Posts Tagged ‘complex’

GAZA LIVE BLOG: Top Israeli Doctor Arrested | Palestinian Journalist Released | ‘Complex Operation’ in Tal Al-Hawa – Day 285

July 17, 2024 By Palestine Chronicle Staff   Thousands of families in Gaza have been removed from civil records in Gaza, according to Al-Jazeera.  Clashes took place at the Knesset committee meeting to discuss the Haredi recruitment plan as Israeli officials told Yedioth Ahronoth that every time there is progress in negotiations, a minister threatens to withdraw. […]


by Paul Cudenec When the smoke cleared in Europe in 1945 it revealed a continent in physical and psychological ruins. Millions lay dead from the second terrible war in a couple of decades; surviving populations were traumatised by bombing raids and invasions; great cities had been reduced to rubble and the US and Soviet military empires were dividing […]


by Paul Cudenec When the smoke cleared in Europe in 1945 it revealed a continent in physical and psychological ruins. Millions lay dead from the second terrible war in a couple of decades; surviving populations were traumatised by bombing raids and invasions; great cities had been reduced to rubble and the US and Soviet military empires were dividing […]

EXCLUSIVE: The Left’s ELECTION INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX Discovered and Defined Inbox

EXCLUSIVE: The Left’s ELECTION INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX Discovered and Defined Inbox Source

Climate-Con And Media-Censorship Complex – Part 1

The gauntlet has been cast by the media-censorship complex. Just prior to this year’s annual globalist confab in Davos, the World Economic Forum (WEF) announced that misinformation and disinformation are currently the greatest threats to humanity, with the release of its Global Risks Report 2024. Source

Anatomy of the Tech-Industrial Complex

In the news this week, there is a lot of controversy over the US House of Representatives voting on Bill HR7521 which gives the Executive Branch of government the power to control and/or censor the content on websites and apps that are considered to be foreign-owned.  The public debate centers around the Chinese-owned social media […]

The Institutional Insanity Complex

Authored by Robert Gore via Straight Line Logic, “Nobody does. The crowd never thinks. People are only comfortable in a pack, and they’re most comfortable in one that’s racing off a cliff.” – Deacon Bainbridge to Daniel Durand, The Golden Pinnacle, Robert Gore, (2013) The pack is racing off a cliff. There is a vast complex […]

The Institutional Insanity Complex

Authored by Robert Gore via Straight Line Logic, “Nobody does. The crowd never thinks. People are only comfortable in a pack, and they’re most comfortable in one that’s racing off a cliff.” – Deacon Bainbridge to Daniel Durand, The Golden Pinnacle, Robert Gore, (2013) The pack is racing off a cliff. There is a vast complex […]

The Institutional Insanity Complex

Authored by Robert Gore via Straight Line Logic, “Nobody does. The crowd never thinks. People are only comfortable in a pack, and they’re most comfortable in one that’s racing off a cliff.” – Deacon Bainbridge to Daniel Durand, The Golden Pinnacle, Robert Gore, (2013) The pack is racing off a cliff. There is a vast complex […]

Gaza’s Miracle of the Manna: Aid and the American God complex

Gaza’s skies now oscillate between punishment and mercy, terror and relief, as U.S. aid is dropped among its besieged population alongside U.S.-made bombs. Source

Gaza’s Miracle of the Manna: Aid and the American God complex

Gaza’s skies now oscillate between punishment and mercy, terror and relief, as U.S. aid is dropped among its besieged population alongside U.S.-made bombs. Source

Gaza’s Miracle of the Manna: Aid and the American God complex

Gaza’s skies now oscillate between punishment and mercy, terror and relief, as U.S. aid is dropped among its besieged population alongside U.S.-made bombs. Source

BuzzFeed Shares Soar After Sale Of Complex 

Corporate media is on life support. Advertising revenues are sliding, mass layoffs are hitting woke publications, and ‘restructurings’ are happening all over. Last month, Authentic Brands Group sent rights holder Arena Group a letter terminating Sports Illustrated’s license after failing to pay a $3.75 million quarterly payment at the end of 2023. In other words, the publisher […]

RFK Jr: The Wuhan Cover-Up & The Rise Of The Biowarfare-Industrial Complex

The Wuhan Cover-Up and the Terrifying Bioweapons Arms Race (Skyhorse Publishing, December 3, 2023) is a crucial book for understanding how the Covid catastrophe happened.  I would even go so far as to argue that RFK, Jr.’s new book is the most important Covid chronicle to date, although it ends at the beginning of 2020, before most of us […]

2024 Is the New 1984: Big Brother and the Rise of the Security Industrial Complex

Forty years past the time that George Orwell envisioned the stomping boot of Big Brother, the police state is about to pass off the baton to the surveillance state. Source

Major European Banks At Center Of Complex Iran Sanctions Evasion Scandal

Major European Banks At Center Of Complex Iran Sanctions Evasion Scandal Ever since Obama’s very short-lived nuclear deal with Iran was scrapped by the subsequent Trump administration, Tehran has ramped up its efforts at sanctions evasion, which has especially relied on a fleet of ‘ghost tankers’ sailing primarily to China. But the story of the […]

More Complex Chip Structures Found In COVID-19 ‘Vaccines’—What are they and how are they activated?

DAVID NIXONNixonlab As discussed yesterday I reviewed this sample just over 2 months later. I have juxtaposed a couple of images for direct comparison. This is bewildering eh…. how do this structures change like this? Why is the background matrix (for want of a better word ) appear so active? Once again more questions than […]

Will The Woke Industrial Complex Ever Wake Up?

Authored by Christian Milord via The Epoch Times, Have you ever wondered if and when the woke industrial complex will rise out of its slumber and smell the coffee? There are plenty of common-sense folks who wonder about the same topic. It appears that woke influencers in business, education, entertainment, government, and sports repeat the […]

The White House Is Controlled by the Medical-Industrial Complex

Last February, the serving White House (WH) Chief of Staff (COS) quietly resigned, and a new one was ushered in. But a comparison of the outgoing and incoming WH Chief of Staff demonstrates striking similarities. A careful reading of the bios of Biden’s two chief of staff picks reveals a disturbing trend. Both choices appear […]

Dismantle The Censorship-Industrial Complex: The Westminster Declaration

ZeroHedge News | Tyler Durden  The Westminster Declaration We write as journalists, artists, authors, activists, technologists, and academics to warn of increasing international censorship that threatens to erode centuries-old democratic norms. Coming from the left, right, and centre, we are united by our commitment to universal human rights and freedom of speech, and we are all deeply concerned about […]

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