Posts Tagged ‘peril’


TEXAS AGGRESSIVELY REASSERTS ITS CONSTITUTIONAL STATE’S RIGHTS SOTN Editor’s Note There’s really only one way to practically avoid a violent Second American Revolution at this late date. The conservative states must compel their GOP leadership to disengage from the U.S. Federal Government…and to resist every single Washington attempt to overreach and oppress. Much more significantly, […]

IGNORE AT YOUR PERIL! “Agreeable people are cannon fodder for a psychopath” (Video)


Jan 6 charges against Trump would add to his mounting legal peril

Former US president Donald Trump could be facing a third criminal indictment regarding efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election. Source

Khader Adnan’s life is in peril as his hunger strike inside Israeli prison surpasses 80 days

Khader Adnan’s hunger strike protesting his imprisonment by Israel has surpassed 80 days and his life is in danger. “This time is different, he is feeling the toll that previous hunger strikes have had on him,” says his wife Randa Moussa. Source

UN Chief Warns Global Leaders: The World Is In ‘Great Peril’

UNITED NATIONS (AP) — Warning that the world is in “great peril,” the head of the United Nations says leaders meeting in person for the first time in three years must tackle conflicts and climate catastrophes, increasing poverty and inequality — and address divisions among major powers that have gotten worse since Russia invaded Ukraine. […]

UN Chief Warns Global Leaders: The World Is In ‘Great Peril’

UNITED NATIONS (AP) — Warning that the world is in “great peril,” the head of the United Nations says leaders meeting in person for the first time in three years must tackle conflicts and climate catastrophes, increasing poverty and inequality — and address divisions among major powers that have gotten worse since Russia invaded Ukraine. […]

UN Chief Warns Global Leaders: The World Is In ‘Great Peril’

UNITED NATIONS (AP) — Warning that the world is in “great peril,” the head of the United Nations says leaders meeting in person for the first time in three years must tackle conflicts and climate catastrophes, increasing poverty and inequality — and address divisions among major powers that have gotten worse since Russia invaded Ukraine. […]

UN Chief Warns Global Leaders: The World Is In ‘Great Peril’

UNITED NATIONS (AP) — Warning that the world is in “great peril,” the head of the United Nations says leaders meeting in person for the first time in three years must tackle conflicts and climate catastrophes, increasing poverty and inequality — and address divisions among major powers that have gotten worse since Russia invaded Ukraine. […]

UN Chief Warns Global Leaders: The World Is In ‘Great Peril’

UNITED NATIONS (AP) — Warning that the world is in “great peril,” the head of the United Nations says leaders meeting in person for the first time in three years must tackle conflicts and climate catastrophes, increasing poverty and inequality — and address divisions among major powers that have gotten worse since Russia invaded Ukraine. […]

UN Chief Warns Global Leaders: The World Is In ‘Great Peril’

UNITED NATIONS (AP) — Warning that the world is in “great peril,” the head of the United Nations says leaders meeting in person for the first time in three years must tackle conflicts and climate catastrophes, increasing poverty and inequality — and address divisions among major powers that have gotten worse since Russia invaded Ukraine. […]

Imminent Peril Of Drinking Water Contamination By US Navy Fuel Tanks

Above photo: Military Spouse who reported fuel poisoning symptoms. Ann Wright. Risk Outweighs Military Claims of National Security. Red Hill is a Ticking Time Bomb. In a strongly worded proposed decision and order, on December 27, 2021, David Day, the Hawai’i State Department of Health Red Hill case Hearing Officer and Deputy Attorney General announced […]

Online Media: The Promise and the Peril

In preparation for my upcoming course on The History of the Media, The Corbett Report Subscriber is presenting a three-part series on the past, present and future of mass media. In the first edition I examined How the First Media Moguls Shaped History. Last week I detailed How TV Hypnotizes You. This week I turn my attention […]

Indonesian Submarine’s Crew In Peril As Oxygen Dwindles

JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — Indonesian navy ships were scouring the waters off Bali on Friday as they raced against time to find a submarine that disappeared two days ago and has less than a day’s supply of oxygen left for its 53 crew. The KRI Nanggala 402 went missing after its last reported dive Wednesday […]

Speak out! Doctors can no longer stay silent on vaccine peril

THE vaccine issue seems, among some opponents of lockdown, to be playing the same role that the conspiracy issue played so effectively during the early months of Covid.   Any hint of lack of enthusiasm for the vaccine is labelled as ‘anti-vax’ as dismissively as any suggestion of the convergence of interested parties to lockdowns […]

Washington Is Misreading Russia at the World’s Peril

April 6, 2021  Paul Craig Roberts On August 31, 2018, I wrote: “So, the questions for Andrei Martyanov, The Saker, and for Putin and the Russian government is: How long does turning your other cheek work? Do you turn your other cheek so long as to allow your opponent to neutralize your advantage in a […]

Lame Duck – A Peril

The United States election process requires the congress to validate the election of the President. Congress is a bicameral legislature, the senate being the upper house and the House of Representatives the lower house. A raucous mob raided the capitol building displaying pro-Trump slogans and managed to enter the senate chamber at the time when […]

Queen’s 2020 Christmas Speech: “The Great Reset Is An Evil We Ignore At Our Peril”

The Queen dropped a bombshell yesterday while filming her 2020 Christmas Message for the BBC, warning of “a plot by certain forces” to unleash their vision of “a hell on Earth” for humanity.  In an impromptu, unscripted moment, the Queen said, “One cannot over emphasise just how diabolical these evil doers are. They do not […]

The Congo: Kabila And Tshisekedi, A Coalition In Peril

The deal between former President Joseph Kabila and his coalition, Front commun pour le Congo (FCC) and current President Felix Tshisekedi and his Coalition, Cap pour le changement (CACH), has come to a predictable head. The country is in gridlock due to the internecine battles of the two coalition partners. The political blocks of the […]

Netanyahu in deeper peril as more Israeli officials are arrested on corruption charges

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Watching The Hawks – Journalists In Peril & Misaligned Stars

Watching The Hawks – Journalists In Peril & Misaligned Stars Watching The 42 journalists were killed on duty in 2017 and female journalists are facing attacks in the field and at home. The Surveillance State is turned back before the New Year. Continuing the highlights of Watching The Hawks 2017 coverage, a look back […]

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