Posts Tagged ‘poetry’

Shafiei Kadkani’s book on Persian Poetry translated into Bosnian

TEHRAN-The book “Periods of Persian Poetry” by Mohammad Reza Shafiei Kadkani has been translated into Bosnian. Source

‘Palestine is the Andalus of the possible’: Palestinian poetry as a form of struggle

While Palestinian and Arab poets once likened the Fall of Granada to the loss of Palestine, a newer generation is recasting “al-Andalus” as the Palestine yet to come. Source

Kvasir and the Mead of Poetry in Norse Mythology

For the ancient Vikings, poetry was a way to tell the stories of their gods, their religion, their heroes and villains. Works that have survived centuries are told with such eloquence; it would only be fitting that they had a story to explain their origin. Although there are several versions, they are always centered on […]

Witness: Poetry of Dissent

WITNESS: THE RED RIVER BOOK OF POETRY OF DISSENT, 2021, Edited by NABINA DAS RED RIVER, an independent poetry press run by the intrepid Dibyajyoti Sarma has spearheaded recent poetry publications in India – of diverse tenor and fine aesthetic value. Red River has very recently published this staggering anthology of ‘dissent’ poetry to counter […]

Celebrating poetry of the people: an interview with Mohammed El-Kurd

 In celebration of the recent release of his debut poetry collection RIFQA, I sat down with Mohammed El-Kurd to speak to him about this groundbreaking collection. The following is the blurb I wrote for his collection, out now with Haymarket Books:  At its heart, RIFQA is a call to build a better elsewhere for Palestinians, […]

New Light On The Ancient Origins Of Poetry And Song

A Cambridge researcher has rewritten the history of the origins of song. A singular text has revealed modern poetry began hundreds of years earlier than was previously believed. A 2nd to 3rd century poem has come under the spotlight. A Cambridge academic had discovered that the set lines were widely reproduced in the eastern Roman […]

What Good Is Poetry? ‘Nothing Gold Can Stay’

Nature’s first green is gold,Her hardest hue to hold.Her early leaf’s a flower;But only so an hour.Then leaf subsides to leaf.So Eden sank to grief,So dawn goes down to day.Nothing gold can stay. There is nothing like a paradox to entice the mind to discover a suggested secret. Such paradoxes and such secrets lie at […]

Writing Poetry Helps Me Process the Unspeakable Evils of the Holocaust

(JTA) — Not long after the gruesome reality of the Holocaust had burst onto the world’s consciousness, the philosopher and social theorist Theodor Adorno famously observed in 1949 that writing poetry after Auschwitz was barbaric — “nach Auschwitz ein Gedicht zu schreiben, ist barbarisch.” Less well known but equally insightful was Adorno’s subsequent conclusion, expressed […]

Persian writer’s new poetry collections feature teenage concerns  

TEHRAN – Iranian writer Kamal Shafiei has said that his latest two poetry collections feature concerns of the teenage years. The Gooya House of Culture and Art has recently released his new collection, “If Trees Could Walk”. “The collection contains 30 new poems and a selection of works I had composed long ago,” Shafiei told […]

Sumud, crucifixion, and poetry: The life of Palestinian leader Tawfiq Zayyad

Unlike the author of this academic biography who never met the Palestinian leader Tawfiq Zayyad and only knew of him through the mainly Zionist Hebrew press, I knew Tawfiq Zayyad and respected him since the Nakba. At that life-changing juncture, he was nearly twice my age of eleven years, someone with literary promise, revolutionary bend […]

Fighting Fascism with Poetry

Lastbench is an anthology written in the time of Trump and Covid-19, acting as a voice for those who are frustrated with the news cycle, wishing for something more visceral. It is unapologetically against Trump and considers his Presidency to be the terror that began the downfall. Whether true or not, this is the slant of […]

Winning Hearts and Minds With Conscious Poetry

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Watch on Archive / BitChute / LBRY / Minds / YouTube Benny Wills joins us today to share his conscious poetry and discuss his work spreading understanding, compassion and humanity through art. CLICK HERE for mp3 audio and show notes for this video Filed in: VideosTagged […]

Interview 1582 – Benny Wills Wins Hearts and Minds With Conscious Poetry

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Benny Wills joins us today to share his conscious poetry and discuss his work spreading understanding, compassion and humanity through art. Watch on Archive / BitChute / LBRY / Minds / YouTube or Download the mp4 SHOW NOTESBenny Wills on YouTube / BitChute / Brighteon Allegory […]

The Surprising Power of Poetry to Change Lives and Transform the World

August 29th, 2017 By Carolanne Wright Contributing writer for Wake Up World Winner of the TS Eliot award, John Burnside doesn’t think poetry is a frivolous act, another romantic — yet ultimately worthless — art destined for the dusty archives of history. Instead, he believes “poetry is central to our culture … capable of being the […]

The state of Israel on the nature of poetry

Dareen Tatour, a Palestinian poet and citizen of Israel, was arrested in 2015 for posting a poem on Facebook. Tatour was charged with “incitement” (partly based on an erroneous translation of her poem from Arabic to Hebrew), imprisoned for months and then kept under house arrest while awaiting trial. Transcripts from her trial were recently […]

Israeli police initiate ‘friction activity’ on quiet streets in East Jerusalem

An internal Jerusalem police department report reveals Israeli border police “initiated friction activity” to deliberately provoke violence in the occupied East Jerusalem neighborhood of Isawiyah, according to Haaretz. The report comes to light after attorney Eitay Mack, representing the family of 12 year old Palestinian child Ahmed Abu Humus, filed a complaint after the boy was shot in […]

Corbyn: Clowns to the left of him, jokers to the right

A political beacon is about to be extinguished unless Jeremy Corbyn breaks with the doomed Labour Party and sets up on his own     Well I don’t know why I came here tonight I got the feeling that something ain’t right, I’m so scared in case I fall off my chair, And I’m wondering how […]

Blackbird9’s Breakfast Club: Quintin van Zyl & Patricia Aiken – New Beginnings and News Download Frederick C. Blackburn continued with part 4 of the “Situations, Strategies, and Solutions” series and was joined in the 2nd hour by WAS Foundation co-founder Mr. Quintin van Zyl  to discuss the South Africa “Project New Beginnings” plan. Patricia Aiken from the “Sacred Cow BBQ” show on Revolution Radio also joined the show […]

7 Sacred Herbs for Activating and Harmonizing the Chakras

15th February 2016 By Justin Faerman Guest Writer for Wake Up World While the chakras themselves are energetic/etheric in nature, they each have corresponding physical organs, glands and systems in the body that can, and do, have an effect on their functioning. When the associated organ/gland/system is weak or out of balance, the relevant chakra […]

7 Sacred Herbs for Activating and Harmonizing the Chakras

15th February 2016 By Justin Faerman Guest Writer for Wake Up World While the chakras themselves are energetic/etheric in nature, they each have corresponding physical organs, glands and systems in the body that can, and do, have an effect on their functioning. When the associated organ/gland/system is weak or out of balance, the relevant chakra […]

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