Posts Tagged ‘rethink’

Sweden joins NATO as war in Ukraine prompts security rethink

Sweden joined NATO in Washington on Thursday, two years after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine forced it to rethink its national security policy and conclude that support for the alliance was the Scandinavian nation’s best guarantee of safety. Source

WEF welcomes “big data models” and “wearable sensors” to “rethink” how the world accesses healthcare

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has explained how it envisages the use of “AI” and what’s referred to as digital health in defining healthcare in the future. In a blog post on the site of the Switzerland-based group, WEF’s Shyam Bishen, whose job title is “head of Shaping the Future of Health and Healthcare,” writes about the activities meant […]

NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet: Australia needs to rethink current COVID restrictions

(Natural News) New South Wales (NSW) Premier Dominic Perrottet believes it is time for Australia to rethink its current Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions, such as mandatory quarantine. Perrottet told Sky News Australia that he would like to see the compulsory isolation period for COVID-19 be scrapped entirely “as soon as possible.” “The state should not be enforcing […]

China’s Sponge Cities: A ‘Revolutionary Rethink’ To Prevent Flooding

NOTE: While we have to be wary of the greenwashing term, ‘Nature-based Solutions,’ this one actually does seem to be nature-based without displacing people or allowing pollution to continue.  – MF The survival and development of human society depends on water. In fact, global water demand increased nearly eightfold between 1900–2010 as a result of factors like […]

settings Open AccessArticle The Safety of COVID-19 Vaccinations—We Should Rethink the Policy

2. Methods We used a large Israeli field study [6] that involved approximately one million persons and the data reported therein to calculate the number needed to vaccinate (NNTV) to prevent one case of SARS-CoV2 infection and to prevent one death caused by COVID-19. In addition, we used the most prominent trial data from regulatory […]

Bayer Set to Rethink Selling of Glyphosate to US Gardeners after Loss of $2 Billion Future Cancer Claims Deal

A topic still of great concern that’s slipped by the wayside, overshadowed by the plandemic …. From Bayer’s share price crashed over 4% on Thursday after Judge Vince Chhabria of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California threw out their attempted $ 2 Bilion deal to settle future cancer claims against […]

Merkel calls for ‘fundamental rethink’ at CDP Europe Awards 2021

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has called for ‘fundamental rethink’ to protect the environment at the annual CDP Europe Awards 2021. The CDP event celebrates the companies and cities which are working to achieve greater sustainability, and is hosted this year by the European Investment Bank and broadcast on Euronews. In her keynote message, Merkel welcomed […]

RITZ Cracker Ad Aiming to ‘Rethink Family’ Includes Homosexual Man Putting on Lipstick

A RITZ cracker ad that is uploaded to YouTube and ran on HGTV during the holiday season as part of an effort to “rethink what it means to be family” depicts a homosexual man, who dons red lipstick, putting his arms around his significant other. The advertisement has generated opposition from the site One Million […]

Rethink Trade……….

by Admin · October 24, 2020 ,Donald Trump promised that he would “stop the jobs from leaving America.”However, since 2017, at least 300,000 jobs have been lost due to outsourcing and trade.And that only counts workers that the Labor Department approved for Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA). We know TAA represents an undercount of the damage. Workers must […]

Trump in Brussels: Europe May Finally Rethink “NATO Costs”, Stoking Artificial Fears that Russia will Attack NATO…

Memorial Day Requires a Rethink

By Henry Makow Ph.D. When the United States and England loaned Mexico money in 1903 using its customs revenue as collateral, Illuminati banker Jacob Schiff cabled his English counterpart, Ernest Cassel: “If they don’t pay, who will collect the customs?” Cassel replied:  “Your marines and ours.”   (The Life of Otto Kahn, p. 22) Marine General […]

Marching On The DNC: Interview With Cheri Honkala

Note: Among those that have said they will participate in this march are Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese from Popular Resistance as well as journalist Chris Hedges and presidential candidate Jill Stein. We believe low income and poor people in the United States need a voice durinng the convention, so we will be there. KZ […]

‘Brave enough to say no to their barbarity’: Jailed Saudi blogger awarded Sakharov Prize

Badawi was honored by the European Parliament for his fight for freedom of speech in the ultraconservative kingdom, with his wife saying: “Raif Badawi was brave enough to raise his voice and say no to their barbarity. That is why they flogged him.” “Free-thinking Arabs are used to concealing their ideas to get them through,” […]

Chinese PM calls for direct talks over disputed S. China Sea islands

“In recent years, the South China Sea disputes, which should have been addressed by directly concerned countries through negotiation and talks, have been played up to become a problem concerning the South China Sea’s peace and stability and the freedom of navigation,” Xinhua quoted Li as saying in Kuala Lumpur late Saturday, while addressing the […]

Chinese PM calls for direct talks over disputed S. China Sea islands

“In recent years, the South China Sea disputes, which should have been addressed by directly concerned countries through negotiation and talks, have been played up to become a problem concerning the South China Sea’s peace and stability and the freedom of navigation,” Xinhua quoted Li as saying in Kuala Lumpur late Saturday, while addressing the […]

Chinese PM calls for direct talks over disputed S. China Sea islands

“In recent years, the South China Sea disputes, which should have been addressed by directly concerned countries through negotiation and talks, have been played up to become a problem concerning the South China Sea’s peace and stability and the freedom of navigation,” Xinhua quoted Li as saying in Kuala Lumpur late Saturday, while addressing the […]

Chinese PM calls for direct talks over disputed S. China Sea islands

“In recent years, the South China Sea disputes, which should have been addressed by directly concerned countries through negotiation and talks, have been played up to become a problem concerning the South China Sea’s peace and stability and the freedom of navigation,” Xinhua quoted Li as saying in Kuala Lumpur late Saturday, while addressing the […]

Chinese PM calls for direct talks over disputed S. China Sea islands

“In recent years, the South China Sea disputes, which should have been addressed by directly concerned countries through negotiation and talks, have been played up to become a problem concerning the South China Sea’s peace and stability and the freedom of navigation,” Xinhua quoted Li as saying in Kuala Lumpur late Saturday, while addressing the […]

Chinese PM calls for direct talks over disputed S. China Sea islands

“In recent years, the South China Sea disputes, which should have been addressed by directly concerned countries through negotiation and talks, have been played up to become a problem concerning the South China Sea’s peace and stability and the freedom of navigation,” Xinhua quoted Li as saying in Kuala Lumpur late Saturday, while addressing the […]

Chinese PM calls for direct talks over disputed S. China Sea islands

“In recent years, the South China Sea disputes, which should have been addressed by directly concerned countries through negotiation and talks, have been played up to become a problem concerning the South China Sea’s peace and stability and the freedom of navigation,” Xinhua quoted Li as saying in Kuala Lumpur late Saturday, while addressing the […]

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