Posts Tagged ‘armstrong’

Feb 20 – Martin Armstrong- “No One Wants Peace”

Please send links and comments to [email protected] Israelis refer to Palestinians as “animals” as a matter of course. This is what Cabalist Jews think of all non-Satanists. The goyim, including Israel’s most ardent supporters, Christian Zionists, are all animals. So are assimilated Jews whom they sacrificed in the Jewish holocaust. Martin Armstrong- Neocons determined to […]

The Ben Armstrong Show: FBI, CISA directors warn about China’s readiness to attack U.S. infrastructure

(NaturalNews) Podcaster Ben Armstrong has discussed warnings by government officials about China’s readiness to attack America’s infrastructure.”China is ready… Source

Ben Armstrong: White House’s admission that Biden has dementia makes him an “open national security risk”

(NaturalNews) Ben Armstrong of the New American magazine has claimed that a secret recording that shows the White House’s struggles with the dementia of President… Source

Martin Armstrong: Western leaders – who are actually fascists – funded the terror attacks in Israel to draw Russia into WWIII

(NaturalNews) Financial and geopolitics analyst Martin Armstrong appeared on the recent “Health Ranger Report” to discuss with host Mike Adams how the horrifying… Source

Ben Armstrong: New bombshell documents prove Biden crime family SOLD OUT America to China for MONEY

(NaturalNews) Ben Armstrong of the New American magazine said the latest bombshell documents on the Biden crime family prove that they sold out the U.S. to China… Source

Ron Armstrong: The WHO wants MORE AUTHORITY in all future pandemics

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) Ron Armstrong of the American Sovereignty Coalition (ASC) pointed out that the globalist World Health Organization (WHO) wants more authority in all future pandemics.”The WHO has been meeting behind closed doors for the last two months,” he told Kristen Meghan during a May 8 appearance on her “Vets & Visionaries” … [Read […]

Former Nebraska Quarterback Tommy Armstrong Saves Neighbor from House Fire

Former Nebraska Cornhuskers quarterback Tommy Armstrong Jr. came to the rescue of a neighbor caught in a house fire, saving her life.  Source

Scott Armstrong Interview – Creating A New Outlet In The Age Of Technocratic Censorship

Joining me today on Moving Target is, co-founder of the upcoming Pirate Stream Media, host of Rebunked, and new addition to the TLAV family, Scott Armstrong. Scott is here to discuss the trials and tribulations he has endured while fighting through the overwhelming suppression and censorship of today to establish Rebunked, what he has learned […]

Ben Armstrong: Dan Bongino was pressured into getting the COVID-19 vaccine, which he now regrets

(Natural News) Ben Armstrong of the New American discussed radio show host and author Dan Bongino’s regret over getting the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine. “Dan Bongino is saying the jab is the greatest regret of his life, and he’s not just saying that lightly,” Armstong said during the Aug. 24 edition of his program “The Ben […]

Ben Armstrong: Dan Bongino was pressured into getting the COVID-19 vaccine, which he now regrets

(Natural News) Ben Armstrong of the New American discussed radio show host and author Dan Bongino’s regret over getting the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine. “Dan Bongino is saying the jab is the greatest regret of his life, and he’s not just saying that lightly,” Armstong said during the Aug. 24 edition of his program “The Ben […]

CDC Admits COVID Tests are Invalid — Armstrong Economics

From The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is finally withdrawing the PCR test for COVID for it is seriously flawed and is incapable of distinguishing between the COVID and influenza viruses. I have stated that I was tested 5 times in 2020 and all were negative only to have two doctors, including the head […]


One of the greater dangers that humanity faces in the near future is transhumanism. Transhumanism can be explained as the movement where humans are augmented technologically. On one hand, this might sound great. Technology can help us in many ways, on the other there are massive dangers that are linked to this process. In the […]

Scott Armstrong Interview – How Employers Are Quietly Removing The Non-Compliant

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Email | RSS Joining me today is Scott Armstrong from the Truthzilla podcast, here to discuss how he was recently fired after he took it upon himself to help those in need by providing publicly available resources to those unwilling to be […]

The Plot Thickens — Armstrong Economics

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Martin Armstrong– COVID Fraud Will Not Stay Hidden Forever

Martin Armstrong– COVID Fraud Will Not Stay Hidden Forever Henry Makow “They bribed medical professionals to turn COVID into a national crisis, and even with all of the hype the death toll is only 0.028%.” Source by Martin Armstrong ( The medical profession has really bought into COVID because they got paid bonuses if the […]

The Devious Plots of Bill Gates? — Armstrong Economics

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Martin Armstrong: COVID is About Communism

Martin Armstrong: COVID is About Communism Henry Makow This is the greatest organized conspiracy in human history and the press is welcoming it with open arms. You will own nothing in 10 years, but you will also have no rights. – Papers Please! Eight Predictions for 2030 from Karl Schwab Karl Schwab says by Martin […]

“They’re Parked on The Side of the Crater – They’re Watching Us!” – When Neil Armstrong Landed On The Moon

“There are great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of truth’s protective layers. There are places to go beyond belief” – Neil Armstrong (source) It wasn’t long ago that the Russian government called for an international investigation into the U.S. moon landings regarding missing samples and photos not released to the public. […]

Evidence of huge asteroid impact event found in Australia

     Scientists have found evidence of a huge asteroid that struck the Earth early in its life with an impact larger than anything humans have experienced. Tiny glass beads called spherules, found in north-western Australia were formed from vaporised material from the asteroid impact, said Dr Andrew Glikson from The Australian National University (ANU). “The […]

Grandpa Lampshade: Thoughts of the Day – Spring Cold Edition

Radio Aryan May 16, 2016 The Jews have tried their best to keep the frogcast off the air by infecting GPL with a viral cold even though it is spring time. They seem to not care how obvious their treacherous activites are. Fear not however, as Grandpa bravely ventures forth with the frogcast anyway. We’re […]

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