Posts Tagged ‘Genocide’

ZELENSKY’S DELIBERATE GENOCIDE NOW EXPOSED! Ukrainian conscripts ‘don’t want to fight’ – Belgian state TV

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‘Responsible for a genocide’: Jewish-American groups reject Netanyahu visit to US

(NaturalNews) As pro-Palestinian groups protest against Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to a joint seating of Congress on Wednesday, some Jewish- and… Source

What it’s like for Palestinian women living through the Gaza genocide

Palestinian women have been forced to demonstrate remarkable resilience while navigating the harsh realities of Israel’s genocidal war for themselves and their families. Source

Day 291 of Genocide: Israeli Occupation Forces Kill Palestinians in Several Gaza Areas

July 23, 2024 The death toll from the intense Israeli occupation bombardment on the eastern areas of Khan Yunis, south of the Gaza Strip, rose to 77, while more than 30 others are still under the rubble, and about 200 others were injured, including children and women, according to medical sources. The widespread Israeli aggression […]

Netanyahu’s speech to Congress will seek to maintain support for genocide

Benjamin Netanyahu will use his upcoming speech to a joint session of Congress to consolidate political support for the genocide in Gaza from both Republicans and Democrats. The leadership of both parties appear happy to oblige. Source

The IDF’s Gaza Genocide Proceeds With All Deliberate Speed and Barbarism

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EI live: Important new film exposes Israel’s Gaza genocide

Join the Electronic Intifada livestream this afternoon for our ongoing coverage of the Israeli genocide in Gaza, and the Palestinian resistance to it. As well as YouTube, the stream will also be live on Twitter, Facebook and Twitch. This afternoon’s lineup: We will be joined by Laila Al-Arian, executive producer of an important new film […]

Yemen heats naval front as Gaza genocide continues, strikes 3 ships

June 14, 2024 Source: Al Mayadeen Listen By Al Mayadeen English The spokesperson of the YAF says that the Verbena vessel in the Arabian Sea was targeted and hit leading to a fire erupting onboard. The Yemeni Armed Forces (YAF) targeted three ships in the Red and Arabian Seas as part of the operations in support of […]

‘People’s red line’ surrounds the White House to demand end of Gaza genocide

On June 8, an estimated 100,000 people formed a two-mile “people’s red line” surrounding the White House in Washington, D.C. to protest the genocide in Gaza and the U.S. role in the mass murder of Palestinians. Source

Israel’s Genocide Has Never Been More Obvious & Scientists #Baffled By 22% Decline In Sperm Motility

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (6/7/24). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Israel’s progression from Apartheid to Genocide

For Palestinians, Israel’s violence began long before October 7, 2023. The unfolding genocide in Gaza is the latest chapter in a series of Israel’s settler-colonial practices to remove Palestinians by force from their land. These practices began with the inception of the state of Israel.   The most fateful year in modern Palestinian history was 1948, […]

The genocide in Israeli prisons

Israel’s genocidal war on Palestinians since last October has extended beyond the daily mass death, displacement, and starvation of the civilian population in the Gaza Strip. Behind the bars of Israeli prisons, Israel has been waging war against Palestinian prisoners, creating conditions that make the continuation of human life impossible. The effects of this brutal […]

Mask Off Maersk: Demand logistics giant Maersk cut ties with genocide

Editor’s Note: The Palestinian Youth Movement issued the following statement on June 3, 2024. To learn more, visit Today, the Palestinian Youth Movement (PYM) announced the new transnational arms embargo campaign, ‘Mask Off Maersk’, targeting Maersk, the world’s largest integrated logistics and shipping company. Organisers aim to end Maersk’s pervasive role in the transportation […]

To Continue the Gaza Genocide, Israel and the US Must Destroy the Laws of War

The world’s two highest courts have made an implacable enemy of Israel in trying to uphold international law and end Israeli atrocities in Gaza. Separate announcements last week by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and the International Criminal Court (ICC) should have forced Israel on to the back foot in Gaza. A panel of […]

Keith Harmon Snow Reveals the Truth About the Rwandan Genocide

Keith Harmon Snow joins us today to discuss how the true story of the Rwandan genocide (and who was really behind it) has been completely inverted in the official rendering of that narrative. Source

Radiohead’s Jonny Greenwood: Stop Artwashing Genocide

Radiohead's Jonny Greenwood: Stop Artwashing Genocide Update Performing in apartheid Israel – while it burns Palestinian refugees alive a short drive away in Gaza – is profoundly immoral and covers up genocide  Cultural Boycott May 30, 2024 By:  Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) Source

Episode 459 – The Rwandan Genocide Is A Lie

Everyone has heard of the Rwandan genocide of 1994. But everything you have heard about the so-called “hundred days” is either a distortion, a misrepresentation or a downright lie. Source

May 27 – Gaza Genocide Has Destroyed My Faith in Humanity

Do you believe in Karma? This is Berlin. Warsaw. London, Washington, Ottawa in the coming nuclear war. Please send links and comments to [email protected] I am the inventor of Scruples, the game of moral dilemmas. I have done the moral arithmetic. Anyone who condones the Gaza genocide has no moral defense against being similarly liquidated. […]

Urgent Action Alert as Israel intensifies its genocide in Gaza

Urgent Action Alert as Israel intensifies its genocide in Gaza Action Alert Israel has carried out one of its bloodiest massacres yet, in open defiance of last Friday’s explicit order by the International Court of Justice that Israel cease its military offensive in Rafah immediately. Economic Boycott Military Embargo Apartheid Free Zones Sanctions and governments […]

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