Posts Tagged ‘oxygen’

Trump looks to cut off oxygen to RFK Jr.

Former President Trump is taking concrete steps to deprive Robert F. Kennedy Jr. of oxygen as they compete for a portion of the same voters. Trump is going to the Libertarian Party national convention this month and criticized Kennedy, who is running as an independent but who has ties to the party, as “not a… […]

Coast Guard: Missing Titanic sub has about 40 hours of oxygen left

Coast Guard: Missing Titanic sub has about 40 hours of oxygen left lead image Source

Small Device Currently on Mars Is Generating as Much Oxygen as a Tree, Scientists Reveal

If you thought packing the car for a cross-country move was hard, packing a space shuttle for a move to Mars will be a new kind of headache. In addition to bringing items like food and water, spaceships heading to the red planet will also need to bring scientific experiments, emergency supplies, and living habitats.  […]

Small Device Currently on Mars Is Generating as Much Oxygen as a Tree, Scientists Reveal

If you thought packing the car for a cross-country move was hard, packing a space shuttle for a move to Mars will be a new kind of headache. In addition to bringing items like food and water, spaceships heading to the red planet will also need to bring scientific experiments, emergency supplies, and living habitats.  […]

Small Device Currently on Mars Is Generating as Much Oxygen as a Tree, Scientists Reveal

If you thought packing the car for a cross-country move was hard, packing a space shuttle for a move to Mars will be a new kind of headache. In addition to bringing items like food and water, spaceships heading to the red planet will also need to bring scientific experiments, emergency supplies, and living habitats.  […]

Small Device Currently on Mars Is Generating as Much Oxygen as a Tree, Scientists Reveal

If you thought packing the car for a cross-country move was hard, packing a space shuttle for a move to Mars will be a new kind of headache. In addition to bringing items like food and water, spaceships heading to the red planet will also need to bring scientific experiments, emergency supplies, and living habitats.  […]

Small Device Currently on Mars Is Generating as Much Oxygen as a Tree, Scientists Reveal

If you thought packing the car for a cross-country move was hard, packing a space shuttle for a move to Mars will be a new kind of headache. In addition to bringing items like food and water, spaceships heading to the red planet will also need to bring scientific experiments, emergency supplies, and living habitats.  […]

ODMS: Oxygen Deprivation Mask Syndrome now sweeping across the globe

ODMS: Oxygen Deprivation Mask Syndrome now sweeping across the globe12/08/2021 / By S.D. Wells  Bypass censorship by sharing this link: Copy URL Research reveals that prolonged use of Covid masks, homemade or N95, can cause anywhere from five percent on up to 20 percent loss of oxygen, leading to hypercapnia (excessive carbon dioxide in the […]

The Moon has enough oxygen to sustain billions for 100,000 years

The Moon has enough oxygen to sustain billions for 100,000 yearsNovember 15, 2021 There is enough oxygen on the Moon to sustain Earth’s entire population. Image Credit: NASA/SAIC/Pat RawlingsThe top layer of the lunar surface holds a surprising amount of oxygen.Alongside advances in space exploration, we’ve recently seen much time and money invested into technologies […]

IsraAID to Provide Oxygen Concentrators, Supplies to India

(JNS) In response to the devastating coronavirus outbreak in India, now at the epicenter of the pandemic, IsraAID will provide urgently needed medical supplies to the beleaguered nation. According to the World Health Organization’s weekly epidemiological update on COVID-19, India has reported some 2.7 million new cases as of April 27 and more than 15,000 […]

Police in India charge man who appealed for oxygen amid COVID crisis

Police in India have pressed charges against a man who tweeted asking for oxygen. Amid soaring COVID-19 cases, Indians have been using social media to appeal for oxygen supplies, medical equipment and hospital beds. One user on Twitter posted he was in need of an “oxygen cylinder as soon as possible,” contacting a Bollywood actor. […]

IsraAID to provide oxygen concentrators, supplies to India in midst of COVID crisis

Browse > Home / News / IsraAID to provide oxygen concentrators, supplies to India in midst of COVID crisis April 29, 2021 by JNS Read on for article In response to the devastating coronavirus outbreak in India, now at the epicentre of the pandemic, IsraAID will provide urgently needed medical supplies to the beleaguered nation. […]

Perseverance rover has created oxygen on Mars

Perseverance rover has created oxygen on Mars Posted on Saturday, 24 April, 2021 Perseverance’s MOXIE instrument during construction. Image Credit: NASA / JPL-Caltech NASA’s car-sized rover has successfully managed to turn the Martian atmosphere into breathable oxygen.The space agency has been celebrating a lot of scientific firsts recently such as the maiden flight of the […]

A Few Facts About  Industrial And Medical Oxygen, And Our Callousness

 Written by Hanuman Lal Bengani and Dr. M. Bapuji    Illustration by DOMINIC XAVIER / I, Dr. M.Bapuji, received the following information through friends from Indian Inst of Petroleum, Dehradun on oxygen availability in india. The author is sri Hanuman  Lal Bengani, former CEO of Linde,  his own words : ” Having spent my […]

Fire from oxygen tank blast in Baghdad COVID-19 hospital kills 82

A fire caused by an oxygen tank explosion at a COVID-19 hospital in Baghdad took at least 82 lives and forced some people to leap through windows out of the burning building, witnesses and authorities said on Sunday.As rescuers combed the smoke-charred building, Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi blamed negligence and suspended his Health Minister Hassan […]

India Coronavirus Patients Suffocate Amid Oxygen Shortage And Devastating Case Surge

SRINAGAR, India (AP) — Indian authorities scrambled Saturday to get oxygen tanks to hospitals where COVID-19 patients were suffocating amid the world’s worst coronavirus surge, as the government came under increasing criticism for what doctors said was its negligence in the face of a foreseeable public health disaster. For the third day in a row, […]

Indian Hospitals Plead For Oxygen, Country Sets Virus Record

NEW DELHI (AP) — India put oxygen tankers on special express trains as major hospitals in New Delhi on Friday begged on social media for more supplies to save COVID-19 patients who are struggling to breathe. More than a dozen people died when an oxygen-fed fire ripped through a coronavirus ward in a populous western […]

India hospital fire kills 13 as nation struggles with oxygen shortage

A fire in western India killed 13 COVID-19 patients in hospital early on Friday amid rising infections in the country. India reported a daily record in new cases, adding 332,730 in 24 hours. The situation has worsened in the country as the nation’s hospitals struggle to get oxygen supplies to treat patients. Indian news agencies […]

Indonesian Submarine’s Crew In Peril As Oxygen Dwindles

JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — Indonesian navy ships were scouring the waters off Bali on Friday as they raced against time to find a submarine that disappeared two days ago and has less than a day’s supply of oxygen left for its 53 crew. The KRI Nanggala 402 went missing after its last reported dive Wednesday […]

Democrat Fascist Gretchen Whitmer: ‘2-Year-Olds Must Now Wear Anti-Oxygen Face Masks’

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has unveiled a new cruel and unusual coronavirus restriction on toddlers which will force children as young as two to wear masks. Michigan Capitol Confidential reported the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS), headed by Elizabeth Hertel, who just returned from an Alabama beach vacation, issued the facist order. You can […]

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