Posts Tagged ‘lobbyists’

Record Number Of Fossil Fuel Lobbyists Attend COP28 Climate Summit

The annual summit to tackle global climate change is crawling with people with ties to planet-warming fossil fuels. Source

Lobbyists Steamrolling Biden Effort To Nix Billions In ‘Junk Fees’

Last fall, the Biden administration – scant on accomplishments, embarked on a campaign to pressure airlines to ditch billions in so-called “junk fees” charged to travelers who want to check bags or change flights. “You should know the full cost of your ticket right when you’re comparison shopping to begin with,” said Biden last September, […]

New York’s Right to Repair Law Watered Down by Big Tech Lobbyists

In spring of last year, the New York state legislature passed the nation’s first electronics right to repair bill. That bill then sat in purgatory for more than six months, before finally being signed into law by governor Kathy Hochul at the very end of the year. The bill Hochul signed, however, has been watered […]

Swamp Lobbyists Launch Last Ditch Effort to Add Media Cartel Bill JCPA to Omnibus

Despite triggering huge opposition from across the political spectrum, lobbyists for the world’s largest and wealthiest media companies are still trying to attach the controversial Journalism Competition and Preservation Act (JCPA), a massive act of corporate welfare for the media, to an end-of-year omnibus spending bill. Source

Lobbyists want media-Big Tech cartel bill attached to defense spending

Desperate to pass the Journalism Competition and Preservation Act (JCPA), media lobbyists are attempting to attach it to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), a bill to fund the military. Source

Lobbyists call on the US government to develop digital ID infrastructure for “security” reasons

A group of 10 advocacy organizations, including the Identity Theft Resource Center and the Better Identity Coalition, have called on Congress to pass the Improving Digital Identity Act of 2022, mandating the government to develop federal digital ID infrastructure. Source

Meet the industry lobbyists fighting efforts to solve the biodiversity crisis

“This research sheds new light on an area of lobbying that has largely been able to slip under the radar and should act as a wake-up call to policymakers ahead of the U.N.’s upcoming biodiversity conference,” said InfluenceMap’s program manager. Source

Human rights org says lobbyists misrepresented relationship between NSO Group and Israel

Democracy for the Arab World Now is calling on the U.S. government to investigate four lobbyists connected to the NSO Group for violating the Foreign Agents Registration Act. Source

Pharma mobilizes army of lobbyists to tank Democrats’ Medicare drug pricing plan

“Big Pharma is fighting hard to keep their price-setting monopoly intact,” said one advocacy coalition. Source

GOP lobbyists say corporate America is coming back into the tent

Campaign money flows to those holding power or those positioned to do so, and those in the lobbying business are incentivized to play up their role in facilitating it. But corporate America’s potential embrace of the congressional GOP is notable for what preceded it. Following the Capitol riot on Jan. 6, many top corporations vowed […]

Did McConnell Give Into Lobbyists on CREATES?

Did McConnell Give Into Lobbyists on CREATES? By ns_admin During negotiations over last weeks budget deal, there was an effort to add The CREATES Act to the bill as a pay-for. CREATES aims to bring generics drugs to market and could reduce Medicare and Medicaid spending by as much as $3.8 billion over ten years. […]

Israel lobbyists caught in Presidents Club sexual harassment scandal

Hilary Aked Lobby Watch 26 January 2018 Disgraced Presidents Club chairman David Meller has also been a leading Conservative Friends of Israel figure. (The Edge Foundation) Current and former trustees of a “men only” club at the heart of a sexual harassment scandal unfolding in the UK have deep ties to the Israel lobby, The […]

Pro-Israel lobbyists really must question their own morality

It became a ‘natural fact’ that any organisation or person does not support Israeli crimes to be classified as anti-Semite or even anti-human rights. A new report from the British Israel Communications and Research Centre (BICOM) presents itself as an “independent” critique of Jeremy Corbyn’s foreign policy in the Middle East. The eleven-page memo ends […]

Adelson’s AstroTurf Lobbyists Working to Restrict Your Freedom

Adelsons AstroTurf Lobbyists Working to Restrict Your Freedom By ns_admin Mathew Boyer of the Washington Examiner explores Sheldon Adelsons efforts to ban online gaming, with an emphasis on the recent legalization of online gaming in Pennsylvania: Internet gambling regulations are one of the many issue areas that fall under the states rights category, and a […]

Bring in legislation to make pro-Israel lobbyists in the UK register as ‘foreign agents’

     In 2013, Peter Oborne, the Daily Telegraph‘s chief political commentator called the Conservative Friends of Israel (CFI), “by far Britain’s most powerful pro-Israel lobbying group”. It was estimated then that more than 80% of Conservative MPs were CFI members. The same applies today. CFI’s sister lobby in the US is AIPAC, aka the American […]

UK Should Bring in Legislation to Make Pro-israel Lobbyists Register as ‘Foreign Agents’

Bring in Legislation to Make Pro-Israel Lobbyists Register as ‘Foreign Agents’ By Hans Stehling, In 2013, Peter Oborne, the Daily Telegraph’s chief political commentator called the Conservative Friends of Israel (CFI), “by far Britain’s most powerful pro-Israel lobbying group”. It was estimated then that more than 80% of Conservative MPs were CFI members. The same applies […]

Big Banks, Lobbyists and the ECB Regulations Farce

After Snubbing EU Parliament, Monsanto Lobbyists Find Themselves Banned

Agrochemical giant Monsanto’s fight to renew the chemical license for its most popular herbicide, glyphosate (aka “Roundup”), was dealt a major blow this past Thursday when the European Parliament officially banned lobbyists representing the interests of the corporation. The move came after the controversial corporation and its lobbyists refused to attend a parliamentary hearing regarding […]

As Sanders Prepared Medicare Bill, Health Care Lobbyists Bankrolled Senate Democrats

Above Photo: Illustration by Cathryn Virginia Sen. Chris Van Hollen, the DSCC’s chairman, was a proponent of the law that requires lobbyists to disclose the contributions they bundle together from donors. With Sanders and a majority of House Democrats supporting single-payer — and with polls showing rising support for a Medicare-for-all system — lobbyists for major health care industry clients were among […]

WH Grants Ethics Waivers to 17 Cabinet Members Who Are Still Paid Lobbyists

Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Host of Hardline Radio Show When it came to lobbyists and industry insiders working for the current administration, publicly Donald Trump declared strict limitations , but privately he decided to throw out his self-imposed rules and let them all in. In a backward draining of the swamp, Trump […]

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