Posts Tagged ‘Television’

A discussion on everything from 9/11 to television-based mind control (Corbett)

James Corbett on We Talk About Dead People The Corbett Report explore the world of politics, history, science and economics from a radically alternative perspective. From geopolitical conspiracies to monetary manipulation, repressed history and social engineering, The Corbett Report goes where other podcasts fear to tread. PODCAST LINK Photo: Source

Shen Yun Is ‘Very Educational and Enlightening,’ Says Location Manager for Film and Television

LONG BEACH, Calif.—Michael German, key assistant location manager for film and television with ABC/Disney, said he felt “very uplifted” after seeing Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Terrace Theater on March 18. “I loved it, it was as good as I’d hoped it would be,” Mr. German said. “It was a really, really professional and […]

EXPOSED! Police officer LIES to driver on national television

Don’t trust this cop on his tormenting rant on driver licence possession.  In the colony Australia the police lie to the people every single day. They lie in the courts and on the streets.  It’s up to you to not just catch them out but most importantly, hold them accountable. This is an excerpt from […]

5 Ways Technology Has Changed Television

If you are a millennial or have lived through the 90s, there is a high chance that you have experienced the golden era of TV. You might think that it is not true, but considering the long ad breaks, and the content that stood the test of time, you can compare it to the content […]

German public television station tells citizens to bathe only once a week to prevent energy collapse and blackouts this winter

(Natural News) To keep the lights and heat on for as long as possible this dark winter, WDR and ARD public broadcasting in Germany are urging citizens to bathe only once a week at most. Staying dirty and using minimal water will help to offset German politicians’ failed “green” initiatives, which resulted in a shutdown… […]

Giving Europe ‘a voice’: Television news network Euronews turns 30

Creating a European identity is not just a matter of treaties, currencies and borders, it’s also about people knowing and understanding each other. Source

Brazil presidential election: Bolsonaro and Lula clash in television debate

Brazil’s general elections are just a few months away and the six main presidential candidates took part in the first televised debate on Sunday. Facing off for the first time in public, the current and former presidents, Jair Bolsonaro and Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, stole the limelight with discussions turning towards accusations of corruption […]

Brazil presidential election: Bolsonaro and Lula clash in television debate

Brazil’s general elections are just a few months away and the six main presidential candidates took part in the first televised debate on Sunday. Facing off for the first time in public, the current and former presidents, Jair Bolsonaro and Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, stole the limelight with discussions turning towards accusations of corruption […]

The Media Experimented with Television Hypnosis Back in 1946 (Video)


Canadian PM Justin Trudeau told a Quebec television network that he believes unvaxxed people should not be tolerated any longer | NO Trudeau, these threats of yours will not be tolerated. Direct violation of the Canadian charter and the Nuremberg code. Arrest Trudeau.

Canadian PM Justin Trudeau: ‘Unvaxxed Are Racist A**holes’ News Punch » Feed / Sean Adl-Tabatabai Far-left Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has declared that unvaccinted residents are “racist and misogynistic” extremists. In an unhinged rant, Trudeau told a Quebec television network that he believes unvaxxed people should not be tolerated any longer. “We are going […]

Behavioural Insights Team proudly admits to using television to alter viewers behaviours!

7 November, 2021 Tom Penn writes at: The Behavioural Insights Team (BIT) have a busy remainder of the year ahead of them. Government’s former Nudge Unit, whose Chief Executive Professor David Halpern and Director Hugo Harper sit on SAGE sub-group SPI-B, are about to embark on a psyops campaign to manipulate the populace into […]

Indian Television Exposes How Pfizer Bullies and Blackmails Countries for COVID Shots – ‘Desperate Countries Force to Make Humiliating Concessions’

WION Gravitas, a popular prime-time show in India that brings viewers news and discussions on concurrent issues and across the globe, exposed in a recent episode how Pfizer bullies and blackmails countries for shots and took a hard line in the push for profit. A non-profit organization called Public Citizen obtained a confidential unredacted Pfizer […]

Germany election: SPD’s Olaf Scholz wins latest television debate

Germany’s vice-chancellor and Social Democrat leader Olaf Scholz has won the latest television debate ahead of the country’s general election on September 26 The clash against the other two main candidates for the chancellorship — CDU’s Armin Laschet and Green Party’s Annalena Baerbock — was the penultimate one before Sunday’s vote. Scholz got 42% of […]

Mauro Viale, 73, popular Argentine television host, dies at age 73

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (JTA) — Early in his journalism career, Mauricio Goldfarb changed his name to Mauro Viale, a shift many understood as an indication of the difficulty of achieving professional success in Argentina for someone with such an obviously Jewish name. Mauro was his nickname among school friends; Viale was a street near his […]

Dispatches from the War: Epidemics are staged on Television

Jon Rappoport: “When a new epidemic is launched and promoted, despite the lack of good science and good evidence, it is jacked up on television screens. Images begin to flow: An emergency medical vehicle on a street. EMT personnel, in hazmat suits, load a man strapped down to a stretcher, into the van. On another […]

Television Turns Lies Into Reality for the Masses

Television does not peddle in entertainment or actual information, but in shaping the reality of the indoctrinated viewers. It is jewish poison. Source

Holocaust Museum LA, Television City, Magnopus Team Up to Develop Virtual Immersive Experience

A new partnership between media campus Television City, Academy-Award-winning tech company Magnopus and Holocaust Museum LA will create new and engaging ways for people to learn about the Holocaust virtually. On Jan. 27 Television City, the media campus owned and operated by Hackman Capital Partners announced it contributed $100,000 to the museum to sponsor the development […]

Nolte: How Woke Killed the Golden Age of Television

Am I alone, or is all this social justice-woke nonsense destroying what had been a true golden era of television? Source

Obama would take the COVID vaccine on live television if Fauci assured him it was safe | They’ll mak e sure Obama is jabbed with a shot of saltwater, a placebo, masquerading as the real thing.

Obama would take the COVID vaccine on live television if Fauci assured him it was safe Jon Rappoport / Jon Rappoport Death rained down from the sky by Jon Rappoport December 4, 2020 (To join our email list, click here.) SiriusXM, The Joe Madison Show, Obama [1] [2]: “I promise you that when it’s [the […]

Turkey releases two Russian television journalists after arrests

Turkey has released two Russian journalists, who were arrested last week on suspicion of filming a drone factory without authorisation. A court in Istanbul ordered the release of Alexei Petrushko and cameraman Ivan Malyshkin, a senior Turkish official has stated, without providing further details. The two journalists, who work for the Russian television channel NTV, […]

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