Posts Tagged ‘trolling’

Legend Who Went Viral Trolling Fauci Revealed

Fauci was humiliated before millions when he broke into tears during his first public testimony in 2 years. The internet went crazy when 29-year-old Brandon Fellows stared into the camera, making sad faces as Fauci complained about “death threats.” Fauci critics instantly labeled Fellows a “legend” as he continued to make faces throughout Fauci’s four-hour […]

Right Wing Round-Up: Trolling His Way To Power

Sam Brodey @ The Daily Beast: North Carolina Guv Frontrunner Had Secret Meeting With Ginni Thomas After Jan. 6. Now, as [Mark] Robinson ramps up his campaign for North Carolina’s governorship in 2024, documents obtained by The Daily Beast shed light on the extent of his private ties to the movement to contest, overturn, and […]

Trump’s Infamous Trolling Could Now Send Him to Jail

Legal experts have been warning for months that former President Donald Trump’s big mouth could land him in fresh legal trouble—including, possibly, jail.  On Monday, Trump took a big, new step in that direction.  A federal judge in Trump’s federal 2020 election-subversion case in Washington D.C. slapped the former president with a partial gag order, […]

The Greatest Act Of Political Trolling Ever!!!

Is This the Greatest Job of Political Trolling Ever? BY CHRIS QUEEN PJ Media AP Photo/Phil Sears Modern politics is annoying and frustrating, but one of the most entertaining things about it is when conservatives troll left-wingers. So much of it takes place on social media, but sometimes the trolling actually takes place in legislatures.The […]

Octavian’s Trolling and Propaganda Against Mark Antony

In 1493, the invention of the Gutenberg printing press dramatically amplified the gathering and dissemination of news. However, this innovation came with a dark side as it later delivered the Great Moon Hoax of 1835. The Great Moon Hoax was the first-large scale news hoax in which the New York Sun published a series of […]

Trolling Some Jews With Hitler Video

These jews couldn’t handle good old Uncle Adolf. Sub my bitchute. Help me out with some shekels.

Trolling a Fat Cow & Queer Friends

A fat cow and her queerfreak friends get trolled by Spanish matador. Sub my bitchute. Help me out with some shekels.

Trolling Some Dotheads

Owning some dotheads about their anti-white pathology. Sub my bitchute. Help out a nigga in need, yo!

Trolling Some Fools About the Negro Penchant for Looting

Trolling some fools about negro looting. Sub my bitchute. Help out a nigga in need, yo!

Trolling Some BLM Bitches

These whiny cunts don’t know what hit them! Sub my bitchute. Help out a nigga in need, yo!

Trolling Some Blacks

These blacks got a free lesson on the JQ. Sub my bitchute. Help out a nigga in need, yo!

Could Trump’s Media Trolling Spark Laws To “Protect Journalists”?

July 8, 2017 Activist Post Daily Newsletter Subscription is FREE and CONFIDENTIAL Free Report: 10 Ways to Survive the Economic Collapse with subscription Source Article from

CIA Agents Caught Red Handed Trolling Alternative Media Sites

The CIA have expanded their program that facilitates fake propaganda stories by using agents to troll internet forums, social media and alternative website in a huge attack on Alternative Media. The expansion of Operation Mockingbird sees CIA agents use fake user accounts on various internet forums and social channels, arguing with real users in an […]

Sick Dyke Creates Educational Program to Brainwash Children Into the Homosexual Lifestyle

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer June 23, 2016 A sick dyke – who looks like a Jew – has created a program to indoctrinate pre-schoolers into the homosexual lifestyle. Lindsey Amer is a twisted lesbo who is obsessed with psychologically abusing children, and has created an entire “educational” program to teach children how to become homosexual perverts. […]

Sweden accepts NATO troops amid anti-Russia hysteria: Zio-Watch, May 26, 2016

Donald Trump attending the 2016 the New York State Republican Gala in New York City, April 14, 2016. (Eduardo Munoz Alvarez/Getty Images) WASHINGTON (JTA) — Donald Trump and the Republican National Committee announced a fund-raising team that includes five current or former Republican Jewish Coalition board members. Of 20 members of the Victory Leadership Team […]

SHOCKING: Suicide Rises 24% for White Women, Teens & Black Men

Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Media Spokesperson, HEALTH MAX Brands   The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) National Center for Health Statistics has released a report showing the sharp rise in suicides in the US over the past 2 years. With drug use, the wealth distribution and other […]

The Canadian Dollar is Now Even Less of a Haven from a US Dollar Collapse Than It Was Before

In 2011, we posted an article entitled  “The Canadian Dollar is No Haven from a US Dollar Collapse.”  The point of the article was that Canada had almost no gold reserves and the only thing backing the Canadian dollar was the US dollar. Canadians were quite smug, back then, with the Canadian […]

The Canadian Dollar is Now Even Less of a Haven from a US Dollar Collapse Than It Was Before

In 2011, we posted an article entitled  “The Canadian Dollar is No Haven from a US Dollar Collapse.”  The point of the article was that Canada had almost no gold reserves and the only thing backing the Canadian dollar was the US dollar. Canadians were quite smug, back then, with the Canadian […]

The Canadian Dollar is Now Even Less of a Haven from a US Dollar Collapse Than It Was Before

In 2011, we posted an article entitled  “The Canadian Dollar is No Haven from a US Dollar Collapse.”  The point of the article was that Canada had almost no gold reserves and the only thing backing the Canadian dollar was the US dollar. Canadians were quite smug, back then, with the Canadian […]

The Canadian Dollar is Now Even Less of a Haven from a US Dollar Collapse Than It Was Before

In 2011, we posted an article entitled  “The Canadian Dollar is No Haven from a US Dollar Collapse.”  The point of the article was that Canada had almost no gold reserves and the only thing backing the Canadian dollar was the US dollar. Canadians were quite smug, back then, with the Canadian […]

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