Posts Tagged ‘send’

Italy’s ANAS to construct roads in corridor No. 10

TEHRAN, Jul. 21 (MNA) – According to Iranian deputy minister of Road and Urban Development Italy’s ANAS is one of the big companies signed in construction of a 1200 kilometer corridor of NW to SE in Iran. “The No. 10 corridor of North-West (from Bazargan border port) to Imam Khomeini port in South-East will be […]

Poverty and Despair: Basics in Nepal Were Absent Before the 2015 Earthquake

Florida cops shoot schizophrenic inmate through cell door with bullet similar to flashbang grenade

     Matthew Trevino, an Army veteran with a history of mental illness, was having a schizophrenic episode in the Pasco County Jail. When he resisted detention deputies, guards escalated things by shooting him with a 12-gauge shotgun loaded with a Nova round. Newly-released footage from inside Florida’s Pasco County Jail shows the events of August […]

Iran’s coverage: Iran to buy 109 jets under deal with Boeing

Daily look at Iran’s late-breaking news and upcoming events:   Boeing’s Iran deal covers 109 jets including 747s: Iran official A provisional deal between Iran and Boeing (BA.N) to acquire jets for the country’s national airline covers 109 aircraft, split about equally between narrow-body and long-range wide-body aircraft, an Iranian official told Reuters on Wednesday. […]

US submarine sunk by Japan in WWII found by Russian expedition

“Russian divers in cooperation with the Pacific Fleet sailors have discovered the submarine at a depth of 104 meters,” Aleksandr Kirillin, secretary of the academic board of Russia’s Military Historical Society, said. According to Kirillin, the records suggest that the vessel is USS Herring, which was sunk by Japanese coastal artillery on June 1, 1944. […]

In Iran accident, bus plunges into ravine, killing 19 people

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — A road accident in southern Iran has killed 19 people when a bus plunged into a ravine. The official IRNA news agency says that at least 30 other passengers were injured in the accident early Wednesday, which took place on a major road linking the southern cities of Shiraz and Kerman. […]

Poland in trouble with EU over tree-clearing at UNESCO-protected forest

“The commission has launched an infringement procedure against Poland [on Thursday]… the commission is in contact with the Polish authorities to make sure that any measures are in line with EU law,” a spokesman told The Guardian. Polish authorities reportedly have one month to respond to the request. “The commission will carefully assess this to […]

Christchurch man films mysterious flashing lights

     “I thought, am I losing my mind?” That was the reaction of Oisin Lavelle as he spent two hours watching a mysterious, brightly coloured sphere moving in the sky south-west of Christchurch on Monday night. Lavelle took footage of the object before it moved away at high speed. On Tuesday night it reappeared and […]

Dalai Lama: “Stop Praying For Orlando”

The Dalai Lama has urged the world to stop “praying for Orlando” and instead actually do something practical to stop such a tragedy from occurring in the future.  In an opinion piece for the Washington Post, entitled “Why I’m Hopeful About the World’s Future,” the Tibetan leader writes: “It is not enough simply to pray. There are […]

5 Simple Steps To Help You Recognize Your Self-Worth

“…And if I asked you to name all of the things that you love, how long would it take you to name yourself?” I believe that finding self-love and self-worth can be a lifelong task. Some people will spend their whole lives searching, while others will find it, but sometimes forget that it is something […]

Photos: Last days of traditional rice transplantation West of Mazandaran Prov.

Is Rouhani’s economic team about to crack? TEHRAN, Iran — A dispute between Ali Tayebnia, the Iranian minister of economic affairs and finance, and Valiollah Seif, the governor of… Source Article from

Beyonce’s clothing line assembled by ‘slave’ workers who live in poor rural villages… How does this ’empower’ women?

(NaturalNews) Beyonce’s new sportswear clothing line Ivy Park, the intention of which is supposedly to “empower women through sport,” is coming under fire for allegedly using sweatshop labor, The Sun reports. “My goal with Ivy Park is to push the boundaries of athletic wear and to support and inspire women who understand that […]

‘Football is un-Islamic’: ISIS militants gun down Real Madrid fans in Iraq

“A group of Islamic terrorists, from ISIS [Islamic State/IS], came into the café, armed with AK-47s, shooting at random at everyone who was inside,” Ziad Subhan, who heads the local fan organization, told Spanish website AS. Around 50 fans were in the café, where they often gather late at night to watch live – and […]

India air pollution kills half a million per year, costs hundreds of billions – study

The research, published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters, suggests that around 570,000 premature deaths in India were caused by exposure to fine particulate matter in 2011, and 12,000 were caused by exposure to ozone. Fine particulate matter, found in smoke and haze, consists of tiny particles or droplets in the air that are 2.5 […]

Scaremongering in the UK: Claims that ‘Putin supports Brexit’ have no basis in reality

     Across social media, anti-Brexit “Remain” campaigners constantly insist that Vladimir Putin wants Britain to leave the EU. There is no evidence to support this theory. Imagine you are an EU employee. Right now, your home country could be about to leave that very same institution. Naturally, that wouldn’t be in your best interests. So, […]

Anonymous Takes Down Greek Central Bank… For a Few Minutes

Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Media Spokesperson, HEALTH MAX Brands   The hacker group called Anonymous is taking responsibility for crashing the Greek Central Bank (GCB) website for a few minutes using a distributed denial of service attack (DDoS). Spyros Frangos, press adviser for the GCB, told the media that […]

Illegal Muslim prayer hall blown up in Russia after police find explosives inside (VIDEO)

The video of the controlled explosion shows a considerable part of the building being destroyed in the blast. A police dog helped to find a cache with more than a kilogram of explosives of unknown origin. A bomb-disposal expert said extracting the explosives would be definitely unsafe and bomb technicians rolled in a water cannon, […]

Suppressed Memo: Eli Lilly Hid Increase in Suicidal Thoughts and Aggression with Prozac for Years

(Truthstream Media) It would seem that every time there is a mass shooting in this country, the shooter has either been taking psychotropic medications, usually in the form of antidepressants, or the shooter has recently quit taking antidepressants. It is well known that these medications can cause suicidal thoughts, especially in young people up to […]

"Frivolous" lawsuit aims to reverse ASA’s Israel boycott

Charlotte Silver Activism and BDS Beat 24 April 2016 Several current and former members of the American Studies Association are suing the academic organization, alleging that its resolution to boycott Israeli academic institutions is a breach of contract because it does not fall within the group’s mission. But supporters and opponents of the boycott are […]

The Pope Returns To Rome With 12 Syrian Refugees From Greece

The Pope has taken 12 Syrian refugees, including six children, on his plane back to Rome following a visit to the Greek island of Lesbos, according to the Vatican. All the asylum seekers rescued by Pope Francis were Muslims They were among thousands of people trapped on the Greek island of Lesbos following the controversial […]

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