Posts Tagged ‘guilt’


by Paul Cudenec When the smoke cleared in Europe in 1945 it revealed a continent in physical and psychological ruins. Millions lay dead from the second terrible war in a couple of decades; surviving populations were traumatised by bombing raids and invasions; great cities had been reduced to rubble and the US and Soviet military empires were dividing […]


by Paul Cudenec When the smoke cleared in Europe in 1945 it revealed a continent in physical and psychological ruins. Millions lay dead from the second terrible war in a couple of decades; surviving populations were traumatised by bombing raids and invasions; great cities had been reduced to rubble and the US and Soviet military empires were dividing […]

White guilt and Biden’s support for the genocide in Gaza

Underlying the unqualified American support for Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza are feelings of white guilt over antisemitism, which have been projected onto a people that had nothing to do with these crimes. Source

COMMUNISM: NY Attorney General Letitia James Admits Her Guilt in Denying Trump Due Process — Says Judge Found Donald Trump Guilty “Before This Trial Even Began” (VIDEO)

COMMUNISM: NY Attorney General Letitia James Admits Her Guilt in Denying Trump Due Process — Says Judge Found Donald Trump Guilty “Before This Trial Even Began” (VIDEO) Source

White Guilt Or Get Fired

NHS bosses may have ignored warnings about baby killer Lucy Letby, but they did manage to put a lot of resources into ‘anti-racism’ training which mandates employees express white guilt to keep their jobs. Please share this video! SUBSCRIBE on YouTube: Follow on Twitter: Follow @PrisonPlanet ——————————————————————————————————————— Brand new merch now available! Get it […]

Buried with indictments, Trump will be stamped with guilt, lose credibility and forfeit crucial swing voters

Whatever your politics, “Trump” and “loser” will be his linked lockstep legacy. Source

The Holocaust Lie: jews Imposing Guilt and Furthering Genocide of White People

This struggle must be fought, and because the fate of future generations depends on its outcome, we had better win it. The holocaust lie has poisoned White people of European descent with a guilt complex that threatens to destroy our self-respect and our will to survive. Source

9 Easy Ways To Assuage Your White Guilt

Brought to you by Patriot Mobile: If you’re reading this you’re probably feeling pretty white and guilty right about now. Never fear! We’ve got some great tips to help you cleanse your shame and live your best life today! And even if you aren’t white, you’ve probably been infected with a few pounds of whiteness […]

9 Easy Ways To Assuage Your White Guilt

Brought to you by Patriot Mobile: If you’re reading this you’re probably feeling pretty white and guilty right about now. Never fear! We’ve got some great tips to help you cleanse your shame and live your best life today! And even if you aren’t white, you’ve probably been infected with a few pounds of whiteness […]

UK’s Jet Zero strategy: The path to ‘guilt-free travel’ or ‘pure greenwash’?

 “At best, this plan will deliver peak carbon emissions in 2019, but with its plan for unlimited air travel growth, non-carbon aviation emissions will rise, and will persist all the way to 2050,” Dr. Alex Chapman from the New Economics Foundation said, as The Independent reported.” Source

BBC Explains How to Have Carbon Guilt Free Sex

Worried that your sex toy might be made of petroleum products? Have you checked the ingredients in your lube? The BBC wants to help people who might be worried about the carbon impact of their sex life. Eco-friendly sex: What is it and how does it impact on climate change? By Harriet OrrellBBC World Service […]

Pro-Vax “Messaging”, Including “Societal Guilt” Was Being Tested 6 Months Before Vaccine Approval

Pro-Vax “Messaging”, Including “Societal Guilt” Was Being Tested 6 Months Before Vaccine ApprovalPosted on October 9, 2021 By Matt AgoristAccording to Encyclopedia Britannica, Propaganda is the more or less systematic effort to manipulate other people’s beliefs, attitudes, or actions by means of symbols (words, gestures, banners, monuments, music, clothing, insignia, hairstyles, designs on coins and […]

Jonathan Greenblatt Says “The GUILT of the Holocaust Is Fading”

The ADL admits that jewish supremacists use the Holocaust to make people feel guilty, thereby controlling what ideas they are allowed to think. Share now! Source

Imposing a Guilt Complex – The Social and Political Impact of the jewish Holocaust Campaign

Imposing a Guilt Complex The Social and Political Impact of the Holocaust Campaign in Today’s Europe by Jürgen Graf Published: 1995-11-01 This paper is adapted from Graf’s presentation at the Twelfth IHR Conference, September 3-5, 1994. This is not another lecture detailing incongruities of the Gerstein report or technical impossibilities of mass gassings in German […]

Greta Thunberg’s secret plan was Racism and White Guilt NOT Saving the Planet

    Acknowledging white privilege now appears to be the number one priority in woke etiquette, if the bizarre decision by Auckland’s School Strike 4 Climate chapter to announce itself racist and disband is anything to go by. That woke politics is divisive is a bit of an understatement. The politics of cultural identity feeds […]

Monetising White Guilt: Virtue signalling women pay $5,000 for dinner to be shamed for their Whiteness

    There is something deeply nauseating about the sight of a group of middle-class white women who have paid $5,000 to take part in a dinner party where they get a chance to confront their privilege. These now-widely reported events are organised by Race2Dinner, a company created by Regina Jackson, who is black, and […]

Europe’s Failure Over Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Due to Germany’s Nazi Guilt and EU’s Subservience to United States

June 1, 2021 Former editor and writer for major news media organizations. He has written extensively on international affairs, with articles published in several languages Finian Cunningham The international community has to end its support for the apartheid state of Israel and must stop the genocide of the Palestinian people, says MEP Mick Wallace in […]

Lockheed Martin’s White Guilt Brainwashing Camp

Kelloggs has launched a special gay pride cereal that encourages buyers to choose the pronouns of characters such as Toucan Sam. Yes, really. “Friend sent this to me. I had know idea that Tony the Tiger and the Toucan Sam were dating,” tweeted Dave Rubin. Friend sent this to me. I had know idea that […]

Chauvin’s White Guilt

Brother Nathanael Channel, BroVids Chauvin’s White Guilt April 27 2021 Watch: ‘Censor-Free!’ HERE! ___________________________________More +BN Vids! Kyle Rittenhouse—Hero And Martyr Here! How To Fix The Media Here! Imagining Antifa Here! A License To Loot Here! Black Lives Matter-Who Benefits? Here! Prepping For Secession Here! +BN Classics On Brother Nathanael Channel! Buy Your Gun Yet? Here! […]

RH – D-Day, the Myth of German War Guilt and Dwight D. Eisenhower

RH – D-Day, the Myth of German War Guilt and Dwight D. EisenhowerRESTORATION HOUR Pastor Eli James explains how the 20-year-old smear campaign against the German people began with British agents and how the real mass murderers are the Jews and their hired henchmen in communism.  Dwight D. Eisenhower is revealed as one of the […]

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