Posts Tagged ‘employers’

Global Reckoning Coming: Australian Court Rules Employers Who Mandated Covid Jabs Liable For Injuries

Employers who mandated their staff to take Covid-19 vaccines and boosters can be held liable for injuries caused by the experimental vaccines, according to a bombshell ruling by the South Australian Employment Tribunal. The ruling […] The post Global Reckoning Coming: Australian Court Rules Employers Who Mandated Covid Jabs Liable For Injuries appeared first on […]

Canadian Govt Funds $5,000 Bonuses for Employers to Hire Anyone Other Than Straight White Men

By Chris Menahan A new Canadian government-funded program is offering $5,000 bonuses to British Columbia construction companies to Source

Employers Forced To Reverse Mask Mandates Amid Employee, Public Backlash

Kaiser Permanente and Lionsgate Studios in California have been forced to do a u turn on mask mandate policies last week, just a few days after imposing them. On Aug 22, Kaiser Permanente which is […] The post Employers Forced To Reverse Mask Mandates Amid Employee, Public Backlash appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Jobless claims surge to highest level in 6 months as employers cut jobs due to weakening economy

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) The number of Americans who have filed initial jobless claims has risen to a six-month high, marking the fifth consecutive month that weekly claims for unemployment benefits have topped the 230,000 mark.According to government data from the Department of Labor, initial filings for state unemployment benefits increased by … [Read More…] Source

How responsible are employers for the safety of remote workers?

Image Credit: Pixabay When most people think about workplace safety, they envision incidents in the office. However, one of the main lessons we’ve learned from the recent health crisis is that remote work is now a permanent part of our economy.  So, shouldn’t the conversation around employee safety when working from home become a more […]

An Open Letter to Doctors and Employers regarding discriminatory Covid-19 Vaccination status

BY DAILY EXPOSE ON OCTOBER 5, 2021 • Listen Now  Awakened World is a not-for-profit organisation set up as a central hub to connect people and services that do not ask and do not care about your COVID-19 vaccination status. As well as a growing directory of businesses and informative articles, they also provide numerous template letters and other […]

HALF of U.S. Employers Plan to Push Vaccine Mandates, Resulting in Mass DEATH of U.S. Workers

Sunday, September 26, 2021 by: Ethan HuffTags: chaos, Collapse, COVID, economic collapse, employees, fascism, food supply, mandates, pandemic, Plandemic, risk, shortage, supply chains, supply lines, Tyranny, vaccine mandates, worker shortage, workersBypass censorship by sharing this link: Copy URL29KVIEWS (Natural News) A new survey has found that at least half of America’s employers are planning to try to force their employees to get “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19). As if the worker shortage was not already […]

Biden Weaponizes Employers for Clot-Shot, as Video and Victim Post Shows Biden Pinched 8-Year Old’s Nipple

Both Pfizer and Moderna’s Own Safety Sheets Say “Many” People “Should NOT” Get the Shots. Members of Congress and Biden’s Staff are Exempt from the Mandates (Newsweek) Howdy all, from Corona News Sept. 10th, What You Need to Know. Arizona Major 2020 Election Discrepancies Discovered, Sworn Out One out of three registered voters who willingly […]

Scott Armstrong Interview – How Employers Are Quietly Removing The Non-Compliant

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Email | RSS Joining me today is Scott Armstrong from the Truthzilla podcast, here to discuss how he was recently fired after he took it upon himself to help those in need by providing publicly available resources to those unwilling to be […]

Lawyers Expect Lawsuits As Employers Navigate “Touchy” Subject Of Religious Objections To Vaccines

(ZH) Now that the Biden Administration has outsourced the responsibility for enforcing America’s vaccine mandate to individual employers (who for millions of Americans control access to health-care, income, and a sense of self-worth), legal experts expect companies to struggle with “touchy” subjects like workers with legitimate religious objections to vaccination, especially as workers increasingly demand […]

Employers Target Unvaccinated Workers by Deducting up to $50 Monthly From Paycheck

(Forbes) — Employers are beginning to tack on a special surcharge of $20 to $50 a month to their unvaccinated workers, according to one of the nation’s largest health benefits consultancies. To date, employers have offered gift cards, a day off from work, cash and other financial incentives to convince their workers to get vaccinated […]

Cybersecurity Experts Encourage System of Reporting Workers to Employers for “Online Abuse”

After a controversy surrounding racist messages sent to black England footballers led to calls for people to be forced to provide identity documents to create a social media account, some pointed to evidence suggesting the vast majority of the messages were posted by users from South Asia and the Middle East. Italy beat England on […]

Egypt approves draft bill enabling employers to sack Muslim Brotherhood affiliates

Egypt’s parliament has approved a draft bill which will enable employers to dismiss government employees who belong to a terror group, including members of the Muslim Brotherhood. The proposal was drafted and submitted by MP Ali Badr and applies to employees working in government ministries, local council units, public sector companies, public organisations, and other […]

OSHA Pulls Guidance Stating Employers May Be Held Liable For ‘Adverse Reactions’ If They Mandate Vaxx

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration threw workers under the bus over the weekend by pulling their new guidance which stated that employers they may be held liable for “any adverse reactions” if they mandate employees take COVID-19 vaccines “as a condition of their employment.” On April 20, OSHA released a new FAQ on their […]

Employers May Be Held Liable for ‘Any Adverse Reaction’ if They Mandate COVID Vaccines

Employers May Be Held Liable for ‘Any Adverse Reaction’ if They Mandate COVID Vaccines Children’s Health Defense » Feed New guidance from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is making employers think twice about their COVID vaccine requirements. On April 20, companies were put on notice they’ll be responsible for any adverse reaction should […]

OSHA Tells Employers They May Be Liable For ‘Any Adverse Reactions’ If They Mandate Covid Shots

By Chris Menahan The Occupational Safety and Health Administration is informing employers that it’s possible they could be held liable for “any adverse reactions” if they mandate employees take COVID-19 vaccines “as a condition of their employment.” From LifeSite, “Employers may be liable for ‘any adverse reaction’ from mandated coronavirus shots: OSHA”: OSHA released its […]

OSHA Rules Employers Who Mandate COVID Vaccines Are Legally Responsible If They Kill Or Injure Workers

The federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has put employers on notice that should they attempt to require employees to receive injections of experimental COVID-19 gene-therapy vaccines any resulting adverse reaction will be considered “work-related” for which the employer may be held financially liable: OSHA released its new guidance on April 20 under a […]

Form for Employees and Students Whose Employers and schools Are Requiring Covid-19 Injections

Form for Employees and Students Whose Employers and schools Are Requiring Covid-19 Injections Prepare For Change / Edward Morgan All over America, employees are facing a very tough decision right now. Although some wish to accept a Covid-19 injection, many do not. The problem is that a growing number of employers are trying to deny […]

Can Colleges and Employers Legally Require You to Get Vaccinated? It’s Complicated.

The Most Revolutionary Act By  Megan Redshaw Some colleges and employers are mandating COVID vaccines, and some states are proposing laws to prohibit vaccine mandates — leaving the unvaccinated to wonder where they stand. A slew of colleges and universities are embracing COVID vaccine mandates, telling students if they want to attend classes on campus, […]

How employers punish workers for forming unions

Image Credit: Seth Perlman/AP This article was produced by the Independent Media Institute. Workers at Solvay’s Pasadena, Texas, plant voted overwhelmingly to join the United Steelworkers (USW) in 2017 and looked forward to sitting down with the company to quickly negotiate a fair contract. Solvay decided to play games instead. Company representatives canceled some bargaining […]

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