Posts Tagged ‘people’

WAKE UP, PEOPLE!!! Hasn’t the whole world seen this grand deception before?

PATRIOT ALERT! The USA is stealthily being set up as the “Nazi Germany” of World War III ***There’s a very good reason why the Left has demonized Donald Trump as the next Adolf Hitler. Just as Hitler was a creation of the most powerful and wealthiest Zionists in Nazi Germany, Trump is also a product […]

Hunger “worse than bombings” in starved-out Gaza: “people dizzy and weak”

(NaturalNews) Survivors in the Gaza Strip are scavenging whatever they can find to feed their families amid an ongoing food crisis that was brought about by Israel… Source

WATCHED: Train stations use AI surveillance technology to monitor people’s emotions using facial recognition

(NaturalNews) A couple years back, unbeknownst to many members of the British public, the government of the United Kingdom quietly retrofit eight train stations… Source

‘People’s red line’ surrounds the White House to demand end of Gaza genocide

On June 8, an estimated 100,000 people formed a two-mile “people’s red line” surrounding the White House in Washington, D.C. to protest the genocide in Gaza and the U.S. role in the mass murder of Palestinians. Source

Send This Article to People Who Say “Ivermectin Doesn’t Work for Covid-19”

If you hear your pharmacist, physician, or academic dean parrot the malignant regurgitated trope of “Ivermectin doesn’t work for Covid” or that there is “no evidence” or “no data” to support ivermectin’s use in Covid-19, send them this meta-analysis summary and annotated bibliography of over 100 studies.  I never really latched on to the idea […]

Louisiana Outlaws People With Penises From Women’s Restrooms: ‘Enough is Enough’

Louisiana Gov. Jeff Landry (R) signed a bill on Wednesday outlawing biological males from using women’s restrooms and public facilities, which will take effect on August 1. “Enough is enough,” Landry said. “Louisiana will not allow biological men to take advantage of opportunities for women.” BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign up to get unfiltered news delivered […]

“People Died Because Fauci Lied”: Attorney Tom Renz Testifies to the Ohio State Senate

• “They told us we have to social distance because it’ll keep us safe. Several years later, we found out that it wasn’t based on science. It was arbitrary.” • “They told us that ivermectin is horse paste. It is? It’s been used globally for years. It saved billions of lives. It’s one of the […]

Mike Stone – Most People Despise Truth

This article touched a nerve with me. Everything I have been saying for the last 22 years is coming true in real time but hardly anybody is interested.  My traffic has not increased. Nor my book sales.  I don’t care about this except as an indication that the  public might be stirring in its sleep.   […]

‘We Also Slaughtered Innocent People in Massive Numbers’: Gen. Milley Gives Bizarre Defense of Israel

Retired US General Mark Milley on Tuesday bizarrely defended Israel’s slaughter of civilians in Gaza by saying that “we” in America also “slaughtered people in massive numbers — innocent people who had nothing to do with their government.” Source

Australia’s new tax law screwing over the people, AGAIN!

 As time goes by, people in Australia’s governments, both federal and state are making life harder and harder for the serf population, you know, the ‘mums & dads’ taxpayers meanwhile allowing corporations to pay less tax or even turn a blind eye to tax evasion from corporations like Apple, Google, Meta or Microsoft at al, […]

Open Letter to the People: The Time is Now

It is with a heavy heart, but a hopeful spirit, that I write this. After all, it is not easy to acknowledge that one stands in a historical place where one is able to glimpse nothing less than the possible, but fortunately not probable, demise of a society characterised by the predominance of freedom.  I […]

‘We are doing this in solidarity with the people of Gaza’: a Princeton student explains why he’s currently part of a hunger strike

“We’re prepared to starve ourselves on the lawn of the administration building,” Princeton divestment activist David Chmielewski tells Mondoweiss. “They’re ignoring the urgency of the situation, which is that there’s a genocide actively occurring.” Source

Feds inflating domestic terrorism numbers by threatening people to confess when they did nothing wrong

(NaturalNews) The crime rate in Washington, D.C., is off the charts, and yet Matthew Graves, the Biden regime’s top prosecutor, is fixated on rounding up January 6… Source

McMaken: The FBI And CIA Are Enemies Of The American People

McMaken: The FBI And CIA Are Enemies Of The American People Authored by Ryan McMaken via The Mises Institute, Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson sat down for a three-hour-plus discussion on the Joe Rogan Show last week, covering everything from UFOs, to religion and artificial intelligence. But perhaps the most important topic they covered was the insidious […]

Western liberal hegemony, which once thrived when people were still largely moral, could collapse by year’s end, warns Hungarian PM

(NaturalNews) Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban believes that Western liberal hegemony, meaning Western civilization as a whole, needs to be destroyed because… Source

People Injured by Covid Jabs Are Being Ignored NYT Investigation Reveals

Despite years of reporting that covid vaccine injuries are “misinformation” and “conspiracy theory,” The New York Times is now reporting that “thousands” may have been injured by the jabs. This week, The New York Times […] The post People Injured by Covid Jabs Are Being Ignored NYT Investigation Reveals appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

People With More COVID-19 Vaccine Doses More Likely To Contract COVID-19: Study

People With More COVID-19 Vaccine Doses More Likely To Contract COVID-19: Study Authored by Zachary Stieber via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), People who received more than one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine were more likely to contract COVID-19, according to a new study. A health care worker fills a syringe with Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine […]

The CDC lied; people died

An Epoch Times story released today revealed that the CDC deliberately lied to the public about the safety of the COVID vaccines. When asked about the deaths, the CDC lied to the public and falsely claimed that they had no evidence that the COVID vaccines have killed anyone. The CDC lied. People died. The evidence is crystal […]

Real People Taking Action – Interview with Rosie who during Lockdown stepped up to the plate – link below Tuesday, 30th April 2024 In 2008, UK Column—which at that time was a print newspaper—published an article entitled The White Rose. We began that article by stating that it had been prompted by a recent conversation with two … Read the rest Source

British MP Stuns Parliament: “COVID Jabs Have Killed More People Than the Holocaust”

British Member of Parliament Andrew Bridgen stunned parliament earlier this week when he declared that the experimental mRNA shots have killed “between 10 and 20 million people” and told his fellow MPs that they have […] The post British MP Stuns Parliament: “COVID Jabs Have Killed More People Than the Holocaust” appeared first on The […]

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