Posts Tagged ‘ideas’

Academy of Ideas – The Sickness of Modern Man – Are We Enslaved to One Side of the Brain?

ACADEMY OF IDEAS APR 21 If McGilchrist’s hypothesis is correct and most of us are overly reliant on the left hemisphere, this can account for many of our social ills. It can account for the rise of narcissistic individuals, as … Read the rest Source

25 Gift Ideas That Are Gonna Sell Out (So Buy Them Now)

The holiday season is upon us, which can only mean one thing: It’s time to start letting your brain dig into a gazillion gift ideas for all your loved ones. We’re here to help. But it’s a good thing you’re reading this right now, because in 2023, you’ve gotta act fast.  Yes, this year, you’ll […]

Who’s Better At Generating Innovative Ideas, ChatGPT Or MBA Students?

Who’s Better At Generating Innovative Ideas, ChatGPT Or MBA Students? By Mish Shedlock of MishTalk Wharton professors say Ideas Are Dimes a Dozen and they put that theory to a test. But how does one determine a good idea? And what does better mean? Wharton notes the difference between consistency and better. For example, an […]

Ex-Iran basketball coach believes federation needs new ideas

TEHRAN – Iranian basketball expert Mostafa Hashemi believes that the Basketball Federation needs new ideas for the future of basketball in Iran. Source

Technocensorship: The Government’s War on So-Called Dangerous Ideas

What we are witnessing is the modern-day equivalent of book burning which involves doing away with dangerous ideas—legitimate or not—and the people who espouse them.Seventy years after Ray Bradbury’s novel Fahrenheit 451 depicted a fictional world in which books are burned in order to suppress dissenting ideas, while televised entertainment is used to anesthetize the populace and […]

Christmas Gift Ideas For Your Libertarian Child

Raising a libertarian child can be tough, especially since they see your authority as totally illegitimate and say things like “AM I BEING DETAINED?” when you tell them to clean their room. If you have a libertarian kid, Christmas is a great opportunity to win them over with some perfect Christmas presents! Source

Running Out of Ideas: Macron Pleads with French to Use Less Energy to Avoid Rationing

French President Emmanuel Macron has pleaded with the general public to use less energy so that he will not be forced to ration energy.

Noble Ideas of Visionary Gorbachev Failed Because He Ignored the Deceit, Duplicity and Dangers of Imperialism

Gorbachev set out to reform the Soviet Union and make the entire world a less dangerous place to live in. If he had succeeded, the mad race for weapons of mass destruction would have not only slowed down but, assuming the best possible outcome, there was a real chance of their elimination or the elimination […]

So, Why Exactly Did Trump Take All Those Documents Home? We’ve Got Some Ideas.

One theory Trump took the classified docs home? He likes to collect things. 2016 file photo by Tom Pennington/Getty Images Former President Donald Trump has raised plenty of full-throated objections to the FBI search of his Mar-a-Lago club for classified government documents.  But he’s never said why he grabbed those files in the first place.  […]

So, Why Exactly Did Trump Take All Those Documents Home? We’ve Got Some Ideas.

One theory Trump took the classified docs home? He likes to collect things. 2016 file photo by Tom Pennington/Getty Images Former President Donald Trump has raised plenty of full-throated objections to the FBI search of his Mar-a-Lago club for classified government documents.  But he’s never said why he grabbed those files in the first place.  […]

Economist Abhijit Sen Has Left Us At  A Time When There is Great Yearning for His Ideas

Economist Abhijit Sen passed away on the night of 29 August, 2022. He was 72. For a long time he has been regarded as one of India’s leading agricultural economists who made a very important contribution to government policy, particularly in the context of public distribution system. India’s structure of food security has been created […]

WEF’s “Global Intelligence Collecting AI” To Erase Ideas From The Internet

Unapproved opinions are becoming more popular, and online censors cannot keep up with millions of people becoming more aware and more vocal. Source

Low-Cost Business Ideas for 2022

Successfully running your business in 2022 is not easy due to the new norms of people’s lives. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the consumption of goods and services. If opening an offline store or restaurant just a few years ago was a profitable idea, now their owners can incur heavy losses. Since most startups in […]

The 13 Best VBS Theme Ideas

Summer is here, which means it’s time for kids to be thrown into week-long Vacation Bible School programs. If you’re helping your church run a VBS program you could stick to tried and true themes like “Jesus Is A Superhero,” or you can branch out and try something more exciting! Source

Nippur: The Great Mesopotamian Holy City That Gave Early Ideas Of God

The ancient city of Nippur is one of the most interesting holy cities in the Middle East. Now only known as a dilapidated, prehistoric town, Nippur was once recognized as an essential religious capital in Mesopotamian culture. Read more Section:  News Human Origins Religions Ancient Places Asia Read Later 

Prehistoric Humans Didn’t Grunt Their Ideas – They Used Hand Gestures

A new study has shown that the origins of human communication began with hand gestures, and not sounds. The research team discovered this after tasking volunteers to describe words Read more Section:  News Evolution & Human Origins Human Origins Science Read Later  Source

10 Christmas Gift Ideas For Your Leftist Child

Brought to you by: First off, congratulations on raising a child already versed in progressive ideals! Your Christmas holiday is sure to be filled with joy, laughter, fear of using incorrect pronouns, and vegan egg nog. If you’re having trouble finding that perfect Christmas present for your liberal child due to their inconsistent morality, hypocritical […]

10 Christmas Gift Ideas For Your Conservative Child

Brought to you by: With Christmas just around the corner, you’re probably looking for unique gifts that tell your children how much joy they bring to your life as well as the importance of limited government.  Worry not, shopper! We at The Babylon Bee had our top researchers working tirelessly to bring you this list of perfect gift […]

Militaries Plunder Science Fiction for Technology Ideas, But Turn a Blind Eye to the Genre’s Social Commentary

By Will Slocombe, University of Liverpool Military planning is a complicated endeavour, calling upon experts in logistics and infrastructure to predict resource availability and technological advancements. Long-range military planning, deciding what to invest in now to prepare armed forces for the world in thirty years’ time, is even more difficult. One of the most interesting tools for […]

How To Embrace New Ideas & Envision A Better World

Take a moment and breathe. Place your hand over your chest area, near your heart. Breathe slowly into the area for about a minute, focusing on a sense of ease entering your mind and body. Click here to learn why we suggest this. An internationally recognized nonprofit research and education organization, the Institute of HeartMath dedicates […]

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