Posts Tagged ‘insights’

Tucker Carlson Reveals Stunning Insights on J.D. Vance

“Every bad person I’ve ever met in a lifetime in Washington was aligned against JD Vance.” Now, that’s saying something. For this reason, Tucker thinks people should be “thrilled” about this VP pick. What’s extraordinary about Vance, Tucker emphasizes, is that “He’s like one of the only members of the Senate with a happy marriage.” […]

Every Vax-Injured Person Needs to See This: Recovery Insights from Dr. Peter McCullough

OpenVAERS data indicates that millions of individuals worldwide have suffered injuries due to COVID-19 injections, an alarming figure that does not even account for the underreporting factor, which is believed to be around 30. As such, millions of individuals are asking, “What can I do to try to reduce my risks of vaccine spike protein […]

Mike Benz Stuns Tucker Carlson With Eye-Opening Insights on Government Censorship

The censorship technologies originally intended for terrorist organizations have been weaponized against the American people. TUCKER CARLSON: “So you’re saying the Pentagon, our Pentagon, the US Department of Defense, censored Americans during the 2020 election cycle?” MIKE BENZ: “Yes. The two most censored events in human history, I would argue, to date, are the 2020 […]

New Documents Provide More Insights on Moderna’s Online Speech Monitoring Efforts

Controversies originating from those who gained the most from the pandemic – most visibly, Big Pharma – refuses to go away. One of the leading (and among the earliest) producers of Covid vaccines was US-based Moderna. We know for sure that the vaccine worked for Moderna – turning it from the verge of collapse into […]

15 Ways the COVID Shots Injure and KiII: Insights from Dr. Ryan Cole

6 dec 2023 1. Nanoparticle Usage: Dr. Cole states that nanoparticles used in vaccines are labeled for research only, not for human or veterinary use, yet were administered globally. 2. Persistence of Synthetic RNA: Citing a Stanford study, Dr. Cole mentions that synthetic RNA from the vaccine persists in the body for at least two […]

Insights from the Hermit Kingdom’s 2022 Vaccine Safety Data

In 2021, Western Australia became the world’s accidental vaccine safety control group. With its closed borders and strict quarantine rules, the ‘Hermit Kingdom’ managed to maintain near-zero Covid while administering almost four million doses of Covid vaccination, resulting in an “exponential increase” in adverse event reports. In 2022, the Hermit Kingdom control group ended, as […]

3 key insights for building a powerful and loving movement against oppression in Palestine-Israel 

In a destabilizing moment like this, we need time-tested strategies and tactics that can help guide effective action. Source

10 Signs You Have a Vaccine Injury and What You Can Do About It: Insights from Top Doctors

(Note: Thank you for supporting this sponsored message, which helps keep this Substack running to bring you uncensored news.) More than 1 in 4 Americans think they know someone who has been killed by the COVID-19 vaccines. And more people than not believe there are legitimate reasons to be concerned about the safety of these […]

‘Climate Change’ or ‘Natural Variation’? Insights from Norway in 2023…

…guess what: it’s been raining cats and dogs this year, but it’s impossible to consider this ‘unnormal’, experts say EPIMETHEUS OCT 5, 2023 This is a follow-up to my last posting about the establishment of ‘Lysenkoism’ at Statistics Norway earlier this week: ‘Climate Change’ as ‘Paradigm Shift’ EPIMETHEUS OCT 2 Read full story Now, for […]

Some interesting insights into the ‘Zombie Apocalypse’ phenomenon

From Max Igan As always Max covers much other info in the video however the Zombie topic is the major focus. Things are certainly getting bizarre. Video link below Building The Perfect Slave EWNZ note: Since posting this this morning I see a post on topic from Prof Mark Crispin Miller (NYU) so am adding […]

Cancer Taking Off ‘Like Wildfire’: Unsettling Insights from Pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole

Originally Published on DailyClout “So many doctors” have approached renowned pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole reporting the same unprecedented findings that he’s seeing. That is, cancers taking off or coming back “like wildfire” or occurring in young cohorts at rates never seen before. Here’s what those doctors (and others) are observing, per Dr. Ryan Cole: • […]

“Lifeline- Essential Insights And Healing Music For Illegally Targeted Citizens:” Free 4+ Hour Audiobook On Organized Stalking-Electronic Torture (Experts’ Testimonies Narrated W/ Music & Songs by Dr. Eric Karlstrom)

Introduction: The U.S. government and other governments have been captured by 5th column enemies and are waging hybrid/unconventional war against their own citizens. “High value targets” are typically activists, “dissidents,” whistleblowers, patriots, intellectuals, people of conscience and integrity, Constitutionalists, Christians, veterans, or anyone else that DHS-FBI Fusion Centers have secretly labelled “extremists,” “white supremacists,” and/or […]

Nyampe: Insights for an Indigenous Orthodox Theology 

The Ngarrindjeri peoples and places are associated with the lands around the lower Murray River, the Fleurieu Peninsula and the Coorong, South Australia. Since the mid 19th century, they have had a very intriguing engagement with Christianity and generally with white culture through the Point McLeay (Raukkan) Mission. Personally, I came across them during my… […]

New Insights into the Viking Great Army: Cremation Site Unveils Surprising Details

The Viking warriors who invaded England in the late ninth century have long been a topic of fascination for historians and archaeologists alike. Now, a team of British and Belgian scientists have uncovered new and intriguing details about these legendary fighters through analysis of human and animal remains found at a Viking cremation site in […]

Insights from a NZ Funeral Director on our high mortality rate

Brenton Faithfull is a Funeral Director and a Justice of the Peace. He is well aware of the importance of the truth. Hear his interview with Dr Matt Shelton of the NZ Doctors Speaking Out with Science (NZDSOS). READ MORE AT THE LINK Photo: Source

Fossil Teeth Offer New Insights Into Human and Primate History

A new window into human history has been opened up by a global team of scientists who have discovered an innovative method to identify ancient seasonal climates using teeth. The scientists have developed a novel way to establish the role that ancient seasonal climates and behaviours played in the development of both primates and humans, […]

Sieving For Micro-Insights into the Maya Rituals at Palenque Palace

Archaeologists in Mexico are enjoying fresh insights into the Maya people’s relationship with animals, having devised a new sieve to capture micro-remains. Read more Section:  News History & Archaeology Read Later 

Behavioural Insights Team proudly admits to using television to alter viewers behaviours!

7 November, 2021 Tom Penn writes at: The Behavioural Insights Team (BIT) have a busy remainder of the year ahead of them. Government’s former Nudge Unit, whose Chief Executive Professor David Halpern and Director Hugo Harper sit on SAGE sub-group SPI-B, are about to embark on a psyops campaign to manipulate the populace into […]

“Enduring Trauma of Partition: Critical Insights Into Neighbourly Relations”

K.M. Seethi, Enduring Dilemma: Flashpoints in Kashmir and India-Pakistan Relations (KW Publishers Pvt Ltd New Delhi 2021) As India and Pakistan are set to celebrate the 75th Year of independence, the trauma of partition and the unsettled issues of the past continue to haunt the people of the subcontinent in diverse ways. The region of […]

An announcement by Reiner Fuellmich including insights into the history of the carefully crafted plandemic

Listen at the link: The intriguing history of the beginnings of the ‘pandemic’, the persons behind the scaremongering announcements, the 12 years prior same scenario with the swine flu, the fingers of Gates in the pie and the pushing of vaccines as the ‘answer’ and the silencing of all voices of dissent. There’s more …. […]

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