A Russian ‘mystery plane’ spotted in North Korea is making Washington nervous, after Kim Jong Un visited Russia to meet with President Vladimir Putin this moth. The two leaders, deemed ‘rogue’ actors by the West, are believed to have discussed and possibly inked a weapons deal at a moment Moscow needs more ammunition for military operations in Ukraine. […]
Posts Tagged ‘landed’
Russian Mystery Plane That Landed In Pyongyang Making Washington Nervous

We Landed a Major Blow Against the Censorship Leviathan

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL Courts rarely release rulings on federal holidays, but no doubt to drive home the point about how important this case is for our constitutionally guaranteed liberties, Judge Terry Doughty released on Independence Day his 155-page ruling on our request for a preliminary injunction against the government’s censorship regime. The entire document is […]
ACH (1981) Texe Marrs – ‘The Eagle Has Landed!’ – Magic, Alchemy, And The Illuminati Conquest Of Outer Space

In today’s show originally broadcast on November 25 2022, Andy presents a show entitled, “Texe Marrs – ‘The Eagle Has Landed!’ – Magic, Alchemy, And The Illuminati Conquest Of Outer Space.” Click Here For The YouTube Video We Played On Today’s Show Click Here To Order “Texe Marrs – ‘The Eagle Has Landed!’ – Magic, […]
The Tesla of Electric Toothbrushes Just Landed (and It’s Cordless)

A soft, tapered tip. The joys of 38,000 sonic vibrations per minute, dancing upon your tongue—we never pinned ourselves as the type to write erotic toothbrush fanfiction, but Mode’s new high-tech electric toothbrush has us so whipped, we can’t help but sing its praises. Just look at this dall, dark, and handsome stranger: Photo: Courtsey […]
The Tesla of Electric Toothbrushes Just Landed (and It’s Cordless)

A soft, tapered tip. The joys of 38,000 sonic vibrations per minute, dancing upon your tongue—we never pinned ourselves as the type to write erotic toothbrush fanfiction, but Mode’s new high-tech electric toothbrush has us so whipped, we can’t help but sing its praises. Just look at this dall, dark, and handsome stranger: Photo: Courtsey […]
The Tesla of Electric Toothbrushes Just Landed (and It’s Cordless)

A soft, tapered tip. The joys of 38,000 sonic vibrations per minute, dancing upon your tongue—we never pinned ourselves as the type to write erotic toothbrush fanfiction, but Mode’s new high-tech electric toothbrush has us so whipped, we can’t help but sing its praises. Just look at this dall, dark, and handsome stranger: Photo: Courtsey […]
The Tesla of Electric Toothbrushes Just Landed (and It’s Cordless)

A soft, tapered tip. The joys of 38,000 sonic vibrations per minute, dancing upon your tongue—we never pinned ourselves as the type to write erotic toothbrush fanfiction, but Mode’s new high-tech electric toothbrush has us so whipped, we can’t help but sing its praises. Just look at this dall, dark, and handsome stranger: Photo: Courtsey […]
The Tesla of Electric Toothbrushes Just Landed (and It’s Cordless)

A soft, tapered tip. The joys of 38,000 sonic vibrations per minute, dancing upon your tongue—we never pinned ourselves as the type to write erotic toothbrush fanfiction, but Mode’s new high-tech electric toothbrush has us so whipped, we can’t help but sing its praises. Just look at this dall, dark, and handsome stranger: Photo: Courtsey […]
Brooklinen’s ‘High Summer’ Collection Just Landed, and It’s Breezy as Hell

Although we praise the gods of endless summer—burning them large bonfire offerings and sending toasty marshmallow prayers up to the heavens in hopes that winter may never come—sadly, we must eventually pack away the beach towels and kiss sweet, sweet summer so long. [Record scratch] Hold up—it’s only August 5th. We’ve got a whole month […]
Evidence that Noah’s Ark Landed on a Mountain 17 Miles South of Ararat

An illogical and unwarranted assumption prevails today relating to the landing spot of Noah’s ark. People—highly educated people—are sure that Noah’s ark landed on the remote and inaccessible heights of Mount Ararat, a 17,000-foot (5180 m) volcanic mountain in modern-day Turkey. The Book of Genesis does not say that the ark landed on Mount Ararat, […]
Spaceships Landed On The Moon Captured By Nikon Coolpix P1000, Real or Fake?

