Posts Tagged ‘fauci’

Fauci Files Reveal Pfizer Helped Biden Rig 2020 Election

Pfizer secretly colluded with Joe Biden’s team to help him rig the 2020 election against Trump, according to new Fauci documents. In his new book, “On Call,” Fauci admits that Albert Bourla, the CEO of […] The post Fauci Files Reveal Pfizer Helped Biden Rig 2020 Election appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Did Fauci Admit That School Closures Were a Mistake?

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL Anthony Fauci actually concedes that he may have been mistaken? Stop the presses! It’s hard to believe considering the list of his policy failures, spectacular misinformation, and revisionist history is almost quite literally endless. Yet in a recent media interview, Fauci stated that a nationwide policy that he supported actually didn’t […]

Jim Jordan Should Ask Fauci This…

As recently reported by Reclaim the Net, Anthony Fauci is being called to testify by House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan for his “alleged role in the Biden White House’s censorship initiatives.” Right away a glaring issue emerges: The censorship of dissenting Covid narratives started all the way back in late January-early February 2020, with Fauci […]

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene tells Fauci: “You should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity”

(NaturalNews) During a recent congressional hearing, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) put career criminal Tony Fauci on blast for his involvement in committing… Source

Insane Bill Gates and Fauci-Funded Scientist Combines Bird Flu With Deadly Spanish Flu in Gain-of-Function Research

As mainstream media jarringly reverses its 3-year long contention and reportage that the COVID vaccines are “safe and effective,” now acknowledging a study which would almost certainly have previously been censored, a popular v-blogger unearthed, in 2022, a study which shows that a heavily Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci-funded scientist at UW-Madison, Prof. Yoshihiro Kawaoka. […]

Joe Rogan DESTROYS Fauci After Blaming Unvaxed for 300K Deaths

Tony Fauci recently said the unvaccinated were “responsible” for an “additional 200,000 to 300,000 deaths” in America. Well, Joe Rogan now has some words for Mr. Fauci. Join 59K+ subscribers and 940K+ 𝕏 users who follow the work of Vigilant Fox. Subscribe to Vigilant News today to get the scoop on stories you won’t see […]

Legend Who Went Viral Trolling Fauci Revealed

Fauci was humiliated before millions when he broke into tears during his first public testimony in 2 years. The internet went crazy when 29-year-old Brandon Fellows stared into the camera, making sad faces as Fauci complained about “death threats.” Fauci critics instantly labeled Fellows a “legend” as he continued to make faces throughout Fauci’s four-hour […]

Fauci Admits He Made Up Tyrannical COVID Guidelines Including Child Masking and Social Distancing — Were Based on Mere Assumptions, Not Science

Fauci Admits He Made Up Tyrannical COVID Guidelines Including Child Masking and Social Distancing — Were Based on Mere Assumptions, Not Science Source

Fauci Admits Elite Did Not Follow Same “Pointless COVID Rules” Forced on Public

Incriminating testimony from Dr. Anthony Fauci reveals the elite did not follow the same “pointless COVID rules” that were forced on the public. Leaked transcript of testimony with Fauci given in January was released this […] The post Fauci Admits Elite Did Not Follow Same “Pointless COVID Rules” Forced on Public appeared first on The […]

Dr. Fauci’s Lieutenant on the Hot Seat

In a moment of rare bipartisan denunciation, Democrat Representative Kweisi Mfume (D-MD) confronted Dr. David Morens, longtime advisor to Dr. Fauci: “Sir, I think you’re going to be haunted by your testimony today.” Dr. Morens, a senior scientific advisor at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), has been embroiled in controversy following revelations of his […]

“People Died Because Fauci Lied”: Attorney Tom Renz Testifies to the Ohio State Senate

• “They told us we have to social distance because it’ll keep us safe. Several years later, we found out that it wasn’t based on science. It was arbitrary.” • “They told us that ivermectin is horse paste. It is? It’s been used globally for years. It saved billions of lives. It’s one of the […]

Dr. Fauci’s Closest Aide Found Guilty of ‘Criminal Misconduct’

Dr. Anthony Fauci’s closest aide was found guilty of ‘criminal misconduct’ on Wednesday by the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic. According to a memo issued by Congress, Dr. David Morens acted in bad faith […] The post Dr. Fauci’s Closest Aide Found Guilty of ‘Criminal Misconduct’ appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Elon Musk Says “Prosecute/Fauci” After Health Official Makes Damning Admission

“Prosecute/Fauci” quote tweeted Elon Musk, owner and CTO of the 𝕏 platform on Friday. Musk’s comments were in response to a New York Post cover titled “SICK LIES: After Years of Falsehoods, health official ADMITS US funded dangerous virus research at China’s COVID Lab.” Here’s a summary of the New York Post article: • NIH […]

Fauci Could Face Hefty Prison Sentence for Lying AGAIN Under Oath

Dr. Anthony Fauci could face a hefty prison sentence after a newly unearthed video proves he lied under oath to Congress yet again. The video proves that Fauci lied to Congress when he denied previously […] The post Fauci Could Face Hefty Prison Sentence for Lying AGAIN Under Oath appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

New evidence proves Tony Fauci LIED under oath, claiming he barely knew top coronavirus scientist Ralph Baric

(NaturalNews) A newly unearthed video – watch below – proves that the infamous Tony Fauci lied under oath when he denied previously knowing Ralph Baric and… Source

Aaron Rodgers Drops Bombshell: ‘Fauci Created AIDS in 80’s as Part of Depopulation Experiment’

New York Jets quarterback Aaron Rodgers has declared that Dr. Anthony Fauci created AIDS in a lab in the 1980’s as part of a sick depopulation experiment on humanity. According to Rodgers, AIDS was the blueprint for the elite’s to test various methods of depopulating the globe. BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign up to get unfiltered […]

New Report Details Horrifying Cost of Fauci’s Failures

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL In the post-pandemic period of Covid, there’s now a concerted effort to comprehend and explain the damage that was caused by our capitulating to the hysterical overreaction and overreach of the ‘experts.’ There’s a long list of policy failures to examine; mask mandates were a disaster that accomplished absolute nothing of value, […]

A Fauci for Every Farm Animal

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL Mainline industrial confinement livestock producers routinely feeding subtherapeutic antibiotics to their animals have been desperate for an alternative for many years. As superbugs like cDiff and MRSA developed, consumer backlash against ubiquitous antibiotic use increased. When consumer advocacy groups pummeled factory farmers with headlines like “Who’s Drugging Your Dinner?” the […]

Caught Red Handed: Fauci, Gates & Moderna are responsible for the COVID Pandemic – U.S. D.O.D issued a ‘COVID-19 Research’ contract 3 Months before COVID was known to exist – & Fauci & Moderna had a Vaccine ready in Dec. 2019

BY THE EXPOSÉ ON FEBRUARY 21, 2024 • ( 8 COMMENTS ) The discovery of a contract awarded by the U.S. Department of Defense to Labyrinth Global Health for “COVID-19 Research” in November 2019 has raised questions about the permanent U.S. Government’s knowledge of the novel coronavirus. The contract was part of a larger project for a “Biological threat reduction program in […]

Dr. Fauci Helped Homeschooling Grow

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