Posts Tagged ‘defying’

Tunisia’s President Stands Up for His Independence, Defying Western Pressure

Tunisia is a nice little Arab Mediterranean country located in the very north of Africa (I know this well, for I was the Russian ambassador to Tunisia in the late twentieth century). Except for considerable phosphate reserves, there are hardly any minerals. Since gaining its independence in 1956, Tunisia has placed a strong emphasis on […]

Amish Communities Defying CDC Covid Guidelines Had ’90x Lower Mortality Rate’ Than Rest of US

Amish communities that defied CDC guidelines during the Covid-19 pandemic experienced 90 times less deaths than mainstream America, according to the results of a stunning new study which raise serious questions about the efficacy of […] The post Amish Communities Defying CDC Covid Guidelines Had ’90x Lower Mortality Rate’ Than Rest of US appeared first […]

Minnesota Bar Owner Faces $350,000 in Fines for Defying State COVID-19 Restrictions

A Minnesota bar owner lost her business, liquor and food service licenses, and is facing up to $350,000 in fines for violating a governor’s executive order. But the Minnesota Attorney General’s lawsuit doesn’t list any actual harm caused by her actions. “I didn’t break the law; I defied the executive order,” Lisa Monet Zarza told […]

Iranians continue protests, defying rising death toll and potential execution

Nine weeks into anti-regime protests led by women and young people, one human rights group estimated that Iran’s security forces have killed at least 326 people, including 43 children. Source

Belgian bishops agree to bless same-sex unions, defying Vatican

Roman Catholic bishops from Belgium’s Flanders region issued a document on Tuesday permitting the blessing of same-sex unions – in direct contrast to the Vatican’s ruling on the matter. The document was published on the Bishops’ Conference of Belgium website, and listed a ritual which would include a prayer and a final “benediction” in front […]

Belgian bishops agree to bless same-sex unions, defying Vatican

Roman Catholic bishops from Belgium’s Flanders region issued a document on Tuesday permitting the blessing of same-sex unions – in direct contrast to the Vatican’s ruling on the matter. The document was published on the Bishops’ Conference of Belgium website, and listed a ritual which would include a prayer and a final “benediction” in front […]

Cycling on the frontline: The Ukrainians defying danger in the Donetsk war zone

Toretsk is on the frontline of the war in Ukraine, yet cyclists pedal around the streets, going about their daily business as if defying the surrounding danger. Source

Age-defying compound protects brain health, study suggests

(NaturalHealth365)  A recent study shows resveratrol improves cognitive performance.  Though resveratrol does not receive considerable attention from the mainstream media, it is becoming increasingly clear that it provides several benefits for human health. What’s behind resveratrol’s brain-protective effects? Study shows resveratrol has anti-aging and anti-inflammatory properties Though resveratrol is a relatively unknown compound, it is […]

8 Times Ron DeSantis Led the Way in Defying Woke Virtue-Signaling

Several well-known companies, organizations, and federal agencies continue to capitalize on political disasters or movements to advance leftist narratives — from the advancement of radical LGBT ideology to the recent push for mass gun control. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is one of the few GOP governors who has openly defied woke virtue-signaling. 

Miss South Africa Wins 2nd Runner-up at Miss Universe After Defying Anti-Israel BDS Campaign

Miss South Africa Lalela Mswane finished second runner-up at the Miss Universe pageant on Sunday evening after defying calls by anti-Israel groups to boycott the competition, which was held in the Israeli resort town of Eilat, Israel. South Africa: Choose courage over comfort in every opportunity they get. Video courtesy of Miss Universe/Twitter#70thMissUniverse #MissUniverse2021 LIVE: […]

Israel is ignoring citizenship applications of Jewish converts, defying Supreme Court

The Israeli government is failing to approve the citizenship applications of almost 80 converts to Judaism, nine months after the country’s Supreme Court announced its recognition of conversions for the purpose of citizenship. In March this year, the Israeli Supreme Court approved a landmark decision that conversions to non-Orthodox Jewish denominations would enable foreigners to […]

Media Goes To War With Aaron Rodgers For Defying COVID Groupthink

Renegade Editor’s Note: I wish people like Rodgers would take a stronger stand, given that he will be attacked anyway, and he has enough money that he never needs to play sportsball again. (Grabien) Last week, reigning NFL MVP Aaron Rodgers tested positive for COVID-19, and it was revealed that he had not previously been […]

Bannon indicted on contempt charges for defying congressional subpoena

Steve Bannon, a longtime ally to former President Donald Trump, was indicted Friday on two counts of contempt of Congress after he defied a congressional subpoena from the House committee investigating the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol. The Justice Department said Bannon, 67, was indicted on one count for refusing to appear for a deposition […]

Defying Texas Governor, Southwest, American Airlines Stand by Biden’s Vaccine Mandate

American Airlines and Southwest Airlines announced on Tuesday that they would follow President Joe Biden’s executive order requiring that employees be vaccinated against COVID-19 by Dec. 8, defying Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s executive order blocking mandates by any entity in the state. The companies, both based in Texas, argued that Biden’s mandate supersedes Abbott’s, which […]

Hundreds Of United Airlines Staff Face Termination For Defying Vaccine Mandate

United Airlines has said that nearly 600 US-based employees are facing termination after failing to comply with their covid vaccination mandate. Last month the company became the first US carrier to require Covid-19 vaccinations for all domestic employees. The carrier’s deadline was this week and as of Monday proof of vaccination was required. United Airlines […]

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton Sues Six School Districts for Defying Ban on Mask Mandates

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton (R) on Friday announced that he is suing six school districts for defying Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s (R) ban on mask mandates. Paxton said in a statement: Not only are superintendents across Texas openly violating state law, but they are using district resources—that ought to be used for teacher merit […]

Biden Admin to Repay Schools Defying DeSantis With Mask Mandates

The administration of President Joe Biden said on Friday that it will step in to repay the Florida schools which are openly defying Gov. Ron Desantis by requiring students to wear masks. In a letter (pdf) to DeSantis (R), Education Secretary Miguel Cardona said that the Biden administration will ensure that any school district which […]

Menendez is defying Biden over Iran because he owes his political life to Israel lobby and Saban

Last week it came out that New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez was working to “sabotage” Joe Biden’s effort to return to the Iran deal even if he “risks setting the US on a course toward war with Iran.” And meantime, 70 Democrats in the House have signed a letter telling Biden that he shouldn’t reenter […]

Madrid will not shut its borders for Easter, region’s president says, defying Covid measures adopted by rest of Spain

The Madrid region will be the only one in Spain without a Covid-19 border shutdown for Easter, its President Isabel Diaz Ayuso said on Wednesday following a meeting of top-level health chiefs. Spain’s Interterritorial Council of the National Health System (CISNS) met to approve a number of health measures for Spanish regional and national holidays, […]

Defying Deadly Crackdown, Crowds Again Protest Myanmar Coup

YANGON, Myanmar (AP) — Police in Myanmar’s biggest city fired tear gas Monday at defiant crowds who returned to the streets to protest last month’s coup, despite reports that security forces had killed at least 18 people a day earlier. The protesters in Yangon were chased as they tried to gather at their usual meeting […]

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