Archive for the ‘Monsanto’ Category

Russian ICJ Victory, Chinese Uyghurs And Hypocrisy & Israel Openly Starving Hostages/Palestine Alike

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (2/1/24). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Monsanto Loses Court Case, Will Pay Man who Developed Cancer $2.25 BILLION

Pharmaceutical giant Bayer has been ordered to pay $2.25 billion to a man who developed cancer due to the Roundup weed killer, one of the products of its subsidiary Monsanto. Jurors in the Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas found that the weed killer is to blame for 49-year-old landscaper John McKivison developing non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL). […]

A poisoned legacy: challenging the EPA’s reluctance to ban glyphosate amidst rising health concerns

Unveiling the controversy: a deep dive into the legal, scientific, and humanitarian debate over glyphosate’s future Source

The dark history of the Monsanto Corporation Part 2 (think ‘Roundup’)

Part 1 go here. I’m reviewing all the old archives I’ve saved over the past 10 years. So many now have gone from the internet, some found again after a bit of searching. Some very interesting reads along the way too, in light of what has happened over the past three years. I’ll be posting […]

The dark history of the Monsanto Corporation Part 1 (think ‘Roundup’)

I’m reviewing all the old archives I’ve saved over the past 10 years. So many now have gone from the internet, some found again after a bit of searching. Some very interesting reads along the way too, in light of what has happened over the past three years. I’ll be posting more … and in […]

Revealed: group shaping US nutrition receives millions from big food industry

Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics has a record of quid pro quos with a range of food giants, documents show Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics has accepted at least $15m from 2011-2017. Nestle was among one of the highest contributors. Photograph: Laurent Gilliéron/AP Tom Perkins Fri 9 Dec 2022 Newly released documents show an influential group […]

Monsanto Documents Show ‘Wide-Ranging Corruption,’ Plaintiffs in Roundup Weedkiller Lawsuits Say

It’s finally here, the Global Walkout begins September 4th at 8pm London time ANYONE can participateANYWHERE in the world As part of the sweeping, nationwide legal battle that so far has run seven years, about 140,000 plaintiffs allege they developed non-Hodgkin lymphoma from exposure to Monsanto’s (now owned by Bayer) Roundup weedkiller and should […]

How Bayer/Monsanto has been systematically undercutting science & making large investments to build propaganda that attacks non-GMO activists & organizations (IRT)

From Institute for Responsible Technology Bayer versus the planet. CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY. Bayer has been in the news recently (rightfully so) for – you guessed it – poisoning the planet. We have stood against Bayer/Monsanto for twenty years and it’s high time they stand accountable for their planetary injustice. This week you may have seen […]

Monsanto Ordered to Pay $87M Following Reckless Disregard of Roundup Verdict

The 1st Appellate District in the Court of Appeals for California rejected a bid from Bayer-owned Monsanto to overturn its decision, indicating that Monsanto acted with “reckless disregard” against its cancer-causing weed killer, Roundup. by Mary Villareal The appeals court in San Francisco refused to overturn the 2019 verdict, in which a jury awarded over […]

Global Lockdown + Imbalance of Trade = Shortages

Why globalism and corporatism are responsible for the incredibly high prices of goods and services [embedded content] How “Free Trade” (which is deceptively misnamed) feeds globalist monopoly and overrules domestic labor laws and health laws.   “Free Trade” is nothing but corporate protectionism.  The Monsanto/Bayer example:  Bayer versus the Bees. [embedded content] The Bayer buyout of […]

Bayer Set to Rethink Selling of Glyphosate to US Gardeners after Loss of $2 Billion Future Cancer Claims Deal

A topic still of great concern that’s slipped by the wayside, overshadowed by the plandemic …. From Bayer’s share price crashed over 4% on Thursday after Judge Vince Chhabria of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California threw out their attempted $ 2 Bilion deal to settle future cancer claims against […]

$25 Million Verdict Against Monsanto Over Roundup Upheld by Federal Court

Above photo: Containers of Roundup are displayed on a store shelf in San Francisco. Haven Daley/AP. A federal appeals court has upheld a $25 million verdict against the maker of Roundup, a weed killer that thousands of litigants blame for causing their cancers. The three-judge panel of the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals rejected […]

UK Environment Agency and Local Councils Invest Heavily in Agrochemical Giants – Revealed

As I always suspected. My forays into persuading local council (NZ) against the use of pesticides an uphill no win most of the time. Small concessions but they cannot see life without agrochem or perhaps the perks that may go with that? EWR From Sustainable Pulse News in the United Kingdom has revealed that the […]

Bayer’s Class Action Settlement Plan Draws Widespread Outrage, Opposition

Above photo: Demonstrators walk with placards during a march for agroecology and civil resistance against U.S. seed and pesticide maker Monsanto on May 20, 2017 in Bordeaux, southwestern France. Georges Gobet/AFP/Getty Images. More than 90 law firms and more than 160 lawyers have notified a federal court judge overseeing U.S. Roundup litigation that they oppose […]

Vandana Shiva: When Bill Gates pours money into Africa to feed the poor & prevent famine, he’s continuing the work of Monsanto, pushing chemicals, GMOs & the failed Green Revolution

[embedded content] FRANCE 24 English 1.58M subscribers Subscribe to France 24 now:​ FRANCE 24 live news stream: all the latest news 24/7​ Our guest is Vandana Shiva, a world-famous environmental activist from India. Her latest book is entitled “One Earth, One Humanity vs. the 1%”. She tell us about more her opposition to […]

How A Poor School Groundskeeper Took On Monsanto And Won

Above photo: Lee Johnson. CBS New. If a company hides information that suggests its top money-making product is unsafe, keeps adverse findings from regulators, employs ghostwriters to gin up favorable scientific studies and media coverage, funds front groups in an attempt to discredit critics, fails to provide warnings to consumers, and, according to jurors who […]

Bayer and US officials pressure Mexico to overturn glyphosate ban

According to The Guardian, internal government emails reveal Monsanto owner Bayer AG and industry lobbyist CropLife America have been working closely with U.S. officials to pressure Mexico into abandoning its intended ban on glyphosate, a pesticide linked to cancer that is the key ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup weedkillers. Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador had […]

Manufacturers like Monsanto have entire departments devoted to discrediting journalists who expose their corrupt ways and paying off Google to censor search results

Deal with the devil: Monsanto PAID Google to CENSOR search results, discredit journalists (Natural News) If you’ve ever wondered why there isn’t more outrage over the dangers of pesticides and herbicides, even as environmental consciousness seems to be rising, the answer is simple: Manufacturers like Monsanto have entire departments devoted to discrediting journalists who expose […]

Robocops, CNP Swamp, Bayer Down – New World Next Week

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Watch on Archive / BitChute / LBRY / Minds / YouTube This week on the New World Next Week: COVID robocops arrive in Michigan; Trump panders to the swamp as he warp speeds the vaccines; and Bayer is about to go under. CLICK HERE for show […]

Interview 1574 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

weilunion says: Tucker is a nice,little fascist who promotes Proud Boys. James, the CNP has been around for over thirty years and it is far more extensive than reported by Max Blumenthal at Grayzone. Here is a site for viewers to see exactly who and what they are. There are nine parts. Yep, Alex […]

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