Posts Tagged ‘draws’

Jordan Peterson Draws Chilling Comparison to Today’s “Gender Affirming Care”

On the 2180th episode of the Joe Rogan Experience, Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson unleashed a harrowing critique of contemporary “gender-affirming care,” drawing comparisons that few dare to voice. Peterson, known for his unflinching perspectives, labeled these medical procedures as worse than some of history’s most heinous acts. Peterson didn’t mince words. “I’ve never seen anything […]

Netanyahu Draws Up New Plan To “Thin The Population In Gaza To A Minimum” As Carpet Bombing Resumes

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (12/1/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Gaza Draws Closer To Total Collapse With Humanitarian Aid Blocked At Egyptian Border

As Israel prepared a likely ground offensive into Gaza that would mean deadly house-to-house fighting, fears rose over the conflict spreading. Source

Biden Finally Draws Larger Crowd Than Trump

EL PASO, TX — The mainstream media has been heaping praise on President Biden for finally drawing a larger crowd than former President Trump. According to reports, hundreds of thousands are gathering in El Paso and it’s all because of President Biden. Source

WWE’s WrestleMania Extravaganza Draws Sponsors to the Ring

NEW YORK—WWE’s WrestleMania, the Super Bowl for the sports entertainment company, arrived last weekend to a massive audience and vastly larger sponsorship revenue as it seeks to establish itself as a serious contender for major dollars from such partnerships. Craig Stimmel, WWE’s senior vice president and head of global sales and partnerships, told The Associated […]

The Great Game of Divisiveness Draws Nearer to the End

From the most recent lunacy propagated by western “democracies,” my recent suggestion that Washington wants to give half of Ukraine to Poland may have merit. But, news, the Germans have been blackmailed into sending some old Leopard tanks to Ukraine bears watching since this move will undoubtedly sever Russo-German ties for good. And the fact […]

DeSantis draws contrast with Trump as party hunts for 2024 alternative

ORLANDO, Fla. — While former President Donald Trump was announcing his 2024 comeback campaign Tuesday night, his chief potential Republican primary rival, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, was 168 miles to the north, outlining a different electoral path forward for the party. During a closed-door appearance before the Republican Governors Association meeting at the Waldorf Astoria […]

Italy’s Based New ‘Far-Right’ PM Draws the Line: ‘Why Is the Family the Enemy?’

More and more, formerly normie (usually boomer) leaders foster the new populist political culture. In their rhetoric they echo how enormous disaffected swathes of the general population feel about the current state of affairs. Source

Space-Out Competition Draws South Koreans Ready to Zone Out

Around 50 people took part in a South Korean contest to be named the best person at doing nothing. The annual Space-out competition in Seoul on Sunday drew participants dressed to rest and impress, including some in pajamas and police uniforms. Some brought their favorite relaxation equipment, including a camping chair and a rocking horse. […]

‘US-Backed ‘Israeli’ Whitewash’: US Probe into Abu Akleh Assassination Draws Wide Condemnation

July 5, 2022 By Staff, Agencies A US probe into the killing of Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh that seeks to give the Zionist occupation forces a clean chit for the murder, unlike other independent investigations, has drawn wide condemnation from human rights advocates, including the Hebrew leading human rights group B’Tselem, as well as […]

Moving nativity scene draws visitors to Polish monastery

One of the larger moving nativity scenes in Poland was created at famous Jasna Gora Sancturay, south Poland. This year’s Jasna Gora moving Christmas crib consists of over 400 figurines, 300 of them are movable. They from Poland, Italy, Portugal and Germany. Everything that happens around the central character,baby Jesus,is an attempt to recreate everyday […]

Democracy Summit: Joe Biden Draws a New ‘Iron Curtain’ on China and Russia

The so-called ‘Democracy Summit’ that the Biden administration recently held was not only divisive, but was also more of a geo-political rather than a normative event aimed at deliberating about the state of democracy as a system of government and politics. The fact that the US deliberately excluded certain countries and then used the summit […]

One of Europe`s biggest and oldest lottery draws kicks off in Madrid

Spain’s traditional Christmas lottery draw has kicked off. A live audience has been authorised once more to attend the draw at the Royal Opera House in Madrid, after a one-year impasse due to the strict anti-COVID measures last year. The traditional Spanish Christmas Lottery ‘El Gordo’ (The Fat One) will see a total of 2.38 […]

Israel draws up plans to double its population size in the occupied Golan Heights

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett will table proposals to double the Israeli population to 104,000 by 2025 December 12, 2021 at 5:31 pm READ: Palestine hails UN resolutions against Israeli settlements, violations Show Comments Related Source

Biden’s Diplomatic Boycott of Beijing’s 2022 Winter Olympics Draws Applause and Criticism

A group of U.S. lawmakers and former U.S. officials are calling on the Biden administration to do more than just imposing a diplomatic boycott of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics. The diplomatic boycott was announced by White House press secretary Jen Psaki on Dec. 6, saying that Washington “cannot proceed with business as usual” in […]

‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Chant at John Hagee’s ‘Megachurch’ Draws Rebuke: ‘This Is Blasphemous’

(Christian Headlines) — A chant of “Let’s Go Brandon” at a well-known Texas church [this past weekend] was met with a round of rebuke from multiple Christian leaders, who called the moment shameful and antithetical to Jesus’ teachings. The phrase – a substitute for “F— Joe Biden” – was chanted Saturday at the Reawaken America […]

Amazon’s new diverse ‘Lord of the Rings’ series Draws Outrage and Disgust

    Amazon’s upcoming ‘Lord of the Rings’ series has drawn criticism for “preachy multiculturalism” after it emerged that the show will feature a diverse cast with a “tribe” of multi-racial hobbits and a “very strong female presence”. Earlier in the week, British actor Lenny Henry revealed that he would be playing a “black hobbit” […]

Fan unrest as Hungary draws at England; Poland walks off

Crowd trouble marred World Cup qualifiers as Hungary fans clashed with police during a 1-1 draw against England at Wembley Stadium and Poland’s players walked off in Albania after bottles were hurled in another Group I match on Tuesday. Karol Świderski had just scored for Poland in the 77th minute when he was struck by […]

John Kerry Draws Criticism for Brushing Off Question on CCP’s Crimes Against Uyghurs

U.S. climate envoy John Kerry appeared to be indifferent to the plight of Uyghurs in China when he said “life is always full of tough choices” in a recent interview with Bloomberg. Kerry was asked, “Clearly a priority of the Biden administration is really addressing climate, but it’s not the only priority. There are other […]

NHS England Draws Up Plans To Start Vaccinating 12 Yr Olds WITHOUT Parental Consent

    It has been revealed that the UK National Health Service (NHS) has drawn up plans to jab secondary school pupils as young as 12, without their parent’s consent. NHS Health service bosses have told trusts to be ready for the possible roll out of jabs to all 12 to 15-year-olds from September 6th, […]

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