Posts Tagged ‘swamp’

July 23 – Trump Will Fill Swamp With Jewish Bankers

left. JP Morgan-Chase CEO Jamie Dimon and Donald Please send links and comments to [email protected] Trump says he mulls Jamie Dimon for US Treasury, won’t try ousting Fed’s Powell – Reports say Trump is likely to name BlackRock CEO Larry Fink as Treasury Sec if he wins in November Reader-“Donnie’s cabinet from first […]

Is the Swamp Drainable?

Jeffrey Tucker, perhaps America’s most prominent “adult in the room,” penned another mature and wise column at Brownstone today.  In this essay, Jeffrey highlights several positive developments he sees in society and opines that society’s elites are increasingly being discredited…and starting to feel the heat. (Perhaps they’re starting to have nightmares of a pitchfork-wielding mob […]

Gaetz Says Johnson Speakership Proves ‘MAGA Is Ascendant’ In GOP, ‘Swamp Is On The Run’

Gaetz Says Johnson Speakership Proves ‘MAGA Is Ascendant’ In GOP, ‘Swamp Is On The Run’ Authored by Caden Pearson via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) on Wednesday declared the election of Rep. Mike Johnson (R-La.) as House speaker a sign of the strength of the “MAGA movement” in the GOP and […]

Video: Hawley Exposes Biden Energy Official As Swamp Grifter

During a Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee hearing Thursday, GOP Senator Josh Hawley rendered a Biden Energy Department official speechless as he exposed how he and his ilk attend so called ‘pay to play’ speaking events. Hawley questioned Jigar Shah, the Director of Loan Programs, regarding paid events DOE officials attend and often speak […]

Subtropical Storm Might Swamp Northeast This Weekend 

Subtropical Storm Might Swamp Northeast This Weekend  As Hurricane Nigel churns in the Atlantic Ocean, weather forecasters are closely watching the possibility of a subtropical depression or storm forming off the Southeast coast later this week and could swamp the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast by the weekend.  The National Hurricane Center expects a non-tropical area of […]

Swamp Lobbyists Launch Last Ditch Effort to Add Media Cartel Bill JCPA to Omnibus

Despite triggering huge opposition from across the political spectrum, lobbyists for the world’s largest and wealthiest media companies are still trying to attach the controversial Journalism Competition and Preservation Act (JCPA), a massive act of corporate welfare for the media, to an end-of-year omnibus spending bill. Source

Purging The VERY Deep State: Who Will Drain The Swamp?

Estes Park, Colorado July 24, 2022 by Rich Scheck Promises, promises: Donald Trump said he would drain the D. C. swamp when he won in 2016 but fell far short of that goal, mostly because he made poor selections for his key cabinet positions starting with Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Remember his theme was to […]

Jen Psaki Passes Swamp Megaphone to Admitted Diversity Hire, Haitian Immigrant Lesbian Person of Color©

What spectacle of corruption the American people have laid bare before them is a shameless, open-air circle jerk. There is no longer even the veneer of separation between the state and the media tasked with holding the state to account. The media, in theory, should function as independent and adversarial to the state as a […]

Drain the swamp? This guy’s trying to fill it.

“There’s a lot of people that stay 20 years, and they retire. My argument is, what are these people supposed to do?” Adler asked. “Do you expect them to go and do something, do you want to force them to do something else? I mean that’s just what, it’s just their job. That’s how I […]

‘The swamp won’: Lincoln Project needles Trump with new attack ad

The election is over, but the Lincoln Project is still taunting Donald Trump. “The swamp won, Donald,” the anti-Trump group says in a new attack ad. “Mitch McConnell’s Washington consultants are making big money using your name.” The new ad, titled “Swamp Thing,” is set to hit airwaves on Fox News and local stations in […]

GOP’s Derrick Van Orden: I Will Send ‘Swamp Dweller’ Democrat Ron Kind Home with a Cardboard Box

Wisconsin Republican Derrick Van Orden said in an interview with Breitbart News Saturday that he will send “quintessential swamp dweller” Rep. Ron Kind (D-WI) packing home in 2022 with a cardboard box. Breitbart News Saturday host Matthew Boyle spoke to Van Orden as the Wisconsin Republican and former Navy SEAL announced this week that the will run […]

Donald Trump Declares War on RINO ‘Swamp Creatures’: “I’m Screening ALL Midterm Candidates”

Former President Donald Trump will begin screening midterm candidates to ensure only MAGA-approved non-RINO’s win in 2022. According to Trump, he has received an avalanche of requests from prospective candidates who are eager to forward his “America First” policies. He has rejected meetings with former South Carolina governor and 2024 hopeful Nikki Haley and with […]


Posted onFebruary 18, 2021AuthorEric KarlstromLeave a comment Trump Couldn’t Drain The Swamp! Here’s why. The Covid-19 and Operation Warp Speed policies are from Donald Trump! CategoriesAudio & Video, New World Order, The Controllers Comment: We’ve been had folks. They take us for a bunch of rubes. Trump gave the massive tax breaks to the Jewish Mafia […]

Congressmen: Swamp Pushing Fake QAnon Threat To Keep DC Under ‘Occupation’

Tucker Carlson dedicated an important monologue to the late Rush Limbaugh Wednesday, emphasising that the legendary talk radio host has been fighting against censorship for his entire 30 year run. “Rush Limbaugh actually believed things, and believed them with sincerity. That was his secret. What he believed most of all was that America is a good and […]

Candace Owens: I’m Running for President to Finishing Draining the Swamp

Conservative commentator and BLEXIT co-funder Candace Owens has announced her intention to run for President to finish the job of draining the swamp and defeating the “evil” Deep State. On Saturday, Owens wrote the following to her 2.5 million Twitter followers: “I love America. Thinking about running for President.” I love America. Thinking about running […]

Farmer Gates, Biden Swamp, I Am Open – New World Next Week

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Watch on Archive / BitChute / LBRY / Minds / YouTube This week on the New World Next Week: Bill Gates becomes the biggest owner of farmland in the US; meet the new swamp, same as the old swamp; and the uprising begins with businesses defying […]

Draining the swamp? French couple ordered by court to destroy pond after losing years-long legal battle over loud frog sex

A years-long legal battle between pond owners in a French village and their neighbors, pestered by loud frogs, has come to an end after a court ordered the basin be drained. The fate of the frogs, however, still remains uncertain. The infamous pond of discord, that repeatedly made headlines over the years, is located in […]

SWAMP: Biden Hires TWO MORE Goldman Sachs Execs To His Team

In an exchange with fellow CNN host Fredo Chris Cuomo Tuesday night, Don Lemon raged at supporters of President Trump, accusing them of pretending to have financial anxieties, and not wanting to pay more taxes so they can spend more money on having “fun”. Lemon was reacting to a segment from Cuomo’s broadcast highlighting Trump […]

AG Barr Comes Out as Just Another Swamp Creature and “Enemy of the People” Update (1500ET): That did not take long. The President’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani has issued a stateent: Statement of Trump Legal Team on Bill Barr’s Comments on Voter Fraud “With all due respect to the Attorney General, there hasn’t been any semblance of a Department of Justice investigation. We have gathered ample evidence of illegal voting in […]

Planned Chaos Part 5 of 9 | Swamp Draining Is Real And Global

Prepare For Change .net Planned Chaos Part 5 – Swamp Draining is Real and Global October 19, 2020 by Derek Knauss There are those who don’t see a swift swamp draining going on. This is understandable if you’re not someone who’s paying attention to all the signs. When you understand how deep and wide the swamp is, and […]

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