Posts Tagged ‘struggle’

Pepe Escobar on Syriana Analysis – The Defining Struggle of Our Time – Eurasia vs Natostan

22K views Streamed 1 day ago #nato #russia #syrianaanalysis In this interview, we are joined by the renowned geopolitical expert Pepe Escobar, who delves into the pages of his latest book “Eurasia v. NATOstan”. Brace yourself for an insightful exploration of the imminent collision between the Western Empire of Chaos and the emerging multipolar world […]

Palestine: Unity of land, people and struggle 

Today, Gaza is on the frontlines, but she is not alone. We call on all Palestinians everywhere to unite in action. Our liberation can only be achieved through a unity of struggle, built upon a unity of people and a unity of land. Source

Unraveling the knot: The Biden administration’s struggle for comprehensive student debt relief

A pivotal shift in the battle against student debt surfaces as the Biden administration grapples with the complexities of its cancellation plan. This renewed focus was sparked by a significant blow from the U.S. Supreme Court, which in June struck down President Joe Biden’s ambitious strategy to cancel up to $20,000 per federal borrower. Now, […]

The outsized place of the U.S. university in the current struggle

On October 26, the U.S. Senate unanimously passed a condemnation of so-called “campus antisemitism” (in line with the State Department’s capacious understanding of that term). In its wake, administrators at Columbia University have suspended their campus chapters of Students for Justice in Palestine and Jewish Voice for Peace, as announced by their ominous special committee […]

Netherlands’ Land Grab: A new documentary records the Dutch farmers’ struggle against a regime that is attempting to seize their land

Comment: of course it is not about the fake climate change narrative … anybody who still thinks it is is greatly duped. EWNZ [embedded content] A couple of weeks ago,  Big Picture released the documentary ‘NITROGEN 2000: The Dutch Farmers’ Struggle’ to watch for free. NITROGEN 2000 is a 45-minute documentary on the Dutch Farmer […]

NITROGEN 2000 The Dutch Farmers’ Struggle

Nov 6 2023 Nitrogen 2000 is a 45 minute documentary on the Dutch Farmer struggle of 2019-23. 70% of Holland is owned by small cattle farmers and since 2019, the Dutch government has been advocating a 50% forced buy out of their land. This amounts to a nationalization of a third of the territory of […]

Israel Says It Will Let Egypt Deliver Some Aid To Gaza As Doctors Struggle After Hospital Blast

The announcement to allow water, food and other supplies came as rage over Tuesday night’s blast at al-Ahli Hospital spread across the Middle East. Source

The struggle against settler colonial affinities

The affinity between the West and Israel is due in part to an affinity with white settler life. Our task, in face of the ongoing Israeli onslaught in Gaza and the ongoing white settler attachment to it, is to struggle against this social order. Source

Makers of 3D-Printed Medical Equipment Struggle to Save Lives In Gaza Under Siege

A group of hackers and surgeons making open-source, 3D-printed medical equipment in Gaza are facing obstacles to saving lives as Israel continues a bombing campaign that has killed many civilians in retaliation for attacks by Hamas that killed over 1,000 Israelis including children over the weekend. Tarek Loubani, a Palestinian-Canadian emergency room doctor, helped pioneer […]

Frustration grows amid struggle to roll out new RSV, COVID shots for children

Insurance barriers and distribution challenges are marring the rollout of highly anticipated new shots to protect babies from respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and young kids from COVID-19, drawing anger and frustration from parents and pediatricians.  Medical practices don’t know when, or how much, they will get paid for the pricey RSV shot, and they are… […]

What motivates non-Palestinians to join the Palestinian struggle for freedom?

South African Marthie Momberg offers first-person accounts from non-Palestinian activists on the front line of the struggle for Palestinian human rights. Source

Algeria and France: The Anticolonial Struggle Continues

On September 2018 French President Macron admitted that France had committed war crimes in the Algerian War for Independence that lasted from 1954 to 1962. He acknowledged, as just a single example, the torture of FLN member, Maurice Audin, a communist, who, after being tortured was executed by French military forces, at the age of […]

‘Palestine is the Andalus of the possible’: Palestinian poetry as a form of struggle

While Palestinian and Arab poets once likened the Fall of Granada to the loss of Palestine, a newer generation is recasting “al-Andalus” as the Palestine yet to come. Source

Sleepless in Beirut: A struggle of Lebanese diaspora in the 2006 war

July 30, 2023 Source: Al Mayadeen English By Rachel Hamdoun This is not a story of leaving Lebanon but take this as a letter from those living on the outside and looking in, incapable of acting to cease the atrocities as a result of distance, to a homeland they can only reach through a screen.  […]

The Third Intifada: A new chapter in the Palestinian struggle for liberation

June 29 2023 As resistance activities intensify across the West Bank, indicating another potential uprising with similar causes as the previous two intifadas, the evolving armed resistance suggests a heightened level of sophistication and adaptability among the resistance groups. By Ali Abou Jbara The occupied Palestinian territories have undergone a series of significant changes since last […]

What Sparked The Violent Struggle To Control Sudan’s Future?

The prospects for an immediate cease-fire appear to be slim in Sudan, where a battle is raging for a third day for control of the country by its two ruling generals. Source

“Original Fingerprints”, inner struggle in teenagers

As reported by the Ibna news agency, Hussein Ghorbanzadeh wrote “Original Fingerprints” for teenagers. Source

Is nonviolence relevant for the Palestinian struggle?

Calling for nonviolence does not mean abandoning the right to armed self-defense. It means the tactical use of these methods in the same way that the civil rights movement did. Source

Households across Europe struggle to pay bills as cost of living crisis bites

Households across Europe are struggling to pay bills as the cost of living crisis bites and leads to street protests in many countries Source

On armed struggle and nonviolence

As a Palestinian Christian organization, Sabeel rejects armed resistance however legitimate and justified it might be. Nonviolence remains the most effective strategy at this time in Palestine. Source

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