Posts Tagged ‘fools’

Israel’s airstrike on Damascus one day after Easter 2024 (April Fools Day)

This attack in Damascus comes one day after Easter, and Paul saw the resurrected Jesus Christ, who told Paul to go to Damascus. Damascus is also connected to Saul in Acts. (Paul, Saul?) (Better call Saul? Persecution?) Also, this news comes on 49 date numerology, and Damascus is spoken of in Jeremiah 49.4/1/2024=4+1+20+24=49 (Damascus is […]

Letters to the Patronising Fools in Parliament

“Dear Richard, I am an adult. Some of my adult friends say that all members of parliament have our best interests at heart and that they are intelligent and respectful. Papa says if you see it on Substack it’s so. Please tell me the truth: are there patronising fools posing as members of parliament? Virginia” […]


fool /foo͞l/noun One who is deficient in judgment, sense, or understanding. One who acts unwisely on a given occasion.“I was a fool to have quit my job.” One who has been tricked or made to appear ridiculous; a dupe.“They made a fool of me by pretending I had won.” A fool is the run of […]

China & Russia Do Not Support Israel; Only the Fools in America Support Israel Who HATES America & Wants America to Be SLAVES

China and Russia Call for Independent Palestinian State By infostormer  – October 10, 2023 3 China and Russia have both commented on the Israel-Palestine war situation. Neither are supporting Israel and both are calling for the establishment of a Palestinian state.     Russia specifically blamed the United States for the problem and rightly described […]

Entire US Congress Are Stupid Idiot Clowns & Fools Who Voted To Declassify Non Existent “COVID-19” Origins Intel

‘211 health/science institutions globally all failed to cite even 1 record of “SARS-COV-2” purification, by anyone, anywhere, ever’ 211 health/science institutions globally all failed to cite even 1 record of “SARS-COV-2” purification, by anyone, anywhere, ever Either that or the Rothschild 30 shekel whores in Sodom & Gomorrah on the Potomac are Knowingly lying their […]

Beware the Tricks and Trickery from the Fools of Foreign Policy

Before I begin, let me say that we are all tired of rehashing the extent and character of western propaganda via corporate or elite-controlled media and channels. But we must be vigilant in calling them out, and in forcing through the dissenting view on Russia and other key subjects. With that, I give you another […]

Snordster – Poor Fools on the Grand Stage of Their Own Dishonour

An Excerpt from Les Visible’s Petri Dish Blog. Full text found here:… Source

Who’s Running this Ship of Fools?

Who’s Running this Ship of Fools? Date: November 13, 2022Author: Nwo Report Posted BY: Dennis Lund The puzzle as to who is really running the country, has been with us for some time. Certainly, all logic points to the fact the Joe Biden is an example of a man who has risen to his level […]

Hezbollah Official: Only Fools Assume Siege, Sanctions Will Undermine Resistance

Dec 06, 2021 By Staff, Agencies The head of Hezbollah Executive Council His Eminence Sayyed Hashem Saffiedine said certain parties that believe they can undermine the Resistance by siege and sanctions are “stupid.” “If some people imagine that that can weaken this resistance by siege, elections or sanctions, then I tell them: You are stupid, […]

Covid-19 Paranoia has cast a chill over Love, Sex, and Birthrates, and we were damn Fools to let it happen

Home » Extinction, North America, Social » Covid-19 Paranoia has cast a chill over Love, Sex, and Birthrates, and we were damn Fools to let it happen     Instead of allowing the human spirit to triumph in the face of adversity, we cowered in our homes, prevented children from learning and playing together, and […]

A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within

There’s sufficient evidence to indict Justin Trudeau, Chrystia Freeland, Doug Ford, Blaine Higgs and other top Canadian government officials for High Treason and Treason. All are actively and overtly assisting an enemy, Germany levy COVID-19 biological warfare / war against Canada. The charge of high treason and treason was made blatantly obvious when Justin Trudeau […]

April Fools in Belgium, volcano eruption in Iceland, cherry blossom in bloom | This week in pictures

This week, thousands turned up for a fake Daft Pank reunion concert in a Brussels park which was announced on social media as an April Fools joke. The ongoing volcano eruption in Iceland also continued to attract thousands of spectators and the beginning of cherry blossom season was enjoyed across the world. Here’s how these […]

After Fun April Fools’ Day Of Telling Jokes, Babylon Bee To Return To Real News Tomorrow

After Fun April Fools’ Day Of Telling Jokes, Babylon Bee To Return To Real News Tomorrow JUPITER, FL—After a fun, prank-filled day of telling jokes at The Babylon Bee, the popular website announced they would be returning to real news tomorrow. “Yeah, we have to loosen up once in a while and have fun,” said […]

“I Told You So. You Damned Fools”: 75 Years of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

THE DOOMSDAY CLOCK  (Courtesy of The Globe and Mail) Leafing – or in this case scrolling through – the commemorative issue of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists after 75 years of publication is a tingling exercise of existence.  The subject matter pushes you to the edge.  You threaten to fall off.  Death is promised; […]

Trolling Some Fools About the Negro Penchant for Looting

Trolling some fools about negro looting. Sub my bitchute. Help out a nigga in need, yo!

April Fools: Science Centers and Smart Meters and 5G “Small Cells” and Smokescreens Oh My!

March 30, 2018 By Patricia Burke In the 1950s, during the Cold War, the United States established a “science center” at Camp Century, on the Greenland Ice Sheet. However, the “science center” was not a research center; it was a storage site for an estimated 600 medium-range ballistic missiles with nuclear […]

Israel’s efforts to hide Palestinians from view no longer fools young American Jews

By Jonathan Cook in Nazareth Few books on Palestinian history become bestsellers. But one, titled A History of the Palestinian People: From Ancient Times to the Modern Era, managed to rocket to the top of Amazon’s charts this month. Its author, Assaf Voll, an Israeli academic, claims to have reviewed “thousands of sources” to explain […]

Is the U.S. Education System Producing a Society of “Smart Fools”?

Is the U.S. Education System Producing a Society of “Smart Fools”? June 2nd, 2017 Via: Scientific American: Tests like the SAT, ACT, the GRE—what I call the alphabet tests—are reasonably good measures of academic kinds of knowledge, plus general intelligence and related skills. They […]

Bloomberg News Shows Florida’s Coastal Home Buyers Are Fools

Bloomberg News Shows Florida’s Coastal Home Buyers Are Fools By Eric Eric Zuesse According to Bloomberg News, When it comes to buying homes on the coast, most Floridians are still optimists. Since the end of 2010, median home prices in and around Miami rose 120 percent. In other words: theyve more than doubled. And […]

Women Indigenous Rights Defenders Targeted by State & Corporate Terror

Christina Sarich, StaffWaking Times “I remember feeling that pieces of me were scattered around the world; I belonged to her, Mother Earth.” ~ Raquel Cepeda, Bird of Paradise Facing ever-growing levels of harassment from the current, crumbling power structure, a new breed of dis-obedient women is shaking up the world. No longer […]

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