Posts Tagged ‘surround’

White House Aides Surround Biden In Attempt To Hide His ‘Shuffling Gait’

President Biden has changed his routine when departing and arriving at the White House via his helicopter Marine One…. in an attempt to hide his “faulting and stiff gait” And stop him falling over…. According […] The post White House Aides Surround Biden In Attempt To Hide His ‘Shuffling Gait’ appeared first on The People's […]

Israeli Troops Surround Gaza City, Militants Expected To Fight Street By Street

Israeli troops have cut off the northern part of the Hamas-ruled territory as communications lost overnight for several hours were gradually being restored. Source

What Can You Do If A Mob Of Far-Left Antifa-Style Rioters Surround Your Car?

(ZH) Law-abiding citizens are wondering what to do when a mob of far-left Antifa-style rioters surround their vehicle, Source

UPDATES – Odd “Coincidences” Surround Plane Crash That Killed Five People on Their Way to Ohio

Odd “Coincidences” Surround Plane Crash That Killed Five People on Their Way to Ohio Date: February 23, 2023Author: Nwo Report Posted BY: J.D. Rucker In 2023, many of the accidents that have been happening deserve far more scrutiny than they’re receiving. From food processing plants going up in flames to the recent rash of train […]

BLM Surround Man’s Suburban Home Over ‘Racist Rant,’ Assault Him And Police, Smash Up His Home, Leave Neighborhood Trashed

By Chris Menahan A 100-strong Black Lives Matter mob in Mount Laurel, an edge city suburb of Philadelphia, surrounded a man’s home on Monday after an out-of-context video of him going on a racist rant during a heated dispute with his neighbors went viral on social media. The video cut out the beginning of the […]

How to outsmart the doomed DEATH CULT masses who now surround us / Mike Adams (Natural News) The masses walking around society today have become a death cult of lunatics who believe a long list of insane, self-destructive things: That being injected with deadly, experimental vaccines will “save” them. That America needs to be destroyed because of “systemic racism.” That men can have babies, women can […]

Video: Trump Supporters Surround And Escort Kamala Harris Out of Texas

by Natalie DagenhardtRIGHT Journalism The state of Texas reported on Friday that more than 9 million people have already voted so far, surpassing the total vote count from the last presidential election in 2016. Yesterday vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris had a day-long campaign run through Texas that took her to Fort Worth, McAllen, and […]

Melbourne Police Surround & Arrest 2 Elderly Women Resting On Park Bench For “COVID Violation”

By Tyler Durden “Victoria Police have lost all commonsense,” one Australian eyewitness quipped upon posting a video showing police telling a 38-week pregnant woman she can’t sit down due to coronavirus and social distancing enforcement measures. It’s one of many recent viral videos to come out of Australia’s southeast state of Victoria, home to Melbourne, showing […]

Furious Democrats Surround Mitch McConnell’s Home, Post Address Online Following RBG’s Death

Following the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, angry leftists posted Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s address and began surrounding his home to intimidate the Republican lawmaker not to vote for a SCOTUS replacement before Inauguration Day. Just hours after Ginsburg’s death was announced, leftists quickly doxxed McConnell, who has the power to bring a […]

Is this a coup? Military personnel surround Lugansk

     translated by Inessa Sinchougova The government buildings area of the capital of the Lugansk People’s Republic is currently being blocked by people in military uniform, while armored vehicles are seen in the center of the city. Users of social networks have commented that government buildings may be stormed shortly, followed by arrests of the […]

Why Aren’t We as Enraged About Vaccine Deaths as We are About Gun Deaths?

Catherine J. Frompovich, GuestWaking Times Please be forewarned. I’m going to go where no one probably has gone before or probably will attempt to go again. However, after reading statistics about gun deaths in the USA and how they are spun in order to gain gun control and negate the Second Amendment […]

More lunacy: Pokémon Go players scale perimeter, sit next to tiger enclosure

     Two Pokémon Go players in their 20s were arrested after breaking into a Toledo, Ohio zoo in the middle of the night while playing the augmented reality video game. Robin Bartholomy, 25, and Adrian Crawford, 26, were found sitting next to a tiger enclosure by police after they jumped a fence at about 2.30 […]

‘Shocking how many people died in Fukushima’ – documentary director to RT

“The government prints the number of people who died as a result of the 2011 disaster in the newspapers every day. [In some other prefectures], the [death toll] amounts to 300-400 people in each prefecture, but in Fukushima it is over 8,000 people,” Jousan, a US director and producer who has been living and working […]

Hillary’s Hit List: The Clintons keep a favor file of saints and sinners

Balderston’s salt-and-pepper beard gave him the look of a college English professor who didn’t need to shave for his job. Then in his early fifties, he had been with Bill and Hillary Clinton since their White House days, serving as a deputy assistant to the president and later as Hillary’s legislative director and deputy […]

Astronomers Report ‘Intergalactic Force’ Moving Milky Way Inward

A mysterious intergalactic force is drawing the Milky Way galaxy inward, according to a group of Australian astronomers.  Nobody knows what, or why, is causing the immense gravitational pull, but a swarm of hundreds of nearby galaxies may help astronomers reveal the identity of the ‘Great Attractor’. reports: This pack of galaxies has been spotted […]

BREAKING: Muslims Take Over THIS U.S. Town And Immediately Implement Sharia Law

Dean James III% AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS – Thanks to BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA we officially have MUSLIMS in charge of an AMERICAN city. You heard that right- Muslims will now be running the city of Hamtramck, Michigan. This is the first time that Muslims will have complete control of a city here in our United States. We have Obama […]

Zionists Stage Death of US Teen to Gain International Sympathy

Zionists Stage Death of US Teen to Gain International Sympathy Make no mistake about it the death of a US teenager, known as Ezra Schwartz, is a hoax, fully staged. It was among a litany of staged hoaxes, where the Zionists sought to gain international sympathy for their schemes: world support for Zionist Apartheid expansionism. […]

Police surround NY Federal Reserve after ‘End the Fed Flash Mob’ Facebook post

  DANNY PANZELLATruthSquad TV August 10, 2011 On June 22nd Xander and I decided to hold a last minute End The Fed rally on Wall St. When we got there about 40 police were waiting for us. Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post Recommend on Facebook share via Reddit Share with Stumblers Tweet about it […]

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