Posts Tagged ‘voice’

Tackling racial justice with the voice of experience

Patrice Willoughby was always destined for service.  Born in Ohio, her parents were heavily involved in politics and social justice. They were members of the NAACP, active members of their church and would often work on behalf of political candidates.  “We always did things for people who were less fortunate than we were,” Willoughby told… […]

Henry Curteis on Voice Of Wales today with Dan and Stan Promoted by Henry Curteis, TEDS candidate PCC West Mercia – English Democrats, Quires Green, Willingale, Ongar, Essex  … Read the rest Source

Hezbollah Drones Go Beyond Haifa, Israelis Voice Concerns: Video

 February 21, 2024 Member of Hezbollah Central Council Sheikh Nabil Qawook stressed that the Resistance in Lebanon has beeen accumulating more power since October 7, adding that the Zionist threats will never change the formulas of deterrence. Addressing a mourning ceremony held to commemorate the martyr all the way to Al-Quds Abdul Karim Samhat in […]

Fuentes Fan Wendy Rogers Calls Rep. Josh Schriver ‘Michigan’s voice for MAGA’

Arizona state Sen. Wendy Rogers encouraged her Twitter followers Friday to follow Michigan state Rep. Josh Schriver, calling him “Michigan’s voice for MAGA.” The far-right Rogers is one of the public officials most closely associated with antisemitic white Christian nationalist Nick Fuentes. Right Wing Watch asked on Friday whether Schriver, a member of the state […]

Indigenous Australians don’t have a ‘voice’? Not according to Indigenous Expenditure Report!

MANY Australians are led to believe that the Indigenous population does not have a so called ‘voice’ where a change to the Constitution is required. This is a deliberate misrepresentation of facts, or more simply put one huge lie perpetuated by the government and the mainstream media. Indigenous Australians do factually have a ‘voice’ where […]

Government denies Aboriginal ‘voice’, why the change now?

It seems that people are deliberately oblivious to history and the law, or in this case specifically the Constitution. What makes matters worse is that the ‘influencers’ i.e. the mainstream media, and official government sponsored mouthpieces like the ABC promote dishonest government agendas. Up until 1967 when a referendum was held and passed, Section 127 […]

Government deception exposed! ‘The Voice’ Referendum Question Unconstitutional? See High Court Filing

The Australian Government has been exposed in the ‘YES’ vote campaign they are pushing for, or rather more accurately the Referendum question, regarding the voice of Indigenous Australians. The general population has been deliberately mislead by the colonial government, a corporation aggregate commonly referred to as the ‘Australian Government’ with regards to the proposed altering […]

The Voice – ‘Yes’ Choice is Racist and anti Human Rights.

The corporation aggregate commonly referred to as the ‘Australian Govenrment’ requires a YES result from the referendum on ‘The Voice’. What is delibreately kept from the public on this topic is something called the law, and in particular racial discrimination. By promoting the yes ‘vote’ the government and all those involved are factually promoting racism […]

Why the Voice would be a Disaster for Australia

See 213 page report: Source

Government deception exposed! ‘The Voice’ Referendum Question Unconstitutional? See High Court Case

The Australian Government has been exposed in the ‘YES’ vote campaign they are pushing for, or rather more accurately the Referendum question, regarding the voice of Indigenous Australians. The general population has been deliberately mislead by the colonial government, a corporation aggregate commonly referred to as the ‘Australian Government’ with regards to the proposed altering […]

EU: MEPs voice support for Palestine with call to back ICC Israel probe

Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) voiced their strong support for a Palestinian state yesterday in a set of recommendations while deploring Israel’s continued violations of international law. European lawmakers also gave their backing to the International Criminal Court (ICC) probe into alleged Israeli war crimes and crimes against humanity and called on the European […]

Liberals Voice ‘Sense Of Betrayal’ After Muslim-Ruled MI City Bans Pride Flags

Liberals who cheered when a Michigan city elected America’s first Muslim-majority city council are now voicing a “sense of betrayal” after the council voted to ban LGBT Pride flags from city property.  Source

The Voice – what it’s really about, what the people want

What the mainstream media does not want you to know. See speech in the video below. People in government have been deceiving their constituents with reference to referendums for generations. The newest one labelled as ‘The Voice’ is another ploy for the benefit of those in government and not their constituents. It’s about taking away […]

How AI almost fooled a mother into believing her son had an accident by using fake voice

HER son’s shaky but familiar voice on the other end of the telephone sounded distressed and urgent. “Mum, I’ve had an accident,” her boy explained as the woman’s heart began to race with fear. “Are you OK?” the mother replied. “What happened?” He explained that a pregnant driver had jumped a red light and he […]

People Are Using AI to Make TotalBiscuit’s Voice Say Terrible Things

People are using AI to make the late YouTuber and StarCraft commentator TotalBiscuit’s voice say whatever they want, including one transphobic statement Motherboard has listened to, and yet another example of how AI voice models can be abused without consent. John Bain, who was better known as TotalBiscuit to his millions of followers, died in […]

Flight Data, Voice Recorders Retrieved From Nepal Crash Site

Officials say search teams have retrieved the flight data and cockpit voice recorders of a passenger plane that plummeted into a gorge on approach to a new airport in the foothills of the Himalayas. Source

Who Murdered my Father, Rudolf Hess? Another Voice of Freedom

The son of Rudolf Hess, Wolf Rudiger Hess, an admirer of his godfather Adolf Hitler, and an architect and fixture Source

Giving Europe ‘a voice’: Television news network Euronews turns 30

Creating a European identity is not just a matter of treaties, currencies and borders, it’s also about people knowing and understanding each other. Source

Kanye says ‘Jewish Zionists’ control the media, Jews own the Black voice

Kanye says ‘Jewish Zionists’ control the media, Jews own the Black voice West also said that “Jewish people have owned the Black voice” and referred to Planned Parenthood as Black people’s “Holocaust Museum.” By GADI ZAIG Published: OCTOBER 17, 2022 11:44 Updated: OCTOBER 17, 2022 20:21 Rapper Kanye West holds his first rally in support […]

Her Voice: Greek Women and Their Friends

For a more inclusive world. 2021 Varvara Athanasiou-Ioannou. Dedication page. Her Voice: Greek Women and their Friends. Victoria: Kerr Publishing Pty Ltd. “I just had a really lovely interview with ABC radio in Melbourne,” Varvara’ Athanasiou-Ioannou’s joyful, melodic tones come through the phone.  It is a voice filled with enthusiasm and optimism and energy and […]

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