree to Keep Sheriff’s Deposition in Metcalf Case Sealed

Lawyers on both sides of a lawsuit focused on the death of Holding Center inmate Richard A. Metcalf Jr. have agreed to keep the depositions of Sheriff Timothy B. Howard and two of his top aides sealed, one of the attorneys said Wednesday. Jim Brown, whose Brown Chiari law firm represents Metcalf’s father, said his […]

Is Mark Zuckerberg Building a Secure Bunker Next to His Home?

Mark Zuckerberg is tearing down the four homes that surround his $7 million Silicon Valley mansion and building what looks like a high-security stealth compound. Papers submitted to the planning department in Palo Alto, Calif., show that the four neighboring houses — scooped up by the Facebook boss in a string of deals totaling nearly […]

Israeli rights group: Israel whitewashes criminals

Days of Palestine, Jerusalem -Israeli human rights group B’Tselem accused on Wednesday the Israeli occupation military law enforcement system is “whitewash mechanism.” The organisation, which collects information and documents Israeli human rights violations against Palestinians, said the inefficiency of Israeli military mechanisms to provide justice for Palestinian victims led the organisation to suspend filing complaints […]

Newly Discovered Fish Virus Threatens Global Tilapia Supply

A new virus that attacks both farmed and wild tilapia has been identified by a team of international researchers. Tilapia is one of the most widely consumed inexpensive proteins globally. The virus, called the Tilapia Lake Virus (TiLV), is said by the researchers to be the cause of the mass die-offs of the fish which […]

Why is the Media So Afraid of This Woman’s Work?

GMI Reporter, Green Med InfoWaking Times One of the most important books in the history of psychiatry and natural medicine has been published by HarperCollins, who unique among their mainstream publishing competitors, had the guts to release it completely uncensored.  Dr. Kelly Brogan, a holistic psychiatrist specialized in women’s health and  […]

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