Posts Tagged ‘settler’

Truckers recount ‘barbaric’ settler attack on Gaza aid convoy

May 17, 2024 Source: The Guardian By Al Mayadeen English The incident, which unfolded in broad daylight, has rightfully sparked international condemnation, shedding light on the dire circumstances faced by Palestinians under Israeli occupation. Palestinian truck drivers delivering aid to Gaza recounted “barbaric” scenes as their vehicles were obstructed and vandalized by Israeli settlers, hindering […]

Zionism Is Settler Colonialism, Israel Kills Intl. UN Member & Graham Calls For Nuking Iran/Gaza

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (5/13/24). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Recent settler violence in the West Bank, explained

Recent settler attacks against the villages bordering the Jordan Valley between Nablus and Ramallah aren’t random. They are part of a historic Israeli policy to annex the Jordan Valley and expel the Palestinian communities that live there. Source

New Oct 7 Footage Shows Israeli Tank Firing at Settler Homes in Kibbutz Be’eri

Israel Defense Forces tanks on Oct 7 shelled settler homes full of noncombatants in Kibbutz Be’eri while some 500 IDF soldiers “waited outside doing nothing,” new video obtained by Israel’s Channel 12 reveals. Source

US Blocks Transfer Of Over 20,000 Rifles To Israel Over Settler Violence

There’s been some serious mixed messaging and contradictory signals coming from the White House of late regarding Israel and the Gaza War. President Biden on Tuesday had for the first time offered criticism of Israel’s “indiscriminate bombing” of Gaza – even while keeping the massive defense aid flowing to Israel’s military on an unconditional basis. He […]

“White House to clamp down on Israeli settler violence”

What??? When??? When Pigs Fly??? The Ole Dog! Link to Bull Shit Propaganda Piece Trying To Covalence Americans US Is Not A Jew Dick Sucking Bitch Assisting The Holocaust of Semitic Palestinians: Share this: Source

Israeli settler violence has been surging across the West Bank since October 7

Since October 7, Israeli settlers and military have been terrorizing Palestinian communities across the West Bank. At least 10 villages in the South Hebron Hills have been displaced through violence, and over 120 Palestinians have been killed. Source

Israeli Settler Shoots And Kills Palestinian Harvester As Violence Surges In The West Bank

The deadly shooting took place amid a spike in settler violence since Hamas militants infiltrated Israel on Oct. 7. Source

The struggle against settler colonial affinities

The affinity between the West and Israel is due in part to an affinity with white settler life. Our task, in face of the ongoing Israeli onslaught in Gaza and the ongoing white settler attachment to it, is to struggle against this social order. Source

Source Of ‘Beheaded Babies’ Claim Is Israeli Settler Leader Who Wants To Wipe Out Palestinians

Biden, Netanyahu and the international media have been quick to report on dubious claims made by a radical Israeli settler leader who told a reporter that Palestinian militants had cut of the heads of babies. […] The post Source Of ‘Beheaded Babies’ Claim Is Israeli Settler Leader Who Wants To Wipe Out Palestinians appeared first […]

The humanitarian paradigm complements Israel’s settler-colonial violence

A late commemoration of World Humanitarian Day in Gaza marked not only that the international community considers Palestinians as an afterthought, but also how far removed diplomats are from the politics that created the perpetual humanitarian crisis in the enclave. Diplomats from Chile, Mexico, Spain, Italy, Norway, the UK and Australia went to the Gaza […]

This school year, students in Masafer Yatta brave settler and army harassment

With the start of the new school year, Palestinian children in Masafer Yatta defy Israeli army and settler harassment to go to class in tents, since Israel demolished their school last year. Source

Targeting Palestinian children is necessary for Israeli settler colonialism

Israeli settler colonialism and apartheid is based on the extermination of the indigenous population and the elimination of their hope of living freely. Palestinian children represent that hope. Source

Finding my hidden history in Israel’s colonial-settler past and present

Jason Sherman’s film “My Tree” follows his attempt to find the Jewish National Fund tree his parents planted for him in Israel and in process learning the role it played in the ethnic cleansing of Palestine. Source

Israel’s Military-Settler State: There are no Jewish ‘civilians’ in the West Bank

JUL 14, 2023 Israeli settler terrorism is a strategy employed by Israel to advance its territorial gains and the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. Robert Inlakesh US President Joe Biden recently called out Benjamin Netanyahu’s government as being the “most extreme” he’s seen, and pointed to members of the Israeli Prime Minister’s coalition as being “part […]

Why Israeli officials are suddenly labeling settler pogroms ‘terrorist’

The Israeli state sees violent settler mobs as challenging its monopoly over violence. This puts right-wing ministers like Itamar Ben-Gvir in a bind: settlers facilitate the settlement project, but the state wants to control it. Source

As Israeli Settler Terrorism Rises, The Palestinian Authority Nears Collapse

The latest string of settler terrorist acts against Palestinian communities, coupled with the advancements shown by the West Bank resistance forces, is leading towards a dramatic escalation inside of the occupied territory. As the current Palestinian political scene remains divided, with no sign of national elections in sight, the hunger for a unified leadership is […]

UN Rights Investigator aims to probe growing Israel settler violence

A member of an UN-mandated independent commission of inquiry said on Tuesday that increasing Jewish settler violence in the Occupied West Bank was a "major concern" and announced plans to investigate further, Reuters reports. The West Bank, among territories taken by Israel in the 1967 Middle East war and which Palestinians seek for a state, has seen an […]

Settler march to ‘Evyatar’: a show of power and promise for the future

Armed with assault rifles and other weapons, thousands of Israeli settlers took over the streets of the northern occupied West Bank this week to declare: this land belongs to us and we want all of it.  Source

These are the settler groups seeking to take over the Aqsa Mosque compound

Temple Movement activists are trying to enter the Aqsa compound to slaughter goats and challenge the Muslim presence in the holy site. Palestinian worshippers remaining in the mosque during Ramadan are resisting. Source

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