Posts Tagged ‘smash’

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Smash-Mouth Fundamentalism

Republican Rep. Chris Smith says that abortion is “a weapon of mass destruction.” Abby Johnson claims that abortion is driven by “the same demonic spirit that we read about in the Old Testament”: “It’s the same spirit of Molech and Baal.” William Wolfe declares that when it comes to the future of the Southern Baptist […]

Beverly Hills: High-End Retail Stores Shuttered amid Smash-and-Grab Epidemic

High-end retail shops in California’s iconic Beverly Hills have reportedly begun to shutter their doors amid an epidemic of robberies.  Source

Greek Taxi Drivers Overturn And Smash Uber Cars For Offering Cheaper Rides

The incident occurred on the Greek island of Rhodes in response to Uber drivers allegedly charging less than the permitted fare for rides to the airport. Local media outlets Dimokratiki and Rodiak captured the shocking aftermath of the Greek taxi drivers’ rampage outside Uber Greece’s premises in Rhodes. The photos show a VW T-Roc and… […]

The U.S. establishment’s fever to smash Iraq must not be forgotten

Twenty years ago the entire U.S. establishment lined up behind our war on Iraq. It was one of the greatest disasters in history, and there’s been no accountability. Source

Mary Coustas is touring her smash hit solo show This Is Personal in 2023

An exploration of the character’s from Mary’s family that have shaped her life. This Is Personal is heading on the road after rave reviews in Sydney this year. Mary Coustas, the woman behind the iconic Effie, is taking her show This Is Personal on the road for a series of shows across the country next […]

Massive brawl in London: Men with machetes and metal pipes smash cars

Video shows the shocking moment a group of men armed with metal pipes and knives faced off during a late night brawl in east London. The footage, shot by a witness who wishes to remain anonymous, shows several of the men hitting cars with their weapons during the frenzied attack Monday night. A couple of cars were damaged while […]

Qatar Authorities Threaten To Smash Camera Of World Cup News Crew On Live TV

“You invited the whole world to come here. Why can’t we film? It’s a public place,” Danish TV2 reporter asks as Qataris threaten to smash the camera. Source

Putin says U.S. created nuclear PRECEDENT by bombing Japan [TRUE] and vows to ‘smash’ the ‘satanic’ [TRUE] West: Explains USA is STILL occupying Germany, [TRUE, & JAPAN] Ratchild’s USA blew up Nord Stream [TRUE] and warns he’ll use ‘all forces’ to defend annexed Ukraine regions

What the red Russian Turkmen Mongolian mongrel Khazarian KGB agent the Putinister said is fact. Course he is a Ratschild bitch also and the “war” in Ukraine is an illusion for the sheep, as the Putinister is following the Ratschild’s orders the same as the little children raping treasonous degenerates in Soddom and Gomorrah on […]

Postecoglou’s Celtic smash Glasgow rivals Rangers to extend lead on the table

Celtic FC now have a five point lead in the Scottish Premiership despite only being early September and now have 17 goal advantage after smashing Rangers FC 4-0. Ange Postecoglou’s team mauled their city rivals in the season’s first Glashow Rival of the 2022-23 season. No wonder, then, that the Greek-Australian offered a post-match battle […]

We Asked 17 Famous People Which Character They Play As In Smash Bros., And This Is What They Said

You can tell a lot about a person by which character they use in Super Smash Bros. Source

Lightfoot’s Chicago: Smash and Grab Thieves Steal $1 Million in Merchandise from Auto Gallery

The smash and grab crime wave happened upon an exotic car dealership in Chicago this weekend, where two people reportedly stole up to $1 million in merchandise. The robbery occurred on Saturday afternoon at the Gold Coast Auto Gallery in the upscale Near North Side neighborhood of Chicago. The two men allegedly stole millions of […]

Poverty Point Mound Research Helps Smash Old Paradigms

Archaeologists in North America have presented evidence of “sophisticated engineering” amongst the mound building culture. It is hoped that the new findings will help eradicate the historical hangover that still looms over many institutions and books, that Native American cultures were primitive, or “simple”, according to the researchers. The Poverty Point archaeological site in northern […]

Smash Feminism and Find Yourself a Wife

Under the banner of “female empowerment,” weak and subversive men have allowed women to usurp masculinity. The virilization of women and the emasculation of men has given rise to a palpable resentment between both sexes, resulting in an epidemic of divorce, domestic violence, and decrepitly low fertility rates. Ultimately, this has amounted to the erosion […]

BLM Surround Man’s Suburban Home Over ‘Racist Rant,’ Assault Him And Police, Smash Up His Home, Leave Neighborhood Trashed

By Chris Menahan A 100-strong Black Lives Matter mob in Mount Laurel, an edge city suburb of Philadelphia, surrounded a man’s home on Monday after an out-of-context video of him going on a racist rant during a heated dispute with his neighbors went viral on social media. The video cut out the beginning of the […]

Smash and grab robbers take NIS 1.7 million haul from Beersheba jewelry store

Three masked men armed with metal bars robbed a jewelry store in a Beersheba shopping mall Saturday morning, clearing the shelves and emptying out a backroom safe before making a clean getaway. The value of the haul was estimated at NIS 1.7 million ($528,204), Channel 12 news reported. Owner Toni Roytman was preparing to open for […]

Hooded protesters torch cars, smash shop windows in Paris police protest

Dozens of hooded protesters launched projectiles at riot police, smashed up shop windows, torched cars and burned barricades during a demonstration in the French capital on Saturday against police violence. The police fired back volleys of tear gas. Thousands of people had began marching peacefully in Paris when the clashes erupted between police and pockets […]

The Last Smash And Grab At The Federal Communications Commission

NOTE: Popular Resistance views internet access as a public good, something that everyone needs like electricity and water. This is best achieved through publicly-provided universal high speed internet.  – MF AT&T and Verizon secured arguably one of the biggest regulatory benefits from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) with the agency ending the last remnants of […]

Wisconsin: Wild Mobs of African Apemen Burn & Smash Cars, Buildings

The ape mob’s latest pyrotechnics display is in Kenosha, Wisconsin. None of this really requires a comment, it’s self explanatory uncivilized ape behaviour. White people just need to see what’s in store for them if their don’t take their own side and do it now. This is great red-pilling material for white people. I can’t […]

‘MAGA For Miles’: Florida Trump Supporters Smash World Record For Biggest Boat Parade Ever

Patriots and supporters of President Trump held a boat parade in Clearwater, Florida in support of the president on the weekend, with spectators saying the procession of boats was “miles long.” National Co-chair of Women for Trump Pam Bondi told Fox that they were trying to break the Guinness World Record for the world’s largest […]

YouTube hack: 2017 smash hit ‘Despacito’ deleted from video site

The hackers, who go by the aliases Prosox and Kuroi’sh, seemingly hacked videos by more than a dozen artists writing the message ‘Free Palestine’ under a host of videos by Taylor Swift, Shakira, Drake, Selena Gomez and Luis Fonzi. READ MORE: ‘I want to undress you in kisses’: Malaysia bans racy smash hit ‘Despacito’ Prosox […]

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