Posts Tagged ‘give’

Brazil arrests 10 suspected ISIS members ‘planning Olympic terrorist attacks’

The police operation, codenamed ‘Hashtag,’ took place across nine states, with suspects arrested in Sao Paulo and Parana. Justice Minister Alexandre Moraes told a news conference on Thursday that all the detainees were Brazilian nationals. The police operation took place across nine states. Judicial authorities in the state of Parana claimed that intercepted data and […]

There Could Be Some Big Cybersecurity Issues With “Pokémon Go”

As Professor Oak once warned you way back in Pallet Town, it’s dangerous out there. Unless you’ve been living under a Geodude for the past week, you’ll be well aware that the augmented-reality game Pokémon Go is taking over the world, despite not being available for most countries yet. While the somewhat dubious viral stories surrounding Pokémon […]

FLASHBACK: Throwing Turkey to the wolves: Erdogan is the new Milosevic, Saddam

     Some hours before the Brussels terror attacks, on the other side of the Atlantic, a rather astonishing article was posted on the website of the ultra-hawkish and pro-Israeli American Enterprise Institute. It was written by a known neocon activist with strong ties (at least in the past, but probably also now) with Turkish Kemalists, […]

Iran intensifies security measures to protect French embassy in Tehran

Tehran, July 15, IRNA – Iran has intensified security measures at the buildings of the French embassy in Tehran after protest gathering in front of the embassy, Ali Asghar Naserbakht, Political and Security Deputy to the Governor of Tehran said on Friday. A group of Iranian demonstrators gathered in front of French embassy in Tehran […]

Dr. Duke Authorizes Campaign Committee for Possible Run for Congress!

Dr. Duke Authorizes Campaign Committee for Possible Run for Congress! Dr. Duke today talked about the situation that is rapidly evolving in this country where blacks are being whipped up into a frenzy by the media over the false idea that they are being unfairly targeted by police, and are literally now taking up […]

Time To Rethink NATO

Print Friendly Donald Trump angered the D.C. establishment when he said that NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Alliance, may be obsolete and the U.S. should reassess its spending on the alliance. Hillary Clinton has used Trump’s comments as another example that he is a dangerous, loose cannon. But Trump has brought up an issue worth exploring and this month, […]

Outnumbered Sacramento Spartans Rout Leftist Scum; A Call For Nationalist Solidarity

Erik StrikerTrad Youth July 1, 2016 A new chapter in the national worker’s struggle has been written. The tide is turning and this renewed spirit of world history begins to peak through the clouds gathered over our people. We are on the brink of the dawn of a new era, and no amount of money […]

The Brits Have a Golden Opportunity Which They Are Squandering Away

Christopher Jon Bjerknes The British have a glorious opportunity to create a new industrious society. Germany is being weakened by the influx of foreign invaders. The EU is teetering on the verge collapse. The jews will seize upon this chaos to try to reshape Great Britain into an even more enslaved servant of their international […]


 DOES PUTIN = HITLER? MAYBE! BY MS KING Ever since Russia’s non-invasion and peaceful reunion with the overwhelmingly Russian peninsula of Crimea, several leading luminaries of the West’s PRC (Predatory Ruling Class) have launched “Putin is like Hitler” accusations. From the big mouth of the Hildebeast: “Now if this sounds familiar, it’s what Hitler did back in the […]

Boris Johnson Probable Next PM

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer June 25, 2016 This is all but assured. The people voted Leave and so they need a Leave PM. There aren’t any other options. Unless they bring in Farage. Sputnik: With UK Prime Minister David Cameron stepping down following the Brexit referendum, speculation has begun as to who will succeed him. The […]

Germany Worried that France, Netherlands, Austria, Finland and Hungary Could Also Seek to Leave EU

Germany Worried that France, Netherlands, Austria, Finland and Hungary Could Also Seek to Leave EU June 24th, 2016 Via: Reuters: Germany is worried that France, the Netherlands, Austria, Finland and Hungary could also seek to leave the European Union after Britain’s vote to quit […]

Banks opting to scan fingers and faces for account access

     The banking password may be about to expire — forever. Some of the nation’s largest banks, acknowledging that traditional passwords are either too cumbersome or no longer secure, are increasingly using fingerprints, facial scans and other types of biometrics to safeguard accounts. Millions of customers at Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase and Wells Fargo […]

Sweden Aims to be World Leader in Anti-Anti-Semitism

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer June 19, 2016 The issue that I have with all of this talk about people hating Jews is that no one ever explains why so many people hate the Jews. It seems to me that if you have a problem you are trying to solve, you need to consider what is causing […]

How to Avoid Negative Harvesting and Reincarnation

Michelle Walling from In5d Network discusses the reincarnation cycle and what to do if you are finished with this third dimensional experience. She also discusses dying and how to go “home”. Here is a synopsis of this video: What is negative harvesting? Archons and negative oriented entities need energy to survive. The Law of One […]

Lieberman warns northern neighbors: ‘Don’t test us’: Zio-Watch, June 7, 2016

Mark Zuckerberg speaking at a conference in Barcelona, Spain, Feb. 21, 2016. Mobile (Pau Barrena/Bloomberg) (JTA) — Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg had some of his social media accounts hacked. Zuckerberg’s Twitter and Pinterest accounts were hacked Sunday by a hacker group called OurMine, according to reports. The group reportedly discovered Zuckerberg’s password during a breach […]

Breast cancer survivor credits exercise and a raw food diet for her miraculous recovery

(NaturalNews) When Australian Janette Murray-Wakelin got the news that she had a highly aggressive type of breast cancer and could only expect to live for about six more months at just 52 years of age, she decided that the news was simply unacceptable. After extensive research into her condition, Janette decided to work […]

Major drop in Russian exports to Iran

Indications are growing that Russia’s trade with Iran have been on a decline over the past few months in what experts say could be a result of the warming trade relations between Iran and the West now that the sanctions against the country have been lifted. Reuters in a report on Friday revealed a drop […]

The Stasi spying on children: It’s an Orwelllian new scheme – a State snooper for EVERY child in Scotland compiling a dossier on their family life… and it has chilling implications for us all

Just imagine that you are a parent and one of your daughters cuts the hair off the Barbie dolls belonging to her younger sister. Cue screaming, shouting and tears before bedtime. But it’s the kind of thing that happens in families, isn’t it? In later years the crew-cut Barbies will be chuckled […]

Health Ranger to make three landmark science announcements that will expose the chemical lies of multi-billion-dollar corporations

(NaturalNews) Get ready for an exciting week for independence science. Over the next 1-2 weeks, I’ll be making three landmark announcements — unprecedented milestones in the history of independent science. One of those announcements, by the way, is the release of the complete elemental data set of the first 100 EPA Watch water […]

Antwerp terror suspects planned attack on Flemish nationalist Filip Dewinter

A group arrested in Antwerp earlier this week on suspicion of being terrorists planned to shoot Filip Dewinter, the leader of the anti-immigration Vlaams Belang (Flemish Interest) party, Belgian media reported Friday. Federal police said the plans were at an early stage but were advanced enough to cause great concern, according to the newspaper De Gazet van Antwerpen. Four people […]

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