Posts Tagged ‘populist’

June 10 – Populist EU Backlash May Derail War Plan

Headlines saved from 2021 & 2022. COVID was a dress rehearsal for a Communist police state and most were fine with that. The attack on unvaccinated Canadians was relentless. Remember the absolute fear and ugliness that this whole experience brought out in ordinary people. This was a complete betrayal of public trust by ALL social institutions, especially […]

The Populist Wave and Its Discontents

The past few years have seen the steady rise of populist, anti-establishment politics across a broad swathe of the West. In the mouths of its defenders, populism is liberation from the yoke of global domination. In the mouths of its critics, it is cheap demagoguery and the greatest threat to rule of law we have […]

Interview 1873 – Ben Pile on The Behavioural Sciences and the Populist Revolt

Abi,Yes. Posting a link to a video is “allowed” on the comment boards.It is always important to label and describe any link that a person posts. Stand alone links with no description will get the following note from Corbett…[SNIP – No bare links in the comments, please. Please repost the link with a title and/or […]

April 5 – They are Allowing a Populist Reaction

Please send links and comments to [email protected] If my YouTube feed is any indication, the PTB are flipping the narrative. My feed is full of shorts promoting Putin, worldwide demonstrations against Israel, and anti-woke influencers. Why? My Hunch: They need to elect Trump to lead the West into another world war. A false flag like Pearl […]

Paul Ryan calls Trump a ‘populist, authoritarian narcissist’

Ryan’s comments amount to some of his harshest words yet for the former president and now frontrunner for the 2024 Republican nomination, whom he has decisively characterized as a losing hand for his party in elections, past and future. That contrasts with Ryan’s pulled punches when he was House speaker and learning how to work […]

Conviction of leading animal activist could ignite a populist revolution

Here’s a disturbing fact: Prosecutors in the United States charge more penalties for the activists who reveal animal cruelty crimes than they do for the factory farms that commit them. This trend is a glaring miscarriage of justice, and it must be reversed. And here’s the latest miscarriage, involving a high-profile activist: On November 2, […]

Populist Geert Wilders Crushes the Competition to Become Leader of Netherlands After Fake Polls Showed a Close Race.


Anti-Islam Populist Wilders Wins Big In Netherlands In A Shock For Europe

THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) — Anti-Islam populist Geert Wilders won a huge victory in Dutch elections, according to a near complete count of the vote early Thursday, in a stunning lurch to the far right for a nation once famed as a beacon of tolerance. The result will send shockwaves through Europe, where far-right ideology […]

Far-Right Populist Javier Milei Wins Argentina’s Presidential Runoff Election

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (AP) — Populist Javier Milei resoundingly won Argentina’s presidential election Sunday, swinging the country to the right following a fiercely polarized campaign in which he promised a dramatic shake-up to the state to deal with soaring inflation and rising poverty. With 99.4% of votes tallied in the presidential runoff, Milei had 55.7% […]

Flashback – Is Populist Backlash Still Part of “The Plan” ?

(The “Plan” is for the vaccinated to revolt and create a state of anarchy, such as seen in the Mad Max movies, left. The global government will ride in and restore order.) A billionaire in NZ supposedly revealed this “Plan” to discredit all authority to a technician he befriended in Nov. 2021. It seems to be […]

Co-head of German populist AfD Party hospitalized after being attacked with a SYRINGE at a campaign event

(NaturalNews) Tino Chrupalla, the co-head of the anti-globalist group Alternative for Germany (AfD), was allegedly assaulted with a syringe and taken to an… Source

Bull Moose Bobby: The Patrician Populist!

Taylorsville, Utah September 24, 2023 by Rich Scheck The prospects for a third party run by RFK, Jr. appear to be increasing by the day. With the DNC conspiring to prevent him from winning the Democratic Party nomination in order to rig it in favor of incumbent Joe Biden, the need for him to remain […]

Javier’s Milei’s Populist Strategy In Argentina Is Working

Javier’s Milei’s Populist Strategy In Argentina Is Working Authored by Philipp Bagus via The Mises Institute, The Austro-libertarian movement has the better ideas. They continue to be discussed, elaborated, and intellectually defended. But how can the right ideas be implemented? What good is it to be right if the reality is left-wing? In fact, most […]

Right and Left Populist Parties Shut Down France’s Vaccine Passport

The move was the first serious blow to Macron’s hold on the government after losing majority status in June’s parliamentary elections. Source

Projections point to victory for Serbia’s populist president

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić and his populist right-wing party appeared headed to victory in Sunday’s national election, extending a decade-long authoritarian rule in the Balkan country, according to early pollsters’ projections. The IPSOS and CESID pollsters, which have proven reliable in previous Serbian ballots, predicted Vučić would end up with nearly 60% of the votes. […]

Vladimir Putin’s war has dealt a blow to the ‘populist’ right

Few figures have inspired the so-called populist right in recent years as much as Vladimir Putin, a leader who has championed extreme Russian nationalism hand in hand with a revival of the most conservative iteration of the Russian Orthodox church, appealing to christian nationalists and neo-fascists around the world. His strongman politics have led to […]

Kevin McCarthy Reaffirms Populist Promises to Establishment Axios Readers

GOP leader Kevin McCarthy used an interview with establishment outlet to reaffirm his populist promises to Breitbart News of pro-American immigration, economic, and technology policies. “On immigration: McCarthy reiterated to Axios his recent pledge to Breitbart’s Matt Boyle — that he’ll not consider any legislation offering legal status to undocumented immigrants, preemptively ruling out comprehensive immigration reform,” […]

France: far-right populist announces candidacy for 2022 presidential election 

French populist and media pundit Eric Zemmour announced yesterday that he is standing as a candidate in next year’s presidential election with a chilling message for Europe’s Muslims. The 63-year-old, who has been called a far-right “Jewish anti-Semite”, peddled the racist and infamous “great replacement” conspiracy theory in a video announcing his candidacy. “We will […]

Blurring the lines: Phony leftists and the populist right pipeline

One of the excuses most often heard from those commentators accused of not bothering to do basic research using reputable sources is that such work isn’t necessary as they are just ‘just asking questions’. We see this a lot with those promoting cheap miracle cures for the novel coronavirus despite widely available free vaccines in […]

Saagar Enjeti: The Pseudo-Populist Mainlining Neocon Ideas into Progressive Politics

WASHINGTON — Saagar Enjeti and Krystal Ball are the new king and queen of alternative media. After having just quit The Hill to go fully independent, their new show “Breaking Points” immediately debuted at number one in the global politics podcast charts, comfortably overtaking well-established brands like “Pod Save America” and “The Ben Shapiro Show.” […]

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