Posts Tagged ‘compound’

The Pandemic Treaty Will Compound Past Mistakes 

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL The new Pandemic Agreement and revisions to the International Health Regulations (IHR) – both legally binding instruments – are being negotiated for adoption during the 77th meeting of the World Health Assembly, May 27 to June 1, 2024. This article, by Michael T. Clark, explains why developing country delegates should […]

Coffee Compound May Help Counteract Age-Related Muscle Loss

Coffee Compound May Help Counteract Age-Related Muscle Loss Authored by George Citroner via The Epoch Times, One of the world’s favorite brews may hold the key to keeping muscles strong and healthy as we age. According to recent research, a natural compound found in coffee could be the secret weapon against age-related muscle loss. The […]

Israeli Forces Attack Church Compound In Gaza Just Days Before Christmas

The Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem said the Israeli military killed two women and displaced dozens of disabled people sheltering at the Holy Family Parish. Source

The QAnon Queen’s Compound Is Now a Ghost Town

The QAnon Queen of Canada has left her compound in rural Saskatchewan…. For now, at least. Romana Didulo, a cult leader who has convinced hundreds of people across the world she’s the true queen of Canada (among other eccentric things), has been living in an abandoned school in the small Saskatchewan town of Richmound for […]

Psychedelic plant compound ibogaine helping people overcome addition

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) Another natural herb that currently sits on the United States’ Schedule I “controlled substances” list along with cannabis and peyote is helping people overcome the damage caused to them by pharmaceutical drugs.Ibogaine, which comes from a powerful Gabonese plant, is a natural substance that people with drug addiction … [Read More…] Source

These are the settler groups seeking to take over the Aqsa Mosque compound

Temple Movement activists are trying to enter the Aqsa compound to slaughter goats and challenge the Muslim presence in the holy site. Palestinian worshippers remaining in the mosque during Ramadan are resisting. Source

Compound in wakame seaweed found to have anticancer properties

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) Wakame seaweed (Undaria pinnatifida) is a staple in the Japanese diet, often served alone as a side dish or mixed in soups and stews. However, a compound in this seaweed has been discovered to exhibit cancer-fighting properties.An April 2020 study published in Marine Drugs elaborated on this compound called fucoidan, … [Read […]

Cancer-causing compound potentially spreading across Eastern Ohio

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) Following the Ohio train derailment, Senator Sherrod Brown and Senator J.D. Vance wrote to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and its state counterpart to request more information about the potential spread of dioxin in East Palestine, Ohio.According to data, the harmful compound can cause cancer.In the … [Read More…] Source

Itamar Ben Gvir is trying to make the Aqsa compound a ‘shared site’

Itamar Ben Gvir wants to normalize Jewish worship at the Al-Aqsa compound as a precursor to full Israeli control over the holy site, much like Baruch Goldstein’ massacre at the Ibrahimi Mosque brought full Israeli control over that part of Hebron. It is hardly farfetched to assume that the al-Aqsa compound might suffer the same […]

IOF storm Al-Aqsa, prevent worshipers from entering compound

Sep 26 2022 08:20 Source: Al Mayadeen Net By Al Mayadeen English  At the beginning of the celebrations of Jewish holidays, Israeli settlers storm Al-Aqsa Mosque under the heavy protection of occupation forces. The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) stormed Al-Aqsa Mosque to secure the settlers’ incursions, and prevented men under the age of 40 from entering […]

Amazing Compound Found in Tomatoes Can Strengthen Bones and Help Prevent Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis, characterized by low bone mineral density, causes brittle bones susceptible to breakage.  Odds of developing osteoporosis skyrocket with advancing age – with women disproportionately affected.  About 30 percent of postmenopausal women in the United States are affected by osteoporosis, and – according to the International Osteoporosis Foundation – roughly one in three women over age […]

Age-defying compound protects brain health, study suggests

(NaturalHealth365)  A recent study shows resveratrol improves cognitive performance.  Though resveratrol does not receive considerable attention from the mainstream media, it is becoming increasingly clear that it provides several benefits for human health. What’s behind resveratrol’s brain-protective effects? Study shows resveratrol has anti-aging and anti-inflammatory properties Though resveratrol is a relatively unknown compound, it is […]

Warsaw seizes Russia-built compound to give to Ukraine

The city of Warsaw took over a disputed compound administered by the Russian diplomatic mission and could make it available to the Ukrainian community, the mayor said. “It is extremely symbolic that we are closing this long process now, in the age of Russian aggression,” Mayor Rafal Trzaskowski tweeted. He said a bailiff entered the […]

Blood clot RISK: This unique compound in grape seed extract helps to protect your circulation

(NaturalHealth365) For many, working from home is now the “new normal.”  And, for millions of Americans, this means long hours seated at a desk.  Believe it or not, while excessive sitting hardly seems like a dangerous activity, it actually presents a serious risk to health.  In fact, the threat is so severe that health experts […]

Turkey Announces “Crescent Star Compound” for Military

Announcement Coincides with Events Celebrating Religious Freedom Abuses 09/01/2021 Washington D.C. (International Christian Concern) – International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that on Aug. 30, 2021, Turkey’s President Erdoğan announced the groundbreaking of “Crescent Star Compound” in Ankara as a new home for the defense ministry. The announcement occurred during the celebration of Victory Day, which marks […]

FBI Agents Raid Massive Terrorist Compound In California

CARLSBAD, CA—After confiscating a LEGO Capitol Building from one of the conspirators of the worst day in our nation’s history, January 6, FBI agents uncovered an even more sinister plot, saying the LEGO conspiracy is far worse than they had feared. They’ve traced the conspiracy all the way to the top, raiding a massive terrorist compound […]

Soyboy: Japanese Researchers Use Soybean Compound to Turn Male Fish Into Females

A team of researchers in Japan has succeeded in using a compound found in soybeans similar in effect to female hormones to turn male catfish into females. “The team, from Kindai University’s Aquaculture Research Institute and based at the institute’s Shingu Station in Shingu, Wakayama Prefecture, used isoflavone — a compound found in soybeans similar […]

Who’s responsible for the tomb compound where disaster struck Israel? Depends who you ask

News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online English edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, gives you breaking news, analyses and opinions about Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World. © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved Source

Activists Sue to Stop Vote on Funding for Chicago Police Compound

The No Cop Academy Coalition filed a complaint in a circuit court in Cook County to prevent a City Council vote on a funding measure for a $95 million police training academy. Attorney Brendan Shiller, who is one of the attorneys representing the coalition, asserted the City of Chicago, through elected officials, “engaged in a […]

"Beet" it! A compound found in this superfood may help slow Alzheimer’s

(Natural News) You can now add one more benefit to eating beets – that is, slowing down the progress of Alzheimer’s disease. According to a study, the extracts of beets contain a compound called betanin which could help prevent the building up of misfolded proteins and slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. […]

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