Posts Tagged ‘independence’

Liberal Schools Are Forcing Children To ‘Declare Independence’ From Parents

A liberal school in Maine is forcing children to confess their “unconscious biases” and “declare Independence” from “something problematic” in their lives such as “parents.” The controversial policy, assigned by high-school “social studies” teacher Sara […] The post Liberal Schools Are Forcing Children To ‘Declare Independence’ From Parents appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Tim Barton’s Misleading Effort to Claim the Declaration of Independence Condemned Slavery

Tim Barton, son of Christian nationalist pseudo-historian David Barton and president of his WallBuilders organization, shares his father’s penchant for spreading lies and misinformation about the founding of this nation. Earlier this week, Barton spoke at an “Awakening Night” event in Corpus Christi, Texas, where he engaged in a misleading effort to prove that the […]

How Britain broke International Law to stop Palestinian independence 100 years ago

The Balfour Declaration violated Britain’s legal obligations as set out by the Covenant of the League of Nations. This establishes a legal basis for the Palestinian people to demand reparations from the UK. Source

Hitchens weighs in behind English Independence

STAY FREE ANOTHER THOUSAND YEARS.  Get rid of world government invasion of our country and prevent the break-up of England into regions.  Join as allies with the the Welsh Independence Movement. Source

Thousands march for Welsh Independence. Come on England. Stay Free from world government.

LIVE: Thousands march for Welsh Independence in Bangor The YesCymru and AUOBCymru rally has attracted a large crowd waving banner and flags in the cathedral city Welsh Independence supporters gather in Bangor for a march (Image: Arwyn Roberts) Thousands have filled the streets of Bangor to march in support for Welsh Independence. The cathedral city […]

Interview 1815 – Defeating Globalism on Declare Your Independence

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed via James joins Ernest Hancock for their regular, bi-monthly conversation on the Declare Your Independence radio broadcast to discuss nationalism, regionalism, globalism and how to really oppose the ideology of collectivism. With a significant detour into yeoman farmers and (un)intentional community, you won’t want to miss […]

Mansour: The Spirit of 1776—How 13 Rebellious Colonies Declared Their Independence

The story of the birth of our nation by Declaration in July 1776 is a story of disagreements, debates, compromises, and moral courage. It’s a story of a group of rebellious Englishmen who—despite their many differences—could agree on one thing: they wanted to live free. Source

Tunisia’s President Stands Up for His Independence, Defying Western Pressure

Tunisia is a nice little Arab Mediterranean country located in the very north of Africa (I know this well, for I was the Russian ambassador to Tunisia in the late twentieth century). Except for considerable phosphate reserves, there are hardly any minerals. Since gaining its independence in 1956, Tunisia has placed a strong emphasis on […]

New York’s Greek Independence Parade is happening this weekend

The 2023 Greek Independence Parade Committee cordially invites you to the final  parallel events to celebrate the Greek Independence Anniversary in New York:  Last Ceremonial Open Community Parade Meeting  The Last Ceremonial Open Community Parade Meeting will take place on April 27 at  7:45 p.m. at Stathakion Cultural Center (22-51 29th Street New York, NY… […]


The Republic of Texas IS an independent nation. It is just ILLEGALLY occupied by the USA/DC CORPORATION, With the USA/DC’s SUB CORPORATION ‘THE STATE OF TEXAS’ administrating the ILLEGAL occupation for ‘THE STATE OF TEXAS’s parent CORPORATION, the USA/DC CORPORATION The Republic of Texas joined the united States Volunteer Union in 1846, which was formed […]

The US diplomatic efforts to curtail Turkish independence continue

Given the dynamics of international processes and the earthquake disaster, Turkey remains at the forefront of the US and NATO bloc’s attention. Washington strongly opposes President Erdoğan’s policy of independence from American strategy, both in terms of reviving Turkey’s imperial status through reliance on the Turkic world and in maintaining its independence in relations with […]

The West Papua independence movement is making itself heard

On February 8, 2023 a plane belonging to the Indonesian airline Susi Air landed in the mountainous province of Papua Pegunungan, which is located in the Indonesian part of the New Guinea island. Soon, the six passengers of the plane and its pilot, New Zealander Philip Mertens, were taken hostage by members of the militant […]

Blinken vows support for Central Asian nations’ independence in bid to weaken Russia’s influence

The US Secretary of State, visiting Kazakhstan, is targeting all the former Soviet republics who fear they will be future victims of Russian expansionism Source

Irish Liberators In South American Independence Wars

For much of its history Ireland was just one of a legion of realms conquered by the British Empire in a morally reprehensible quest of world domination. The road to independence was long and arduous, and was particularly challenging during the 19th century when the British Crown was at the apex of its power. As […]

Separatists Took a New Zealand Pilot Hostage. Now They’re Using Him to Barter for Independence.

Separatist fighters in Indonesia’s Papua region have taken a New Zealand pilot hostage, setting his plane on fire after it landed in a remote highland area on Tuesday.  The pilot, who has been identified as Captain Philip Merthens, was flying the small Susi Air plane from Mimika, in Central Papua province, to Nduga, a mountainous […]

Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock

Whitney joined Ernest Hancock to discuss corruption in politics, globalists, WEF, and her new book. Available on podcast platforms. Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock. Source

President Jair Bolsonaro asks his followers to ‘take a stand’ on bicentenary of independence

Millions of Brazilians took to the streets to celebrate 200 years of independence from Portugal. And as the military tanks rolled onto the streets, President Jair Bolsonaro asked his followers to ‘make a stand’.

Bolsonaro Reiterates Threats To Brazilian Democracy During Independence Day Rallies

Far-right President Jair Bolsonaro turned a series of Brazilian independence day events into campaign rallies on Wednesday, using mass gatherings of his supporters to reiterate his attacks on the country’s democratic institutions ahead of an October election he has repeatedly sought to undermine. Bolsonaro, who has spent two years attempting to sabotage an election he […]

Malaysia celebrates 65th Independence Day with parades

Malaysia celebrates its 65th Indepence Day on Wednesday in the capital of Kuala Lumpur, with over 20,000 people taking part in parades that involved flag-waving uniformed personnel and military vehicles. The Southeast Asian nation, known then as Malaya, was freed from British colonial rule in 1957 before taking on the name Malaysia in 1963 when […]

Images of Kyiv’s streets as Ukraine celebrates its Independence Day.

Images of Kyiv’s streets as Ukraine celebrates its Independence Day on the six-month mark of the Ukraine war. Source

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