Posts Tagged ‘fossil’

Imagine Life without Fossil Fuels

At 4 am on Tuesday 9th July in Seville (Spain), I woke up alerted by a text to my phone. “We had a bad night with Hurricane Beryl. Your house still stands and the critters are safe, two big trees down, no electricity, no Internet, and poor phone service.” My children and I were visiting […]

The race to end fossil fuel production

Everyone talks about ending fossil fuel production, but almost no one is doing anything about it. Source

‘Judged’ by a retired out of touch fossil judiciary?

‘Mums & Dads’ taxpayers and those seeking ‘justice’ or rather a remedy within a place of business called a ‘Court’ are getting scammed by those in government, period. Over the past few years, business has been booming for the legal profession and places of business called the courts, coincidentally as a result of a high […]

Ginkgo biloba, dubbed the “living fossil,” is nature’s ultimate brain booster

(NaturalNews) Ginkgo biloba, often called the maidenhair tree, is dubbed “the living fossil.” It has survived for more than 200 million years virtually unchanged,… Source

Energy Department goes all in on clean form of on-demand energy embraced by fossil fuel industry

Advances in oil and gas drilling have cut costs for a form of clean power that could help replace fossil fuels, according to the Department of Energy. Now the agency is going all in on geothermal energy, which uses heat from deep within the Earth to produce largely pollution-free electricity. The agency projects that geothermal… […]

The EU Wants Fossil Fuel Firms To Contribute To Climate Fund

Authored by Charles Kennedy via, Oil and gas companies could be a source of additional funding for a UN climate financing to help developing economies cope with the consequences of climate change, according to a draft EU document seen by Reuters. After failing so far to establish a clear-cut framework of how much wealthy developed […]

Leftist Canadian MP wants to criminalize endorsement of fossil fuels

(NaturalNews) A member of the Canadian Parliament from the far-left New Democratic Party (NDP) is calling for any person promoting fossil fuels to be penalized… Source

Fossil fuel footprint: Corals reveal industrial pollution’s deep sea impact

New study uncovers historical pollutants from burning fossil fuels in Mediterranean corals, highlighting human influence on marine ecosystems. Source

Unmasking the carbon charade: The truth behind fossil fuel giants’ green pledges

This analysis brings to light the stark contrast between the industry’s public commitments and their actual plans, raising serious questions about the integrity of these pledges. Source

Reuters, New York Times top list of fossil fuel industry’s media enablers

New report by DeSmog and Drilled reveals extent of commercial partnerships between trusted outlets and Big Oil. Source

Record Number Of Fossil Fuel Lobbyists Attend COP28 Climate Summit

The annual summit to tackle global climate change is crawling with people with ties to planet-warming fossil fuels. Source

John Kerry Vows To Bankrupt the Fossil Fuel Industry on Behalf of the WEF

John Kerry has vowed to accelerate his plan to bankrupt the fossil fuel industry worldwide as part of the WEF’s Net Zero agenda. Coal plants should be made illegal “everywhere in the world” Biden’s self-described […] The post John Kerry Vows To Bankrupt the Fossil Fuel Industry on Behalf of the WEF appeared first on […]

‘No science’ behind demands for phase-out of fossil fuels

Exclusive: UAE’s Sultan Al Jaber says phase-out of coal, oil and gas would take world ‘back into caves’ Sultan Al Jaber: ‘There is no science out there that says that the phase-out of fossil fuel is what’s going to achieve 1.5C.’ Photograph: Anadolu/Getty Images The president of Cop28, Sultan Al Jaber, has claimed there is […]

As planet heats, U.S. ramps up fossil fuel production, casting a shadow on COP28 climate goals

NationofChange remains a vital, ad-free source of progressive news and activism, all thanks to donations from readers like you. Support our transparent, reader-funded journalism with your generous donation. In a year predicted to be the hottest on record, the United States is paradoxically on track to achieve record-breaking levels of fossil fuel production. This surge […]

Biden’s climate catastrophe: IRA unleashes fossil fuel frenzy, jeopardizing environmental future

In a striking revelation, the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA)—President Joe Biden’s flagship climate legislation—is under scrutiny for potentially enabling an upsurge in fossil fuel production. This scenario poses a stark contradiction to the Act’s intent of fostering a greener future. Oil Change International (OCI), a prominent environmental advocacy group, recently unveiled an incisive analysis, revealing […]

Fossil fuel firms accelerating climate catastrophe despite urgent warnings

Images Credit: Tribune Content Agency, LLC. In a world where the urgency of addressing the climate crisis has never been clearer, an alarming trend persists: Fossil fuel companies are forging ahead with plans to expand their destructive infrastructure, potentially pushing humanity closer to climate catastrophe. An updated database released by Urgewald and numerous partner groups […]

California pension funds have billions invested in fossil fuel companies named in state’s lawsuit

The two funds are resisting pressure from legislators and activists to shed their gas and oil holdings. Source

“Fossil Fuel Treaty” activism is funded by a small group of global foundations

BY RHODA WILSON ON SEPTEMBER 28, 2023 • ( 19 COMMENTS ) A network of activists is calling for a “Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty.” They want a treaty to complement the Paris Climate Agreement to accelerate a global shift from using fossil fuels. In 2021, ahead of COP26 in Glasgow, the World Economic Forum promoted the initiative as: “A new wave of activists is […]

The Great Oil Conspiracy: It has been known since the end of WWII that oil is not a fossil fuel; it is abiotic

There are two basic theories for the origin of crude oil: biotic and abiotic. The origin of petroleum or natural gas may seem like a strange debate to have but determining whether this fuel is a fossil fuel or not is important. If these fuels are truly fossil fuels, then they are limited in supply […]

Demanding an end to ‘deadly fossil fuels,’ tens of thousands take the streets in NYC

“It’s time for Biden to declare a climate emergency and phase out the fossil fuels killing people and wildlife around the world.” Source

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