Posts Tagged ‘time’

Putin calls for independent commission with foreign experts to handle Russian doping issue

“I think it would make sense to address the Russian Olympic Committee with a proposal to establish an independent, I want to emphasize, an independent public commission, which, besides the Russian specialists, would include foreign experts in the field of medicine and law as well as respected public and sports figures,” the Russian president said. […]

Miami Police Shoot Unarmed Caregiver as He Lies on Ground Beside Autistic Patient

Charles Kinsey, a behavior therapist at a mental health center, was helping his 23-year-old autistic patient who had run away from a local group home when he was approached by police, the Miami Herald reports. Source Article from

Immigrants Are Building Trump A Wall — But Not The One He Wants

Print Friendly Above Photo: Pedro Lopez came to Cleveland to protest from Phoenix, Arizona CLEVELAND, OHIO — Hundreds of immigrant activists and their supporters from as near as Cleveland and as far as Arizona marched on the Republican National Convention arena on Wednesday and erected a wall with their bodies and banners that stretched down several blocks. The fabric […]

We Are the Universe Becoming Aware of Itself

Jocelyn Mercado, Pachamama AllianceWaking Times “Through our eyes, the universe is perceiving itself. Through our ears, the universe is listening to its harmonies. We are the witnesses through which the universe becomes conscious of its glory, of its magnificence.” – Alan Watts “You are not IN the universe, you ARE the universe, an […]

Did a Jewish Neocon Speechwriter Sabotage Melania Trump’s Big Speech?

Since I made this video I have analyzed the whole silly scandal and the inescapable logic that this was intentional sabotage and treachery. Israel’s Mossad has a motto: it is “By deception Thou Shalt Wage War.” We know the Jewish establishment of both the NeoCon right and Democratic Left despise Donald Trump. Jewish pollster Finkelstein […]

De-Globalization: Hungary asks IMF to leave the country after early payback

The head of Hungary’s Central Bank Gyorgy Matolcsy wrote a letter to IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde on Monday asking for it to close its representative office in Budapest as it was “not necessary to maintain” it any longer. The IMF says it is ready to agree since the current IMF representative in […]

After Killing Us in Nice, Filthy Haji Scum Demands More Special Protections in America

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer July 16, 2016 Of course, it’s not cool that these people are smashing us up with gigantic trucks on the street, but writing mean words on a wall? This is simply unconscionable. We’re killing you on the streets, but someone responded to our murders by writing mean words on a wall! Protect […]

Turkey’s Coup Attempt: Erdogan still in Charge, Scores Killed, Wounded, 700+ Detained

Army commanders arrested after failed coup attempt in Turkey Local Editor Turkish President Recep Tayyip ensured the country Saturday that his government was in control after a coup attempt brought a night of explosions, dog fights, gunfire and arrest across the capital, leaving dozens dead, at least 150 people wounded and many of the country’s […]

Hamas condemns ‘terrorist’ attack in Nice

Days of Palestine, Gaza Strip -Palestinian Islamic Movement Hamas condemned on Friday the “terrorist” attach that targeted civilians in the French city of Nice. In a statement, the Hamas said that based on its humanitarian and moral principles, “it has to condemns this attack which claimed the lives of innocent civilians.” Like our page on Facebook […]

Scott Roberts: We Must Do More-More-More!

Black people murdering White people is “the White man’s fault”. Whatever they do to us and however much we have already done for them… we must do MORE-MORE-MORE… to prove we aren’t racists, to pull their weight, and to make amends for imaginary crimes against them. Youtube link: Source Article from

Why This Is The Greatest Relationship You Will Ever Have

Throughout the course of our lives we have many relationships: from our parents and siblings as infants, to friends, romantic partners, and even our own children as we get older. Relationships are an integral part of our lives and they are very important to help us learn and grow as human beings; to learn how […]

How Monsanto invaded, occupied and now CONTROLS government regulators

(NaturalNews) If you’ve ever wondered why corporations seem to hold so much sway over our government, look no further than who’s making all the decisions in Washington – and more importantly, where many of these people worked before being handed comfy, high-level positions at top government agencies. You might be surprised at the […]

Marching On The DNC: Interview With Cheri Honkala

Note: Among those that have said they will participate in this march are Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese from Popular Resistance as well as journalist Chris Hedges and presidential candidate Jill Stein. We believe low income and poor people in the United States need a voice durinng the convention, so we will be there. KZ […]

ITEL Radio: “Rule of Law” and Western “Elites”, Graham Hart, & Jez Turner

Hour 1 – The Rule of the Law and the Ruling EliteHour 2 – Guest, Graham HartHour 3 – Guest, Jez Turner, UK Political Activist, The London Forum Download linkShow page Source Article from

Houston cops shoot man ten times for pointing a gun at them

     Police fatally shot an African-American in the early hours of Saturday in Houston, Texas. The man, identified by media as Alva Braziel, was reportedly shot ten times after he pointed his gun at law enforcement. Video footage of the aftermath shows his wife explaining what happened before breaking down. “It ain’t alright that’s he’s […]

EU agrees to ‘renewed’ data transfer deal, move Europeans’ private info to US servers

     The EU has accepted a new version of the so-called Private Shield law that would allow US companies to transfer Europeans’ private data to servers across the ocean. The EU struck down the previously-reached agreement over US surveillance concerns. “Today member states have given their strong support to the EU-US Privacy Shield, the renewed […]

‘Depressed’ Mexican drug lord El Chapo complains of ‘inhumane treatment’ due to lack of sleep

Security is tight at the maximum-security jail in Ciudad Juarez near the border with Texas, where Guzman is being held and it is understandable. The boss of the Sinaloa drug cartel has previously managed to escape from prison twice. 24 top gangsters in El Chapo’s drug cartel busted in US-Mexico sting The prison guards are […]

Egypts Foreign Minister Visits Israel to Talk about Matters of Mutual Concern

nsnbc : Egypt’s Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry has flown to Israel, on Saturday, to discuss the resumption of the stalled peace talks between Israel and Palestine. Unofficially, Shoukry may also discuss Egypt’s concerns about the recent visit of Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu to African countries. Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry, Courtesy of Youm7 (archives) The […]

Interests First; Tel Aviv plays with Ankara, Moscow against Tehran

Alwaght- Foreign policy in today’s world is one of the crucial priorities of all countries, and as foreign it is part of the wider internal policies, there exists a diversity of alliances and coalitions across the world. The best example of such alliances is partitioning the world into East and West during the Cold War […]

NATO’s reckless bluff

     NATO troop deployments to Poland and the Baltic States are a dangerous public relations move which is already backfiring. NATO’s decision to deploy four battalions of troops on a supposedly rotating basis to Poland and the Baltic States is the worst sort of decision. However we need to stay calm. It does not mean […]

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