Posts Tagged ‘diplomatic’

U.S. State Department says Israel’s Netanyahu has absolute diplomatic immunity against ICC arrest warrants for genocide, war crimes

(NaturalNews) Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu cannot be arrested and charged for war crimes in Gaza because he maintains absolute diplomatic immunity… Source

Craig Murray: The Farce of US Diplomatic Assurances (Julian Assange) Volume 29, Number 106 — Wednesday, April 17, 2024 April 17, 2024 The assurance that Julian Assange will be allowed to rely on the First Amendment in his defence is a blatantly weak piece of sophistry. U.S. Department of Justice Building in Washington. (Gregory Varnum , Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 3.0) By Craig Murray […]

Are the Violations of Mexican and Iranian Embassies a Sign of a ‘New Normal’ in Diplomatic Relations?

Recent actions taken by both the Israeli and Ecuadorian governments have called into question the sovereignty and sanctity of international embassies. On April 1st, Israel launched missiles at the Iranian consulate in Damascus, Syria, killing seven military advisers, including a high-profile leader of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). Iran’s ambassador to Syria noted that […]

Israeli Diplomat’s Son Claims Diplomatic Immunity After ‘Intentionally Running Over Cop’ in Florida

It’s open season on law enforcement in Governor Ron DeSantis’ Florida — so long as you’re the son of an Israeli diplomat. Source

Bolivia cuts All Diplomatic Ties with Israel After Refugee Camp Bombing

Bolivia’s government has taken a significant diplomatic step, announcing the severance of relations with Israel in response to Israel’s military operations in Gaza and its alleged treatment of Palestinians. Deputy Foreign Minister Freddy Mamani stated during a press conference, “Bolivia decided to break diplomatic relations with the state of Israel in repudiation and condemnation of […]

Mexico Threatens Diplomatic Action As Texas Border Security Delays 19,000 Trucks

Mexico Threatens Diplomatic Action As Texas Border Security Delays 19,000 Trucks Authored by Rashi Varshney via The Epoch Times, Mexico’s President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has announced that he will send a diplomatic note to the U.S. regarding Texas’s border cargo inspections that are causing significant delays to U.S.-bound traffic. Mr. Obrador said that 19,000 […]

The Many Layers of the Canada-India Diplomatic Dispute

Canada–India relations have been trapped in a downward spiral following an explosive statement in Parliament by Prime Minister (PM) Justin Trudeau on  September 18. He alleged involvement of Indian agents in the June 18 killing of Hardeep Singh Nijjar, a prominent British Columbian (BC) Sikh leader who was on India’s most wanted watchlist.  India has […]

India Comes To The U.N. With Diplomatic Mess After Riding Geopolitical High

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has accused the Indian government of being involved in the assassination of a Sikh leader on Canada’s soil. Source

Syria Assad in China, seeks exit from diplomatic isolation

Being seen with China’s President at a regional gathering should add further legitimacy to Assad’s campaign to return to the world stage. Source

Intense Clashes Rock Ain al-Hilweh Camp despite Diplomatic Efforts

September 10, 2023 Ain al-Hilweh camp witnessed today a series of hit-and-run operations between factions affiliated with “Fatah” and Islamic groups along the Hittin axis. These confrontations involved the use of machine guns and rocket-propelled grenades, with one such rocket landing near the camp’s eastern highway. This highway, which connects the city to the south, […]

The Grain Deal has become a diplomatic success story, or is there a new phase coming? …

Unfortunately, one of the negative consequences of active hostilities is observed in the foreign trade relations of the countries participating in the conflict. A temporary danger zone does not guarantee safety along trade communication routes. Disrupting the prior steady trading system is costly to the trade balance and frequently leads to major humanitarian crises, such […]

Exclusive: Hundreds of diplomatic files on King Charles censored

Some light reading for King’s Birthday Weekend… From The Foreign Office is keeping secret a cache of documents about the former Prince of Wales that were due for declassification. An ex-government minister tells Declassified the secrecy is “outrageous”. More than 200 files on overseas trips made by the former Prince of Wales stretching back […]

Why has Turkey Stepped Up its Diplomatic Efforts with Egypt?

The discussion of many contentious issues in Turkish society has been considerably enhanced in light of the impending elections in this nation. As the political battle rages on, several candidates and parties are attempting to play both domestic and foreign policy cards to win over voters. For instance, the leader of the Rodina party and […]

Blinken says US ‘actively’ working to re-establish diplomatic presence in Libya

The United States is "actively" working on re-establishing a diplomatic presence in Libya, US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, said on Wednesday, although he declined to provide an exact time on when the US embassy can be reopened, Reuters reports. Libya has had little peace since the 2011 NATO-backed uprising that ousted Muammar Gaddafi and […]

India scolds UK for diplomatic ‘indifference’

READ HERE: Separatist protesters pulled down the Indian flag from the High Commission in London   Source

The US diplomatic efforts to curtail Turkish independence continue

Given the dynamics of international processes and the earthquake disaster, Turkey remains at the forefront of the US and NATO bloc’s attention. Washington strongly opposes President Erdoğan’s policy of independence from American strategy, both in terms of reviving Turkey’s imperial status through reliance on the Turkic world and in maintaining its independence in relations with […]

Israel threatens a ‘diplomatic war’ over’s new West Bank safety guidance

Israeli officials are condemning’s recent decision to display a safety warning on its listings in the illegally-occupied West Bank. Source

Will E3 seize UN diplomatic momentum to revive JCPOA?

TEHRAN – Iranian President Ayatollah Ebrahim Raisi arrived in New York at noon on Monday local time amid a highly charged atmosphere surrounding the talks in Vienna over reviving the 2015 Iran nuclear deal.  Before leaving Tehran for New York, President Raisi was keen to set the record straight regarding the possibility of negotiating and […]

Albania breaks diplomatic ties with Iran over major cyberattack

Tirana has accused the Iranian regime of trying to destroy its government’s digital infrastructure.

30 Years of Diplomatic Relations between China and South Korea

August 24 marked the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Korea and China. ROK President Yoon Suk-yeol and Chinese President Xi Jinping exchanged congratulatory letters on the occasion. The South Korean leader said in his letter that bilateral ties have developed in various fields over the past 30 years. […]

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