» UFO NEWS ~ Strange cigar shaped objects flying through our sky plus MOREYesterday at 9:50 am by PurpleSkyz » Spaceships Landed On The Moon Captured By Nikon Coolpix P1000, Real or Fake?Yesterday at 9:37 am by PurpleSkyz » Liquid water discovered inside a meteoriteYesterday at 9:21 am by PurpleSkyz » Clif High – The Woo DealYesterday at 9:17 am by PurpleSkyz » Self-Spreading […]
Breaking: China’s Zhurong Rover Has Successfully Landed on Mars

Breaking: China’s Zhurong Rover Has Successfully Landed on Mars AFP 15 MAY 2021 China’s probe to Mars touched down on the red planet Saturday to deploy its Zhurong rover, state media reported, a triumph for Beijing’s bold space ambitions and a history-making feat for a nation on its first-ever Martian mission.The lander carrying Zhurong completed […]
Chinese Rocket has Landed on Earth May 9th, 2021

» How to Report Fraudulent Nonprofit Orgs Like David Wilcocks 501c3 #TIMETOSTOPBLUECHICKENFRAUDYesterday at 8:16 pm by PurpleSkyz » Chinese Rocket has Landed on Earth May 9th, 2021Yesterday at 7:33 pm by PurpleSkyz » XOX HAPPY MOTHERS DAY XOXYesterday at 6:25 pm by PurpleSkyz » Notice to Members and Guests of Out Of MindYesterday at 5:53 pm by ANENRO » UPDATE: Whistle Stop Cafe owner […]
China says rocket debris landed in Indian Ocean

China’s space agency said a core segment of its biggest rocket reentered Earth’s atmosphere above the Maldives in the Indian Ocean and most of it burned up early Sunday. Harvard astrophysicist Jonathan McDowell, who tracked the tumbling rocket part, said on Twitter, “An ocean reentry was always statistically the most likely. It appears China won […]
Rocket landed inside Indian embassy compound in Kabul

nsnbc : A rocket landed inside the compound of the Indian embassy in the Afghan capital Kabul Monday evening, confirmed External Affairs Minister Sushma Swraj […]
ABEL DANGER: MH-370 Hijacked – Landed With 239 Corpses Aboard

6/26/2017 – Interview with retired pilot and founder of ABEL DANGER , Field McConnell who confirms media reports of “lost” MH-370 is FAKE NEWS. Highlights: The Boeing 777’s 2 Rolls Royce Trent engines were communicating service data with satellites as they normally do as it was being hijacked to Diego Garcia where it landed and […]
“They’re Parked on The Side of the Crater – They’re Watching Us!” – When Neil Armstrong Landed On The Moon

“There are great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of truth’s protective layers. There are places to go beyond belief” – Neil Armstrong (source) It wasn’t long ago that the Russian government called for an international investigation into the U.S. moon landings regarding missing samples and photos not released to the public. […]
Endangered Species Friday: Aquila nipalensis | Wind Farms Pushing Steppe Eagle into Extinction?

Endangered Species Friday: Aquila nipalensis | Wind Farms Pushing Steppe Eagle into Extinction? Endangered Species Friday: Aquila nipalensis This Fridays (ESP) – Endangered Species Post is dedicated to the A. nipalensis, commonly known as the Steppe Eagle, identified back in 1833. Image credit: Kartik Patel The Steppe Eagle was formally identified by Dr Brian Houghton Hodgson (1 February 1800 […]
Burundi Unbowed Despite US Interventionism in Central Africa

Source Article from http://www.globalresearch.ca/burundi-unbowed-despite-us-interventionism-in-central-africa/5504800 Views: 0
A Great Cleansing of Our Minds and Hearts

Renegade Broadcasting The latest radio shows from our sister site. Source Article from http://renegadetribune.com/a-great-cleansing-of-our-minds-and-hearts/ Views: 0