Archive for the ‘imperialism’ Category

The counterrevolutionary nature of liberal feminist support for Gaza

 March 10, 2024 Source: Al Mayadeen English This article is a historical analysis of liberalism, how it is imperial by nature, with a focal lens on the counterrevolutionary nature of feminist movements that do not show support for Gaza. By Tala Alayli In Malcolm X’s analysis of white liberals, he explained that the liberal can […]

Four Documentaries by John Pilger (Transcripts included)

Celebrating the life of one of investigative journalism’s greats who recently died … watch four of his many documentaries. Search YT for the rest, and/or go to his website here. EWNZ Classic John Pilger documentary about the decades long occupation of Palestine and subjugation of the Palestinian people. In a series of extraordinary interviews with […]

Gas, Gaza, and Western imperialism

Control of Mediterranean gas fields is not the reason for the current attack on Gaza, but the theft of Palestine’s natural resources has long been a goal of the Zionist settler-colonial project and its Western sponsors. Source

We must refuse to apologize for Palestinian humanity

The media will demand that we condemn the Palestinian resistance. We must refuse. Source

Erdogan on Path to destroying Ataturk’s Legacy

100 years ago – on November 1, 1922 – the Chairman of the Grand National Assembly of Türkiye, Mustafa Kemal Pasha, officially abolished the Ottoman Sultanate. Thus ended a monarchy whose origins stretched back to 1299. The Ottoman Empire was replaced by a new state, the Republic of Türkiye, which was based on completely different […]

Ukraine Files to Join NATO Urgently As Evil Russia Annexes 4 of Its Territories

Demonic country from hell known as Russia which is the father of lies just stole 4 territories from Ukraine, as a result, Ukraine now wants to join NATO immediately. What a devilish dirty scumbag nation Russia is!!!!!!!!!!!! The father of lies, the children of the devil! First when the US was warning that Russia will […]

Turkey’s rhetorical war with France resumes: “Macron should face his country’s colonial past”

A new cycle of fierce confrontation has opened between France and Turkey, with Ankara describing comments made by French President Emmanuel Macron from Algeria on Friday as “unacceptable” and “unwise”. The comments were triggered by Macron describing “networks”, which are manipulated by Ankara, Moscow and Beijing, spreading “anti-French propaganda” in Africa. During his visit to […]

Turkey’s rhetorical war with France resumes: “Macron should face his country’s colonial past”

A new cycle of fierce confrontation has opened between France and Turkey, with Ankara describing comments made by French President Emmanuel Macron from Algeria on Friday as “unacceptable” and “unwise”. The comments were triggered by Macron describing “networks”, which are manipulated by Ankara, Moscow and Beijing, spreading “anti-French propaganda” in Africa. During his visit to […]

Turkey’s rhetorical war with France resumes: “Macron should face his country’s colonial past”

A new cycle of fierce confrontation has opened between France and Turkey, with Ankara describing comments made by French President Emmanuel Macron from Algeria on Friday as “unacceptable” and “unwise”. The comments were triggered by Macron describing “networks”, which are manipulated by Ankara, Moscow and Beijing, spreading “anti-French propaganda” in Africa. During his visit to […]

Turkey’s rhetorical war with France resumes: “Macron should face his country’s colonial past”

A new cycle of fierce confrontation has opened between France and Turkey, with Ankara describing comments made by French President Emmanuel Macron from Algeria on Friday as “unacceptable” and “unwise”. The comments were triggered by Macron describing “networks”, which are manipulated by Ankara, Moscow and Beijing, spreading “anti-French propaganda” in Africa. During his visit to […]

Africa Remains At The Center Of A 21st Century Cold War

United States President Joe Biden announced during July that he would host a summit with African leaders at the White House in December. This announcement by Biden comes in the aftermath of several important political developments which have exposed the ineffective foreign policy orientation of the world’s leading capitalist country. Within the United Nations, many […]

Dmitry Medvedev says Russia will make Ukraine ‘disappear from the map’

Russia’s former president today warned that Ukraine could ‘disappear from the world map’ amid Vladimir Putin’s invasion of the country. Dmitry Medvedev, a Putin ally, also dismissed US President Joe Biden as a ‘strange grandfather with dementia’ in a scathing post on Telegram. Medvedev warned NATO was ‘creating a real threat of world conflict and […]

Vladimir Putin’s war has dealt a blow to the ‘populist’ right

Few figures have inspired the so-called populist right in recent years as much as Vladimir Putin, a leader who has championed extreme Russian nationalism hand in hand with a revival of the most conservative iteration of the Russian Orthodox church, appealing to christian nationalists and neo-fascists around the world. His strongman politics have led to […]

Hey, Hey, USA! How Many Bombs Did You Drop Today?

by Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies August 2020 U.S. drone strike in Kabul killed 10 Afghan civilians. Credit: Getty Images The Pentagon has finally published its first Airpower Summary since President Biden took office nearly a year ago. These monthly reports have been published since 2007 to document the number of bombs and […]

U.S. Drastically Undercounted Civilian Deaths Due To Airstrike, Finds Investigation

The U.S. military drastically undercounted civilian deaths caused by airstrikes in the Middle East since 2014, according to a New York Times investigation published Saturday. The New York Times reviewed a hidden Pentagon archive comprised of the military’s confidential assessments of over 1,300 reports of civilian casualties in airstrikes, and found, “since 2014, the American air war has been […]

Defending Japanese Imperialism

Three Senkaku Islands Common knowledge informs us that the surrender of Imperial Japan on August 15, 1945 brought an end to the Japanese empire and Japan’s occupation of all areas and countries that had been taken as a result of its military aggression. The Allied Cairo Declaration of 1943, for example, stated: “. . . […]

Are We Forever Captives of America’s Forever Wars?

As August ended, American troops completed their withdrawal from Afghanistan almost 20 years after they first arrived. On the formal date of withdrawal, however, President Biden insisted that “over-the-horizon capabilities” (airpower and Special Operations forces, for example) would remain available for use anytime. “[W]e can strike terrorists and targets without American boots on the ground, very few if needed,” […]

 AUKUS & Quad In Context: Australia Violates All Indo-Pacific countries

Australia has formed the anti-China AUKUS (Australia, UK and US) and Quad (Australia, India, US and Japan) Alliances to contain a supposedly aggressive China. In reality a US lackey, nuclear terrorist, climate criminal, serial invader and subversive Australia violates ALL Indo-Pacific countries. A detailed and documented analysis of Australian violation of all 81 Indo-Pacific countries […]

US President Joe Biden: Representing the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

“I have sent to the Federal  Register for publication the enclosed notice stating that the national emergency declared in Executive Order 13660 of March 6, 2014, with respect to Ukraine is to continue in effect beyond March 6, 2021.The actions and policies of persons that undermine democratic processes and institutions in Ukraine; threaten its peace, […]

The Age Of Imperialism Is Not Over

But We Can End It. Capitalist accumulation has always depended on cheap labor and resources extracted from the Global South. To end this violence we need a post-capitalist transition—otherwise, as climate breakdown accelerates, the ceaseless search for profit will drive us further into barbarism. As the failure of COP26 sinks in, it is increasingly clear that our […]

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