Posts Tagged ‘transform’

The Power of Shungite to Transform Dangerous EMF Frequencies

Richard Vobes joined by Hope and Trivon who explain Orgone energy and the benefits of Shungite  to protect us from Electro Magnetic Frequencies and structuring water.  … 4 days ago #shungite #emf #health     Source

US is Actively Trying to Transform Kyrgyzstan into Anti-Russia

The geopolitical confrontation between the collective West, led by the United States, and Russia has noticeably intensified and in recent months, after Moscow launched a special operation to denazify Ukraine, has perhaps reached its peak. This confrontation is especially clearly manifested in the political and trade and economic spheres. The United States, having recently made […]

Prayer helps transform a killer and a town in Kenya

Photo Credit: Nicola Stockton/Pixabay (Christian Aid Mission) — Church members and community leaders had gathered for prayer following a series of murders in their town in western Kenya when a young man burst in and confessed to raping and killing six young women. The gathering was part of a three-day prayer event called in response […]

Ice sculptors transform a Russian city into a winter wonderland

Festive illuminations are brightening up the Siberian city of Tomsk’s central square. Alongside a New Year tree, there are sixteen large ice sculptures decorating the site. The artworks were created as part of Crystal Tomsk, ice sculpture festival that took place between 12 and 18 December. It’s the seventh time the festival has been staged […]

Vaccine Passports Transform Society Into Dystopian Nightmare See allAccording to Billboard, singer Celine Dion has delayed her Las Vegas residency, which was set to begin in November, due to muscle spasms keeping her from performing. Actor Jason Momoa revealed on the The Ellen DeGeneres Show that he sustained injuries on set of “Aquaman 2,” according to People .… Source

UN-Backed Banker Alliance Announces “Green” Plan to Transform the Global Financial System

On Wednesday, an “industry-led and UN-convened” alliance of private banking and financial institutions announced plans at the COP26 conference to overhaul the role of global and regional financial institutions, including the World Bank and IMF, as part of a broader plan to “transform” the global financial system. The officially stated purpose of this proposed overhaul, per alliance […]

Teen Vogue Urges Biden to Transform ‘White Men’s’ Fed for BIPOC Community’s Economic Progress

The Federal Reserve is “the brainchild of six white men” which favors corporate America and Wall Street “instead of for struggling workers” and President Biden should radically transform the institution into a force fighting for climate change and the BIPOC (black, indigenous, and other people of color) community’s economic progress if he really intends to […]

Today’s Taliban May Be Truly ‘New’, and the Shift Could Transform the Middle East

Today 20/07/2021 Source: Al Mayadeen Most significantly, rather than having a tunnel vision limited to the narrow territory of Kandahar, the new young Taliban leaders want to play the strategic ‘Great Game’. There is a subtle breeze blowing; it is too soon to call it ‘a wind’.  But a striking change has – and is […]

Mom Spends $420 to Transform Her Kitchen After Refusing to Pay $21,000 for a New One

A thrifty mother of three has completely transformed her kitchen for just 300 pounds (approx. US$420) after refusing to pay 15,000 pounds (approx. US$21,000) for a new kitchen. Eloise Mitsides, 30, from Killingworth, Newcastle, England, decided to try her hand at DIY and entirely renovated her dated kitchen for 300 pounds, a fraction of the […]

Undersea rail tunnel aims to transform Helsinki and Tallinn into one metropolitan area

An undersea train tunnel between Finland and Estonia is a step closer to becoming a reality, with a protocol of intent to build set to be signed by both countries on April 26. At 103 kilometres long – twice the length of the Channel Tunnel – it will stretch under the Gulf of Finland to […]

Bin Salman embarks on huge spending spree to transform Saudi economy

Saudi Arabia will spend more in the next ten years than it has spent over the past 300 years since the First Saudi State was created in 1744, the Kingdom’s Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman has said. This is a bold declaration of the de facto ruler’s intent on transforming the economy through his ambitious […]

Find Your Soul’s Voice and the Joy of Oneness: Explore Your Voice’s Vibrational Energy to Transform Difficult Emotions and Reveal Your Eternal Identity – FREE Online Event

Your voice is your original presence, your eternal identity. Accessing the powerful vibrational energy of your voice as sound medicine can elevate your emotions and boost your self-confidence – which in turn stabilizes your autonomic nervous system, empowering you to release fear, trauma, shame, and narratives that no longer serve you. It can also relieve […]

Andean Shamanic Rituals to Transform Darkness Into Light Energy – FREE Online Event

Do you find yourself in search of greater clarity, meaning, and purpose in these unfamiliar days? The good news is that these strange times can also inspire us to finally step into our life’s mission. In times of crisis, you can grow, evolve, and be reborn — as you realize who you truly are, and transcend […]

Japanese Foreign Minister Announces Plan to “Transform Japan Into a Diverse Multiethnic Society”

Joe Biden’s secretary of state nominee Antony Blinken, who is currently receiving lavish praise from the media for being the quintessential “internationalist,” previously appeared on Sesame Street to promote refugee immigration to America. Blinken is being hailed by some legacy media outlets as something akin to the second coming. The Guardian gushes over him being […]

Transform Loss Into Life Reimagined With Somatic Movement – FREE Online Event

Grief – over any loss, not just the death of a loved one – can be a devastating emotion. What’s more, our fear of grief and grieving can often be as strong as our fear of losing the people and things we love. Yet, honoring and grieving the loss of a loved one, or the […]

Will The Pandemic Transform US Military Bases?

Above photo: Protest in front of Camp Schwab in Nago City in 2015. RyuFilms via Flickr. An outbreak of COVID-19 among U.S. service personnel on Okinawa may help anti-base protesters stop construction of the replacement facility at Henoko. Okinawans opposed to the expansion of U.S. military bases on their island have been upset by the environmental […]

Forget Agenda 21: UN’s 2030 Agenda Will ‘Transform the World’ — and Not in a Good Way

If you think Agenda 21 was bad, you ain’t seen nothing yet. Wait until you learn what the creepily utopian 2030 Agenda has in store for us all. by Daisy Luther Once again Germany has stepped forward with their ideas of how to speed up the arrival of a one-world government. While all eyes were […]

A Podcast About Human Consciousness & How It Can Transform Our Material Reality

Next Story Consciousness. What is it? Where does it comes from? And what type of connection does it have to physical-material reality? These questions, and more, are what we explored in our most recent Podcast, hosted by CE founder Joe Martino, when we sat down with neuroscientist Dr. Mario Beauregard We dived into non-material science, the […]

A Look Into Non-Violent Communication & How It Will Transform The World

Next Story When I was first invited to a non-violent communication workshop, I thought the same thing that you might be thinking now, I’m not a violent person and I don’t ever intend to harm anyone with my words so why would I need to learn about this? Well, after learning about it, I can […]

Workers Show How To Transform Unions And Rebuild Labor Movement

Workers Show How To Transform Unions And Rebuild Labor Movement Above Photo: Hilton workers and supporters after one of the workers’ daily actions inside the hotel. (Photo: Unite Here Local 217) It’s Saturday afternoon in December 2017 at the hotel workers’ union hall in Stamford, Connecticut, a mere two days before a scheduled union election at […]

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