Posts Tagged ‘committing’

Biden campaign not yet committing to general election debates

President Biden’s reelection campaign isn’t yet committing to general election debates in a contest that is shaping up to again pit Biden against former President Trump because of his massive lead in the GOP primary polls. Deputy campaign manager Quentin Fulks told reporters in Alabama on Wednesday that the Biden campaign “will have those conversations”… […]

South Africa Accuses Israel Of Committing Genocide In Gaza

South Africa’s government recalled its ambassador and diplomatic mission to Israel in condemnation of the bombardment that’s killed over 10,000 Palestinians. Source

UN Experts Say Israel Is Committing Crimes Against Humanity In Gaza

Israel’s bombing of schools and hospitals in the Gaza Strip, as well as the blockade of the enclave are crimes against humanity, according to a report by UN special experts. The report said that the […] The post UN Experts Say Israel Is Committing Crimes Against Humanity In Gaza appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

Israel is committing an epic war crime with US backing and arms

Where is the U.S. peace movement and the U.S. public outrage? Source

Venezuela: president says Israel is committing ‘genocide’ against Palestinian people

Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro has accused Israel of “genocide” against the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. Maduro made his comment in a televised address on Monday. “The Secretary-General of the United Nations issued a statement, which we read carefully, as a warning and alert about the genocide that has begun against the Palestinian people in […]

Those Who Get Jabbed Again are Committing Suicide

Those Who Get Jabbed Again are Committing Suicide! In fact anyone who takes ANY “vaccine” now is more than likely committing suicide. The Killer Jabbers have been very open about putting the mRNA experimental witch’s brew voodoo death dart into all “vaccines” now. At this point, there is a preponderance of evidence both the Scamdemic […]

Elon Musk ‘Committing Evil’ By Blocking Internet Access, Top Ukrainian Advisor Says

Mykhailo Podolyak, a top adviser to Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, slammed the decision in a post on X, Musk’s platform. Source

Western operatives committing terrorists acts in and around Moscow whenever they choose to—WOW!

READ HERE: Over 45 Injured After Massive Explosion Hits Military Optics Plant Near Moscow   Source

Rand Paul Issues Criminal Referral for Dr. Fauci for Committing ‘Crimes Against Humanity’

Senator Rand Paul has criminally referred Dr. Anthony Fauci to the DOJ for committing “crimes against humanity” and killing hundreds of millions around the globe. According to Sen. Paul, Dr. Fauci also flat-out lied to […] The post Rand Paul Issues Criminal Referral for Dr. Fauci for Committing ‘Crimes Against Humanity’ appeared first on The […]

Never Forget They Are Committing White Genocide

Once upon a time White people did not have to worry about hordes of illegal invaders flooding across Source

‘Israel’ Braces for Escalation After Committing Massacre in Jenin

 January 26, 2023 The Zionist entity is bracing for an escalation with the Palestinian resistance on Thursday, after Israeli occupation forces committed horrible massacre in Jenin, killing 9 Palestinians and injuring at least 20 others. Israeli media quoted an Israeli defense establishment source as saying that occupation forces will be placed on high alert across […]

Scott Bennett to Al-Ahed: ‘Israel’ Is Committing War Crimes in Palestine

Nov 3 2022 By Mostafa Awada Former US Army Special Operations Officer [11th Psychological Operations Battalion, Civil Affairs-Psychological Operations Command] Scott Bennett accused the ‘Israeli’ occupation entity of committing war crimes and crimes against humanity against the Palestinian people. Bennett made the remarks in a conversation with al-Ahed News on the sidelines of his participation […]

WHY Is Germany Committing Suicide? The Same Reasons WHY the EU/UK is Being Deindustrialized!

September 18, 2022 Source by David Chu for the Saker blog Well that’s the real question, isn’t it? Why? The how and the who is just scenery for the public. Oswald, Ruby, Cuba, the Mafia. Keeps ’em guessing like some kind of parlor game, prevents ’em from asking the most important question, why? Why was […]

Europe Has No Real Alternatives To Russian Gas—So then why is the EU committing economic suicide?!?!?!


Europe Has No Real Alternatives To Russian Gas—So then why is the EU committing economic suicide?!?!?!


Europe Has No Real Alternatives To Russian Gas—So then why is the EU committing economic suicide?!?!?!


Europe Has No Real Alternatives To Russian Gas—So then why is the EU committing economic suicide?!?!?!


Europe Has No Real Alternatives To Russian Gas—So then why is the EU committing economic suicide?!?!?!


Jan. 6 Committee Star Witness Caught Committing Perjury – US Secret Service DENY Trump Tried to Grab Steering Wheel

One of the Democrats’ star witnesses at the Jan. 6 hearings committed perjury on Wednesday after it was revealed she lied about President Trump grabbing the steering wheel from a Secret Service agent. Cassidy Hutchinson […] The post Jan. 6 Committee Star Witness Caught Committing Perjury – US Secret Service DENY Trump Tried to Grab […]

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