Posts Tagged ‘currently’

‘We are doing this in solidarity with the people of Gaza’: a Princeton student explains why he’s currently part of a hunger strike

“We’re prepared to starve ourselves on the lawn of the administration building,” Princeton divestment activist David Chmielewski tells Mondoweiss. “They’re ignoring the urgency of the situation, which is that there’s a genocide actively occurring.” Source

Global Warming! It’s Currently Too Cold For Electric Buses In Sweden

Sweden is still waiting for global warming according to independent journalist Peter Imanuelsen Also known as PeterSweden, the freedom loving journalist says that buses are being cancelled as Sweden experiences the coldest weather this century! […] The post Global Warming! It’s Currently Too Cold For Electric Buses In Sweden appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

Southern Poverty Law Center Classifies Everyone Not Currently Wearing A Pride Shirt As A Hate Group

U.S. — The Southern Poverty Law Center has announced the addition of a dangerous new group to its list of hate groups: everyone who is not at this moment wearing a pride shirt. “This is the largest and most despicable hate group we’ve seen yet,” said Senior Staff Attorney Will Sagwell. “As far as we […]

Our health is currently being tabled in parliament … what will you do?

From The Therapeutics Product bill will limit access to supplements, herbs, spices & everyday foods. What will you do to save your health & that of your children? What will you do for happiness, wealth & a life well lived? Without our health, these precious aspects of our lives are either not obtainable or […]

Chinese Woman in NY Pleads for Help to Rescue Sister Currently Detained by CCP

Na Lyu and Wei Lyu are sisters. The older sister Na lives in New York, and Wei lives in Harbin city in China’s northeastern province of Heilongjiang. Na was notified by family members in China that Wei had been taken away from her apartment on July 11 by a dozen police, who had broken into […]

Small Device Currently on Mars Is Generating as Much Oxygen as a Tree, Scientists Reveal

If you thought packing the car for a cross-country move was hard, packing a space shuttle for a move to Mars will be a new kind of headache. In addition to bringing items like food and water, spaceships heading to the red planet will also need to bring scientific experiments, emergency supplies, and living habitats.  […]

Small Device Currently on Mars Is Generating as Much Oxygen as a Tree, Scientists Reveal

If you thought packing the car for a cross-country move was hard, packing a space shuttle for a move to Mars will be a new kind of headache. In addition to bringing items like food and water, spaceships heading to the red planet will also need to bring scientific experiments, emergency supplies, and living habitats.  […]

Small Device Currently on Mars Is Generating as Much Oxygen as a Tree, Scientists Reveal

If you thought packing the car for a cross-country move was hard, packing a space shuttle for a move to Mars will be a new kind of headache. In addition to bringing items like food and water, spaceships heading to the red planet will also need to bring scientific experiments, emergency supplies, and living habitats.  […]

Small Device Currently on Mars Is Generating as Much Oxygen as a Tree, Scientists Reveal

If you thought packing the car for a cross-country move was hard, packing a space shuttle for a move to Mars will be a new kind of headache. In addition to bringing items like food and water, spaceships heading to the red planet will also need to bring scientific experiments, emergency supplies, and living habitats.  […]

Small Device Currently on Mars Is Generating as Much Oxygen as a Tree, Scientists Reveal

If you thought packing the car for a cross-country move was hard, packing a space shuttle for a move to Mars will be a new kind of headache. In addition to bringing items like food and water, spaceships heading to the red planet will also need to bring scientific experiments, emergency supplies, and living habitats.  […]

How to stop the crimes currently being committed against humanity?

June 26, 2022 The Northern Light Convention was a huge success with more than 25 speakers. Politicians, lawyers, economists, scientists, writers, health professionals and activists convened to brainstorm how to stop the crimes currently being committed against humanity and how to stop it ever being repeated. And answering the question, what would happen if people […]

The NZ Govt is currently advertising for surveillance officers

Ad Description ( “Our work is secret, but the reason for our success isn’t. It’s our people. And we’re just like you. We’re ordinary people. But together, we’re doing extraordinary things to protect New Zealand and New Zealanders. This new position is at the centre of our dynamic, exciting and fast moving operational function, directly […]

Arizona State University Appeases Leftists: ‘Kyle Rittenhouse Is Not Currently Enrolled’

Kyle Rittenhouse is no longer enrolled at Arizona State University (ASU), where a mob of left-wing students have called for his expulsion, despite Rittenhouse being acquitted of all charges. “Kyle Rittenhouse has not gone through the ASU admissions process,” a university spokesperson told the New York Post. “University records show that he is not currently enrolled in any […]

New Zealand Nurse explains what she’s currently seeing in hospital

November 22nd, 2021 4 min video:’scurrentlyseeinginhospital:3 _______________________________ If you are looking for solutions (lawyer, form, gathering, action, antidote, maybe this could help you:HERE If you like our work please consider to donate : Share this: Like this: Like Loading… Source

Van Jones: Biden Has Stepped on a Rake and Fallen Down the Stairs, Dems Currently ‘Looking over the Edge of a Cliff’

On Tuesday’s broadcast of CNN’s “Cuomo Primetime,” CNN Political Commentator and former Obama administration official Van Jones stated that President Joe Biden is doing good things, but he made claims about furthering his agenda, “then he steps on a rake and then he slips on a banana peel and then he falls down the stairs […]

SHOCK: COVID Currently Surging in America’s Most Vaxxed State

SHOCK: COVID Currently Surging in America’s Most Vaxxed StateDate: October 7, 2021Author: Nwo Report   ‘Anyone asked Fauci why he was so wrong about 50%?’ Source: Joshua PaladinoVermont has the nation’s highest COVID-19 vaccination rate, but daily cases in the state have surpassed their all-time high from January, the New York Times reported. September was Vermont’s second-worst month for COVID-19 deaths […]

Pfizer T&C: “Purchaser acknowledges… long-term effects and efficacy of the Vaccine are not currently known and that there may be adverse effects of the Vaccine that are not currently known”

Straight from the horse’s mouth so to speak: Ehden @ twitter Actual twitter post below, thread reader above (best) (ORIGINAL SOURCE-not in English) Share this: Like this: Like Loading… Source

Labour’s housing band aid: currently around 8500 adults & 3888 kids live in NZ motels, costing more than half a billion dollars to date

“Govt accused of running get-rich-quick scheme after National reveals motels being paid millions for emergency accommodation” And the Nats can’t talk … Key hocked off a large chunk of our state homes to property developers … paid for by our forbears. And Labour’s so far sold off $30 mill worth. As we speak councils NZ […]

3 Simple Steps To Freedom | How to stop the Genocide and mark of the beast programs currently threatening humanity

Dylan Eleven | Logic prevails through the maze of ridiculous propaganda . If you look at all aspects of the covid scam and apply logic, none of it stands up. After analyzing all of the information since the beginning of the covid hoax I can, I believe the simplest solution for a person to […]

Pedophilia & Politicians: Roy Cohn “Ran the Little Boys” For the CIA Like Epstein Currently Runs the Little Girls For the CIA

TOO BIG TO FAIL Epstein is only the latest incarnation of a much older, more extensive and sophisticated operation that offers a frightening window into how deeply tied the U.S. government is to the modern-day equivalents of organized crime. by Whitney Webb×90&!1&btvi=1&fsb=1&xpc=K9m5xWcYgb&p=https%3A// July 18th, 2019 By Whitney Webb Whitney Webb 219 CommentsFacebookTwitterRedditEmailMore3.7K Despite his “sweetheart” deal and […]

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