Posts Tagged ‘Establishment’

Why the French chose the ‘radical far right’ over Macron’s establishment

(NaturalNews) French President Emmanuel Macron figured that he would toss a grenade at the anti-establishment right that beat his team in the European… Source

How the Medical Establishment is Working to Facilitate the Depopulation Agenda

19 jan 2024 Dr. David Ayoub MD explains how the medical establishment through certified documentation is working hand in hand with the global cabal to facilitate the depopulation agenda. Radio Liberty Conference 2005, Aptos, California. “…this pandemic that’s goingto come, they’re trying to build the infrastructure to do mass vaccinations in a very, very short […]

The Jewish establishment’s blindness to Palestinian slaughter also hurts U.S. Jews

Israel’s racism against Palestinians has subsumed official Jewish life. American Jews have abandoned their best traditions out of deference to a militant state that exists in constant fear of those it subjugates. Source

Tucker Carlson Issues Major Warning on What the Establishment Has in Store for Trump

Originally Published on Vigilant News Network “They [the establishment] look at Trump as a vampire, and they put a stake in his heart, but they’re afraid that that stake could come out any time,” expressed military historian Victor Davis Hanson in a viral video in late November. “They are terrified of him because they think […]

Don Jr. Calls out Establishment Republicans for Backing More Tax Dollars to Ukraine

Donald Trump Jr. is aggressively calling out establishment Senate Republicans over advocacy for continued aid to Ukraine. Source

Lavrov: US preventing establishment of Palestinian state

The United States is doing everything it can to prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly. He added that full normalisation in the Middle East could not be achieved without resolving the main issue, which is the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, based on United […]

Parliament passes generalities of Commerce Ministry establishment bill

TEHRAN — Iranian Parliament on Sunday passed the generalities of a bill to establish the Ministry of Commerce. As reported, 129 MPs voted in favor of the double-urgency bill, 101 MPs voted against it, and four MPs abstained. Fathollah Tavasoli, an MP who voted in favor of the bill, said: “Despite the existence of the […]

Videos: Establishment Media Whines About Injunction To Stop Biden Censorship Via Big Tech

During a podcast appearance with Lex Fridman, Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. outlined how during the pandemic the media engaged in an “organised conspiracy” by acting as “propaganda organs for the government agencies,” and acting to censor “anybody who dissented.” [embedded content] Kennedy again spoke at length of the “insurmountable and mountainous and overwhelming” […]

The U.S. establishment’s fever to smash Iraq must not be forgotten

Twenty years ago the entire U.S. establishment lined up behind our war on Iraq. It was one of the greatest disasters in history, and there’s been no accountability. Source

Champions with Kerri Rivera: Medical establishment demonizing amygdalin, an effective natural cancer treatment – Brighteon.TV

(Natural News) John Richardson Jr., the president of the Richardson Nutritional Center (RNC), lamented how the medical establishment is demonizing amygdalin – an effective natural treatment for cancer. “I’m not going to say that amygdalin or laetrile is the silver bullet. It’s a whole dietary plan my dad had, and many doctors have now,” he […]

Richard Proctor: International banking establishment is controlling people’s lives through money manipulation

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) Author Richard Proctor told Doug Hagmann that the international banking establishment is controlling the lives of people through money. He made this assertion during the Jan. 11 episode of “The Hagmann Report.”Proctor, also the founder and CEO the Provis Institute of Political Economics, explained that banks make a … [Read More…] Source

Instead of diet and exercise, the establishment wants obese children to take drugs and undergo invasive surgeries

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has issued new guidelines urging parents of obese children to treat them “early and aggressively” with pharmaceutical drugs and invasive surgeries.Changing a fat child’s diet and exercise routine is secondary to drugging and putting them under the knife for rapid weight loss, the … [Read More…] […]

DeSantis Hearing Uncovers a Bona Fide Conspiracy, by “Medical Establishment” to Control the COVID Narrative. What Else is Real?

A conspiracy is a meeting of the minds to conspire to commit a criminal act(s), such as fraud for monetary profit some other kind of gain. It is traditionally hard to prove in court but it can be done. Out of the gate the Twitter files already show evidence of conspiracy to suppress protected speech […]

Heart attacks, Heart disease SOARING…Medical Establishment has an “answer”

Dr. Suneel Dhand Read info at Youtube Source

U.S. Medical Establishment Pushes Genital Mutilation, Chemical Castration on Children as U.K. Sounds Alarm

As American medical officials are encouraging gender transitions for children, British doctors are placing heavy restrictions on transition drugs and procedures for all persons under 18 years old. Source

CICA on course to the establishment of the Asian Union.

The sixth summit of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia (CICA) – an international forum uniting the states of the Asian continent with the mission of strengthening relations to ensure stability and security in the region – has ended in Astana. Official representatives of more than 30 states of the Asian region […]

Joe Biden Laments Decline of Establishment Media: ‘There Are No Editors Anymore’

President Joe Biden lamented the decline of mainstream newspapers having the ability to control the political narrative around the world. “The ability of newspapers to have much impact is de minimis,” he said, using a Latin phrase that means “lacking significance or importance.” “They’ve been overtaken by the internet,” he continued. Biden spoke about the […]

‘Mass Formation Psychosis’ Not Even Wrong. Millions of People Bought into the Establishment Corona Narrative

By Dr. Emanuel GarciaGlobal Research, October 13, 2022   All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name.To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here.Follow us on Instagram and Twitter and subscribe to our Telegram Channel. Feel free to repost and share widely Global Research articles.***Wolfgang Pauli is reputed […]

Meloni: Establishment Left Is Afraid of Right-Wing Election Victory This Weekend

Brothers of Italy (FdI) leader and conservative firebrand Giorgia Meloni has said that the establishment left is afraid of her right-populist coalition winning the Italian national election this weekend, promising a new era of freedom for Italians. Meloni made her comments this week during a rally in the Piazza del Popolo in Rome, saying: “Italy […]

A guide to the AngloEuroZionist Establishment Lexicon

September 17, 2022 Source by Eric Arthur Blair Neoliberal economics: Establishment version: modern free market freedom, practised by freedom loving people, to freely create freedomaceous wealth everywhere! Woohoo! Real World Translation: rigged system to funnel wealth from the poor to the rich by imposition of slave wages and debt servitude = economic enslavement of the […]

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